Перевод: со всех языков на английский

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lost motion time

  • 1 vreme mrtvog hoda

    • lost motion time

    Српски-Енглески Технички речник > vreme mrtvog hoda

  • 2 vreme mrtvog hoda

    • lost motion time

    Serbian-English dictionary > vreme mrtvog hoda

  • 3 время холостого хода номеронабирателя

    1. lost motion time


    время холостого хода номеронабирателя

    [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > время холостого хода номеронабирателя

  • 4 время

    1) life

    2) time
    3) times
    4) while
    в настоящее время
    в ночное время
    в последнее время
    в то время
    в то время как
    во время
    время бездействия
    время бланка
    время взаимодействия
    время включения
    время возбуждения
    время возврата
    время возвращения
    время восстановления
    время всемирное
    время втягивания
    время выборки
    время выдерживания
    время выдержки
    время выключения
    время вылета
    время высвечивания
    время выходит
    время вычисления
    время года
    время декретное
    время до разрушения
    время до разрыва
    время доступа
    время дрейфа
    время жизни
    время заданное
    время задержки
    время заказа
    время замедления
    время занятия
    время запаздывания
    время записи
    время зарядки
    время затухания
    время захвата
    время звона
    время изготовления
    время изодрома
    время интеграции
    время интегрирования
    время искания
    время истинное
    время когерентности
    время лишнее
    время машинное
    время мировое
    время московское
    время на перемещение
    время нагрева
    время нарастания
    время облучения
    время обнаружения
    время обработки
    время обращения
    время ожидания
    время опроса
    время от времени
    время откачки
    время отладки
    время отпускания
    время переключения
    время перехода
    время по расписанию
    время подготовительно-заключительное
    время поиска
    время полувыравнивания
    время последействия
    время поясное
    время пребывания
    время преобразования
    время прибытия
    время прилета
    время прогрева
    время прокатки
    время пролета
    время просмотра
    время простойное
    время простоя
    время прохождения
    время развертывания
    время разговора
    время раскатки
    время раскачки
    время распознавания
    время реверберации
    время регулирования
    время релаксации
    время самовыравнивания
    время спадания
    время сплавления
    время срабатывания
    время счета
    время считывания
    время трогания
    время успокоения
    время установления
    время ухода
    время формования
    время хранения
    время цикла
    время чувствительности
    время экспонирования
    все время
    всемирное время
    вспомогательное время
    гражданское время
    декретное время
    единичное время
    еще во время
    заданное время
    заключительное время
    звездное время
    зональное время
    машинное время
    местное время
    мировое время
    модельное время
    настоящее время
    натуральное время
    непрерывное время
    операционное время
    отмечать время
    отсчитывать время
    подготовительное время
    полетное время
    потерянное время
    поясное время
    пусковое время
    разрешающее время
    расчетное время
    реальное время
    ручное время
    солнечное время
    стендовое время
    тарифицируемое время
    штучное время
    эфемеридное время
    ядерное время

    время безотказной работыtime between failures

    время блокировки приемникаreceiver blocking time

    время бызызлучательной релаксацииnon-radiative relaxation time

    время вхождения в синхронизмlocking time

    время выборки одного словаword time

    время выдачи информации — information access time, <comput.> readout time

    время гашения обратного ходаblanking period

    время горения дугиarc-duration

    время действия защитыtime of operation

    время диффузионного переносаdiffusion transit time

    время до запуска логического анализатораnegative time

    время заданное по графикуscheduled time

    время задержки импульсаpulse-delay time

    время задержки оптопарыdelay nime

    время запаздывания импульсаpulse delay time

    время излучательной релаксацииradiative relaxation time

    время использования цепиcircuit time

    время истинное местное<astr.> local apparent time

    время междолинного рассеянияintervalley scattering time

    время на перемещение нажимных винтовscrewdown time

    время нарастания импульсаpulse rise time

    время нарастания колебанийbuild-up time of oscillations

    время нарастания тока — build-up time, current-rise time

    время начала разговораtime on

    время обратного хода — retrace time, return time

    время обращения информации<comput.> circulation time

    время обращения к запоминающему устройствуstorage access

    время обрыва токаclearing time

    время одного поколенияgeneration time

    время ожидания максимальное и среднее<comput.> maximum and average delay

    время ожидания ответа станцииanswering interval

    время окончания разговораtime off

    время опустошения ловушкиtrap release time

    время открытия клапанаvalve-opening time

    время отладки программыprogram testing time

    время отсутствия колебанийresting time

    время переноса носителей зарядовtransit time

    время переходного периодаtransient period

    время переходного процессаresponse time

    время поворота антенныslew time

    время повторного включенияreclosing time

    время поиска неисправностиworking hours of

    время послевечения экранаafter-glow time

    время приема заказаfiling time

    время приема заказа на разговорbooking time

    время прилипания носителей зарядаtrapping time

    время приработки двигателяbreaking-in period

    время пролета доменаdomain transit time

    время простоя канала цепи связиcircuit outage time

    время простоя радиостанцииoff-air time

    время прохождения сигналаpropagation time

    время прохождения через афелийtime of aphelion passage

    время прохождения шкалыperiodic time

    время прямого восстановленияforward recovery time

    время распространения сигналаtime of propagation

    время свободного исканияhunting time

    время свободного пробегаmean free time

    время солнечное истинное<astr.> mean solar time

    время спада импульса — decay time, pulse fall time

    время тепловой релаксацииthermal relaxation time

    время установления равновесияequilibration time

    время установления соединенияconnection time

    время холостого ходаlost motion time

    время цикла памятиmemory cycle time

    излучательное время жизниradiative lifetime

    используемый в настоящее времяtime-independent

    максимальное время ожидания<comput.> time-out

    малое время обращения — quick access, rapid access

    отсчитывать время в обратном порядкеcount down time

    отсчитывать время от нуля вверхcount up time

    переводить дугу во времяchange arc into time

    полезное время работыgood time

    среднее солнечное времяmean solar time

    форсировать время включенияspeed up in turn-on

    форсировать время отключенияprovide speed-up in turn-off

    Русско-английский технический словарь > время

  • 5 vreme praznog hoda

    • idle current; lost motion time; off time

    Serbian-English dictionary > vreme praznog hoda

  • 6 время холостого хода номерного диска

    Electronics: lost motion time

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > время холостого хода номерного диска

  • 7 время холостого хода номеронабирателя

    Telephony: lost motion time

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > время холостого хода номеронабирателя

  • 8 время

    * * *
    вре́мя с.
    в дневно́е вре́мя — during daylight hours, in the daytime, by day
    в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — on a real time basis
    в ночно́е вре́мя — during the hours of darkness, at night
    в реа́льном масшта́бе вре́мени — on a real time basis
    до после́днего вре́мени — until recently
    зави́сящий от вре́мени — time-dependent (e. g., of current)
    испо́льзуемый в настоя́щее вре́мя — be now in use
    не зави́сящий от вре́мени — time-independent
    обращё́нный во вре́мени — time-reversed
    отнима́ть мно́го вре́мени — be time-consuming (e. g., of experiment)
    отсчи́тывать вре́мя ( о часах) — keep time
    отсчи́тывать вре́мя в обра́тном поря́дке — count down (time)
    отсчи́тывать вре́мя от нуля́ вверх — count up (time)
    постоя́нный во вре́мени — time-constant, stationary
    со вре́менем — in due course, in the course of time, in time
    сре́дний по вре́мени — time-average
    с тече́нием вре́мени — in the course of time
    абсолю́тное вре́мя — absolute time
    астрономи́ческое вре́мя — astronomical time
    а́томное вре́мя — atomic time
    вре́мя безде́йствия ( линии связи) — unoccupied [idle] time
    вре́мя безотка́зной рабо́ты — time between failures, TBF
    вре́мя безызлуча́тельной релакса́ции — non-radiative relaxation time
    вре́мя бла́нка тлв., рлк.blanking time
    вре́мя блокиро́вки приё́мника — receiver blocking time
    вре́мя блокиро́вки э́хо-загради́теля — hangover time of an echo suppressor
    вре́мя взаимоде́йствия — interaction time
    вре́мя включе́ния
    2. (контактов реле, автомата и т. п.) make-time
    вре́мя возвра́та ( в исходное состояние) — reset time
    вре́мя восстановле́ния — recovery time
    вре́мя восстановле́ния управле́ния тиратро́ном по се́тке — grid-recovery time
    всеми́рное вре́мя — universal time
    вспомога́тельное вре́мя ( на вспомогательные операции) — auxiliary [handling] time
    вре́мя втя́гивания ( реле) — pull-in time
    вре́мя вхожде́ния в синхрони́зм ( генератора колебаний) — locking time
    вре́мя вы́борки ( из памяти) — access time
    вре́мя вы́дачи информа́ции — information access time
    вре́мя выде́рживания ( радиоактивных продуктов) — decay [“cooling”] time
    вре́мя вы́держки
    1. (напр. бетона) curing time
    вре́мя выключе́ния ( полупроводниковых приборов) — turn-off time
    вре́мя вы́лета ( самолёта) — departure time
    вре́мя высве́чивания — de-excitation [luminescence] time, fluorescent lifetime
    вре́мя вычисле́ния — computing time
    вре́мя гаше́ния обра́тного хо́да ( развёртки) — blanking period
    вре́мя го́да — season
    вре́мя горе́ния дуги́ — arc-duration, arcing time
    гражда́нское вре́мя — civil time
    гри́нвичское вре́мя — Greenwich time
    вре́мя де́йствия защи́ты — time of operation (of protective gear, e. g., relays)
    декре́тное вре́мя — legal time
    дискре́тное вре́мя — discrete time
    вре́мя диффу́зии — diffusion time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя диффузио́нного перено́са — diffusion transit time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя диэлектри́ческой релакса́ции — dielectric relaxation time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя до разруше́ния — time to failure
    вре́мя до разры́ва — time to rupture
    вре́мя дре́йфа ( носителей заряда в полупроводниках) — drift time
    едини́чное вре́мя — unit time
    вре́мя жи́зни ( носителей зарядов) — life(time), survival time
    вре́мя жи́зни, излуча́тельное — radiative lifetime
    за́данное вре́мя — preset time
    вре́мя, за́данное по гра́фику — scheduled time
    вре́мя заде́ржки — delay time
    вре́мя заде́ржки и́мпульса — pulse-delay time
    вре́мя замедле́ния — slowing-down time
    вре́мя заня́тия свз.holding time
    вре́мя запа́здывания — time lag, lag time
    вре́мя запа́здывания и́мпульса — pulse delay time (Примечание. Русский термин вре́мя запа́здывания и́мпульса обозначает интервал времени между передними фронтами входного и выходного импульсов на уровне 50% от максимального значения, английский термин pulse delay time — на уровне 10% от максимального значения; пример: pulse delay time is … at 50% peak.)
    вре́мя за́писи — recording [writing] time
    вре́мя заря́дки ( батареи) — charging time
    вре́мя заступле́ния (напр. на дежурство) — check-in time
    вре́мя затуха́ния ( импульса) — fall time
    вре́мя захва́та ( носителей зарядов в полупроводниках) — capture time
    звё́здное вре́мя — sidereal time
    вре́мя зво́на радиоringing time
    зона́льное вре́мя — zone time
    вре́мя изготовле́ния — production time
    вре́мя излуча́тельной релакса́ции — radiative relaxation time
    вре́мя изодро́ма — integral action time
    вре́мя интегра́ции ( сигналов) — integration time
    вре́мя иска́ния тлф.selection time
    вре́мя испо́льзования це́пи ( в проводной связи) — circuit time
    исте́кшее вре́мя — the time elapsed after
    и́стинное вре́мя
    1. ав. true time
    2. астр. apparent time
    вре́мя когере́нтности (лазера, мазера) — coherence time
    маши́нное вре́мя — machine time
    вре́мя междоли́нного рассе́яния — intervalley scattering time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя ме́жду се́риями и́мпульсов набо́ра но́мера тлф.interdigit hunting time
    ме́стное вре́мя — local time
    вре́мя на перемеще́ние ( слитка) — ingot manipulation time
    вре́мя на перемеще́ние нажимны́х винто́в ( прокатного стана) — screwdown time
    вре́мя нараста́ния и́мпульса — pulse rise time
    вре́мя нараста́ния колеба́ний — build-up time
    вре́мя нараста́ния то́ка — current-rise time
    вре́мя на установле́ние и разъедине́ние соедине́ния тлф.operating time
    вре́мя нача́ла разгово́ра тлф. — “time on”, starting time of a call
    непреры́вное вре́мя вчт.continuous time
    нерабо́чее вре́мя — down [idle] time
    вре́мя облуче́ния — exposure [irradiation] time
    вре́мя обрабо́тки — processing time
    вре́мя обра́тного хо́да ( строчной и кадровой развёрток) — retrace [return] time
    вре́мя обраще́ния
    1. вчт. access time
    2. эл. time of circulation
    вре́мя обслу́живания мат.holding time
    вре́мя ожида́ния ( в теории массового обслуживания) — waiting time
    вре́мя ожида́ния отве́та ста́нции тлф.answering interval
    вре́мя ожида́ния установле́ния междунаро́дного соедине́ния — service interval of an international call
    вре́мя оконча́ния разгово́ра — “time off”, finish time of a call
    операцио́нное вре́мя — operation time
    вре́мя опроки́дывания ( спусковой схемы) — flip-over time
    вре́мя опро́са ( в телеметрической системе) — sampling time
    вре́мя опустоше́ния лову́шки — trap release time
    вре́мя осажде́ния ( покрытия) — deposition time
    вре́мя отка́чки вак.pump-down time
    вре́мя отключе́ния (повреждения, короткого замыкания и т. п.) — clearing time (of a circuit-breaker, fuse, etc.)
    вре́мя откры́тия кла́пана — valve-opening time, valve-opening period
    вре́мя отла́дки — debug time
    вре́мя отла́дки програ́ммы — program(me) testing time
    вре́мя отпуска́ния ( реле) — release [drop-out] time
    вре́мя отсу́тствия колеба́ний рлк.resting time
    вре́мя переключе́ния — switching time
    вре́мя переключе́ния в закры́тое состоя́ние — turn-off time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя переключе́ния в откры́тое состоя́ние — turn-on time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя перено́са носи́телей заря́дов — transit [transport] time
    вре́мя перехо́да ( из одного состояния в другое) — transition time
    вре́мя перехо́да из норма́льного в сверхпроводя́щее состоя́ние — normal-superconducting transition [n-s transition] time
    вре́мя перехо́да из сверхпроводя́щего в норма́льное состоя́ние — superconducting-normal transition [s-n transition] time
    вре́мя перехо́дного проце́сса — response time, transient response
    перехо́дное вре́мя ( движущего контакта) — transit time
    вре́мя поворо́та анте́нны — slew time
    вре́мя повто́рного включе́ния — reclosing time
    подготови́тельное вре́мя — preparation time
    подготови́тельно-заключи́тельное вре́мя — setting-up time
    вре́мя по́иска ( информации) — retrieval time
    полё́тное вре́мя — flight time
    вре́мя полувыра́внивания — rise time at 50% (of self-regulation)
    вре́мя по расписа́нию — schedule time
    вре́мя последе́йствия э́хо-загради́теля — hangover time of an echo suppressor
    вре́мя послесвече́ния экра́на — after-glow time, persistence
    вре́мя посы́лки вы́зова тлф.ringing time
    поясно́е вре́мя — standard [zone] time
    вре́мя пребыва́ния (напр. материала в аппарате) — dwell time, stay period, duration of stay
    вре́мя преобразова́ния — conversion time
    вре́мя прибы́тия — arrival time
    вре́мя приё́ма зака́за на разгово́р тлф. — booking [filing] time
    вре́мя приё́мистости ( двигателя) — acceleration period, acceleration time
    вре́мя прилипа́ния носи́телей заря́да — trapping time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя прирабо́тки дви́гателя — running-in [breaking-in] period
    вре́мя прогре́ва ( двигателя) — warm-up time
    производи́тельное вре́мя — production time
    вре́мя прока́тки — rolling time, time in rolls
    вре́мя пролё́та (напр. электронов) — transit time
    вре́мя пролё́та доме́на (в устройствах, использующих эффект Ганна) — domain transit time
    вре́мя просмо́тра ( потенциалоскопа) — viewing time
    вре́мя просто́я — down [idle] time
    вре́мя просто́я кана́ла цепи́ свя́зи — circuit outage [lost circuit] time
    вре́мя просто́я радиоста́нции — off-air time
    вре́мя прохожде́ния сигна́ла — propagation [transmission] time
    вре́мя прохожде́ния сигна́ла до це́ли и обра́тно рлк. — round-trip travel [round-trip propagation] time
    вре́мя прохожде́ния че́рез афе́лий — the time of aphelion passage
    вре́мя прохожде́ния шкалы́ ( в измерительных приборах) — periodic time
    вре́мя прямо́го восстановле́ния — forward recovery time (in semiconductors)
    пусково́е вре́мя ( двигателя) — starting time
    рабо́чее вре́мя — operating time
    вре́мя развё́ртывания (напр. радиостанции) — installation [set-up] time
    вре́мя разго́на ( двигателя) — acceleration period, acceleration time
    вре́мя разогре́ва — warm-up time
    разреша́ющее вре́мя — resolving [resolution] time
    вре́мя разря́да — discharge time
    вре́мя раска́чки ( контура) — build-up time
    вре́мя распа́да — decay time
    вре́мя распознава́ния ( образа) — (pattern) recognition time
    вре́мя распростране́ния ( сигнала) — propagation time
    расчё́тное вре́мя — estimated time
    вре́мя реа́кции — reaction time, time lag
    вре́мя ревербера́ции — reverberation time
    вре́мя релакса́ции — relaxation time
    ручно́е вре́мя — manual time
    вре́мя самовыра́внивания — rise time (of a self-regulating system)
    вре́мя свобо́дного иска́ния тлф.hunting time
    вре́мя свобо́дного пробе́га ( электрона) — mean free time
    со́лнечное вре́мя — solar time
    со́лнечное, сре́днее вре́мя — mean solar time
    вре́мя спа́да и́мпульса — pulse decay [fall] time
    вре́мя сплавле́ния — alloying time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя сраба́тывания ( реле) — operate [actuation] time
    вре́мя сраба́тывания счё́тчика части́ц — resolving time of a radiation counter
    вре́мя счё́та ( импульсов) — count(ing) time
    вре́мя счи́тывания — read-out time
    тарифици́руемое вре́мя тлф. — paid [toll, chargeable] time
    вре́мя теплово́й релакса́ции — thermal relaxation [thermal recovery] time (in semiconductors)
    вре́мя техни́ческого обслу́живания — servicing time
    вре́мя тро́гания ( реле) — time for motion to start
    вре́мя удержа́ния абоне́нта тлф.period of number reservation in long-distance service
    вре́мя успокое́ния ( приборов) — damping time
    вре́мя установле́ния
    вре́мя установле́ния равнове́сия — equilibration [equilibrium] time
    вре́мя установле́ния соедине́ния тлф. — connection [setting-up] time
    вре́мя ухо́да (напр. с дежурства, смены) — check-out time
    вре́мя формова́ния — moulding time
    характеристи́ческое вре́мя — characteristic time
    вре́мя холосто́го хо́да — idle time
    вре́мя хране́ния — storage time
    вре́мя ци́кла — cycle time
    вре́мя ци́кла па́мяти — memory cycle time
    вре́мя части́чного перехо́да в положе́ние поко́я — partial restoring time
    вре́мя чувстви́тельности — sensitive period, sensitive time
    шту́чное вре́мя — time per piece, floor-to-floor time
    вре́мя экспони́рования — time of exposure, exposure
    эфемери́дное вре́мя астр.ephemeris time
    я́дерное вре́мя — nuclear traversal time
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > время

  • 9 ход

    course, ( доменной печи) drive, driving, excursion, computation line геод., line, ( механизма) move, movement, ( шагающих балок) pitch метал., run, process, route, running, stroke, (напр. поршня) throw, trace, tracing, traverse, way
    * * *
    ход м.
    1. ( движение) motion, move, movement
    во вре́мя хо́да су́дна — while the ship is underway
    на ходу́ (напр. регулировать) — (e. g., adjust) on the go
    свои́м хо́дом (о судне, автомобиле и т. п.) — under its own power
    2. ( перемещение механизма) throw, travel; (поршня, ползуна) stroke; ( резьбы) lead
    3. (работа, эксплуатация) operation, service, action
    пуска́ть в ход — put into operation, put into service, put into action
    рабо́тать на холосто́м ходу́ — idle, run idle, run without load
    содержа́ть на ходу́ (напр. машины и т. п.) — keep (e. g., machines, etc.) in operation [in service, on the go]
    5. (развитие чего-л.) progress, course
    6. ( скорость) rate, speed
    7. (место, через которое проходят) passage; ( вход) entrance, entry
    8. (изменение или характер изменения какой-л. физической величины, как правило, в зависимости от другой) behaviour, change, dependence, variation
    9. геод., топ. computation course, computation line, route, traverse
    10. (вид движения в транспортных средствах; существует только в сочетаниях с определяющими словами):
    на гу́сеничном ходу́ — on tracks, tracked, track-laying
    на колё́сном ходу́ — on wheels, wheeled
    азимута́льный ход — azimuth(al) motion
    ход амортиза́тора — travel
    при хо́де растяже́ния амортиза́тора — during extension …
    при хо́де сжа́тия амортиза́тора — during contraction …
    ход бата́на текст. — path of lay, stroke of lathe
    ход без толчко́в — smooth motion
    бесшу́мный ход — silent [noiseless] running
    ход вверх — upstroke, upward [ascending] stroke
    ход вниз — downstroke, downward [inward, descending] stroke
    ход впу́ска двс. — suction [admission, intake, charging] stroke
    временно́й ход — time dependence, time variation, variation (of smth.) with time
    ход вса́сывания двс. — suction [admission, charging, intake] stroke
    ход вы́пуска двс. — outstroke, exhaust stroke
    высо́тный ход физ. — altitude curve, height dependence, altitudinal variations
    двойно́й ход — double stroke
    ход до́менной пе́чи — run [operation] of a blast furnace
    ход зави́симости — variation, dependence
    ход зави́симости, напр. x от y — plot of x as a function of y, behaviour of x with (variations in) y, variations in x with y
    за́дний ход — reverse movement; reverse [backward] running; ж.-д. moving back, return motion; (поршня, ползуна) back stroke
    за́мкнутый ход геод.closed circuit
    зо́льный ход кож.line round
    ход каре́тки
    1. вчт. carriage movement
    2. текст. pitch of the coil
    ход конта́ктов — contact travel
    ход криво́й — ( имеется в виду кривая как таковая) trend [shape, run] of a curve; (имеется в виду какая-л. физическая величина, представленная кривой):
    ход криво́й ано́дного то́ка в зави́симости от се́точного напряже́ния пока́зывает, что … — a plot of anode current against grid voltage shows that …, the manner in which anode current varies with grid voltage shows that …, the behaviour of anode current with (variations in) grid voltage shows that …
    лесоспла́вный ход — floating route
    ли́тниковый ход — sprue
    ход луча́ опт.ray path (length)
    стро́ить ход луча́ — set up [trace] a ray
    магистра́льный ход геод. — main [primary, principal] traverse
    ма́лый ход мор. — low [slow] speed
    ход маши́ны — machine running
    мё́ртвый ход ( зазор в механизме) — backlash, lost motion, play, free travel, slack
    ход нагнета́ния двс.pressure stroke
    неравноме́рный ход — irregular [discontinuous, uneven] running
    нивели́рный ход — line of levels, level(ling) line
    обра́тный ход — reverse [return] motion; reverse [backward] running; back stroke
    одина́рный ход — single stroke
    ход педа́ли авто — pedal stroke, pedal travel
    ход педа́ли сцепле́ния, свобо́дный — clutch pedal clearance, free travel of the clutch pedal
    пере́дний ход — forward motion; forward running; мор. advancing, aheading
    перекидно́й ход ( коксовой печи) — cross-over flue
    ход пе́чи — run [operation, working] of a furnace
    расстро́ить ход пе́чи — disturb [upset] the operation of a furnace
    ход пе́чи, горя́чий — hot run of a furnace
    ход пе́чи, неро́вный — erratic [irregular] operation of a furnace
    ход пе́чи, расстро́енный — disturbed operation of a furnace
    ход пе́чи, ро́вный — smooth [regular] operation of a furnace
    ход пе́чи, сты́лый — cold working of a furnace
    ход пе́чи, ти́хий — slow run [slow operation] of a furnace
    ход пе́чи, холо́дный — cold run of a furnace
    ход пилообра́зного напряже́ния элк.stroke of a sawtooth voltage
    ход пилообра́зного напряже́ния, обра́тный элк.return stroke of a sawtooth voltage
    ход пилообра́зного напряже́ния, прямо́й элк.forward stroke of a sawtooth voltage
    ход пилообра́зного напряже́ния, рабо́чий элк.working stroke of a sawtooth voltage
    ход пла́вки — progress of a heat
    пла́вный ход — smooth running
    ход плу́га — plough travel, plough draught
    ход подве́ски — suspension movement
    полигонометри́ческий ход — traverse, polygon(al) [polygonometric] traverse, polygonal course
    по́лный ход мор.full speed
    рабо́чий ход двс. — working [power] stroke
    ход развё́ртки (осциллоскопа, индикатора и т. п) — sweep motion
    ход (развё́ртки), обра́тный — retrace (motion) of the sweep, flyback
    ход (развё́ртки), прямо́й — forward motion of the sweep, active phase of the sweep scan
    ход расшире́ния — двс. expansion [working, combustion, firing] stroke; ( амортизатора) extension
    са́мый ма́лый ход мор.dead slow speed
    са́мый по́лный ход мор.flank speed
    свобо́дный ход — free (easy) running, free travel; free wheeling
    ход сжа́тия — compression [pressure] stroke; ( рессоры или пружины) bump stroke; ( амортизатора) contraction
    споко́йный ход — smooth [quiet] running
    сре́дний ход мор. — half [moderate] speed
    су́точный ход — day [diurnal] variation
    су́точный ход магни́тного склоне́ния — diurnal changes in magnetic variatics
    теодоли́тный ход — field [theodolite] traverse
    то́почный ход — (furnace) flue
    холосто́й ход — idle [free, light, loose, no-load] running, idle [no-load] stroke
    при холосто́м хо́де эл.at no-load
    ход часо́в — daily rate (of a time niece)
    ход часо́в, отрица́тельный — rate of losing
    ход часо́в, положи́тельный — rate of gaining
    часто́тный ход (какой-л. физической величины) — variations with frequency
    перепа́д мо́щности определя́ется часто́тным хо́дом перехо́дного ослабле́ния ответви́теля — the change in power is determined by variations in the dynamic attenuation of the coupler with frequency
    часто́тный ход оши́бки — the difference in error between the limiting frequencies
    часто́тный ход усиле́ния — plot of gain as a function of frequency, frequency dependence of gain, variations in gain with frequency
    шу́мный ход — noisy running
    ход электро́нного луча́, обра́тный — flyback, return trace, retrace
    гаси́ть обра́тный ход электро́нного луча́ — eliminate [suppress, blank] the flyback [return trace, retrace]
    ход электро́нного луча́, обра́тный по вертика́ли — vertical flyback
    ход электро́нного луча́, обра́тный по горизонта́ли — horizontal flyback
    ход электро́нного луча́, обра́тный по ка́дру — frame flyback
    ход электро́нного луча́, обра́тный по строке́ — line flyback
    ход я́коря — armature travel

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > ход

  • 10 gang

    -en, -er, -ene
    * * *
    corridor, gangway, passage, time, time
    * * *
    subst. [ entré] hall, hallway subst. [ korridor] passage, corridor subst. [ passasje mellom stolrekker] aisle (f.eks.

    he had them rolling in the aisles with laughter

    ) subst. [havegang etc.] walk, path subst. [ det å gå] walk, walking, going subst. [ måte å gå på] walk (f.eks.

    a dignified walk, a graceful walk

    ), gait (f.eks.

    an unsteady gait

    ) subst. [livløse ting, f.eks. maskiners gang] working, running, action, movement, motion, operation subst. [ om tiden] course (f.eks.

    the course of life

    ), passage (f.eks.

    a sundial marked the passage of time

    ) subst. [forløp, utvikling] course (f.eks.

    the course of history, of the war

    ), march (f.eks.

    the march of events, of the revolution

    ) subst. [om handlings hyppighet, gjentagelse, tid] time (f.eks.

    five times, we lost every time we played

    ) subst. [ om gangen i en historie] plot, action subst. (gruvedrift) dike, lode subst. [ om malm] vein (of ore) subst. (anatomi) duct subst. (geologi) UK: dyke (det var en gang) once upon a time (én gang) once, on one occasion (en annen gang) another time, (senere) some other time (én eneste gang) only once, once only, on one single occasion (for annen gang) a second time, for the second time (hver gang) each time, every time, (når som helst) whenever (hver eneste gang) every single time (i gang) going, working, in action, in activity, in motion, in operation, (i cirkulation) in circulation (komme på én gang) (dvs. samtidig) arrive together (el. simultaneously), (om begivenheder) coincide (maskinen er i gang) the engine is running (el. working) (naturens gang) the course of nature (neste gang) next time (på én gang) (samtidig) at a time, at the same time, (all) at once (sakens gang) the progress of the matter (siste gang) the last time (f.eks.

    the last time I saw him

    ) (som er i gang) ongoing (f.eks.



    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > gang

  • 11 prazan hod

    • standby time
    • stroke
    • dead time
    • no-load
    • idle
    • idle operation
    • idle running
    • idle motion
    • idling
    • idle stroke
    • lost motion

    Српски-Енглески Технички речник > prazan hod

  • 12 холостой ход

    1) General subject: blank run, clearance
    2) Geology: return stroke
    3) Naval: no-load run
    4) Engineering: free movement, idle, light running, non-cutting stroke, non-working stroke, noncutting (рабочего органа), on no load, open-circuit conditions, quiescent condition, slow running, wasted motion, fast up
    6) Economy: nonload running
    9) Forestry: outhaul, run unloaded
    10) Electronics: off-load
    11) Information technology: blank cycle, overrun
    14) Drilling: idling speed, play
    15) Sakhalin energy glossary: loose running
    16) Automation: dry run (рабочего органа), idle pass (рабочего органа), idle run (рабочего органа), noncutting stroke, nonworking stroke
    17) Plastics: idle time
    18) Makarov: free running (машины), no-load stroke
    19) Energy system: open-circuit operation
    20) Electrical engineering: no load, noload, ХХ, х.х.

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > холостой ход

  • 13 AT

    I) prep.
    A. with dative.
    I. Of motion;
    1) towards, against;
    Otkell laut at Skamkatli, bowed down to S.;
    hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge against A.;
    Brynjólfr gengr alit at honum, quite up to him;
    þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters with him;
    3) to, at;
    koma at landi, to come to land;
    ganga at dómi, to go into court;
    4) along (= eptir);
    ganga at stræti, to walk along the street;
    dreki er niðr fór at ánni (went down the river) fyrir strauminum;
    refr dró hörpu at ísi, on the ice;
    5) denoting hostility;
    renna (sœkja) at e-m, to rush at, assault;
    gerði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog;
    6) around;
    vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a veil round one’s head;
    bera grjót at e-m, to heap stones upon the body;
    7) denoting business, engagement;
    ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after horses, watching sheep;
    fara at landskuldum, to go collecting rents.
    II. Of position, &c.;
    1) denoting presence at, near, by, upon;
    at kirkju, at church;
    at dómi, in court;
    at lögbergi, at the hill of laws;
    2) denoting participation in;
    vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, wedding;
    3) ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at;
    kvalararnir, er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him;
    var þar at kona nökkur at binda (was there busy dressing) sár manna;
    4) with proper names of places (farms);
    konungr at Danmörku ok Noregi, king of;
    biskup at Hólum, bishop of Holar;
    at Helgafelli, at Bergþórshváli;
    5) used ellipt. with a genitive, at (a person’s) house;
    at hans (at his house) gisti fjölmenni mikit;
    at Marðar, at Mara’s home;
    at hins beilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church;
    at Ránar, at Ran’s (abode).
    III. Of time;
    1) at, in;
    at upphafi, at first, in the beginning;
    at skilnaði, at parting, when they parted;
    at páskum, at Easter;
    at kveldi, at eventide;
    at fjöru, at the ebb;
    at flœðum, at the floodtide;
    2) adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr’;
    at ári komanda, next year;
    at vári, er kemr, next spring;
    generally with ‘komanda’ understood;
    at sumri, hausti, vetri, vári, next summer, &c.;
    3) used with an absolute dative and present or past part.;
    at sér lifanda, duing his lifetime;
    at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all;
    at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the hearing of the chief;
    at upprennandi sólu, at sunrise;
    at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks are past;
    at honum önduðum, after his death;
    4) denoting uninterrupted succession, after;
    hverr at öðrum, annarr at öðrum, one after another;
    skildu menn at þessu, thereupon, after this;
    at því (thereafter) kómu aðrar meyjar.
    IV. fig. and in various uses;
    1) to, into, with the notion of destruction or change;
    brenna (borgina) at ösku, to burn to ashes;
    verða at ormi, to become a snake;
    2) for, as;
    gefa e-t at gjöf, as a present;
    eiga e-n at vin, to have one as friend;
    3) by;
    taka sverð at hjöltum, by the hilt;
    draga út björninn at hlustunum, by the ears;
    kjósa at afli, álitum, by strength, appearrance;
    auðigr at fé, wealthy in goods;
    vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face;
    5) as a law term, on the grounds of, by reason of;
    ryðja ( to challenge) dóm at mægðum, kvið at frændsemi;
    6) as a paraphrase of a genitive;
    faðir, móðir at barni (= barns, of a child);
    aðili at sök = aðili sakar;
    7) with adjectives denoting colour, size, age, of;
    hvítr, svartr, rauðr at lit, while, black, red of colour;
    mikill, lítill at stœrð, vexti, tall, small of stature;
    tvítugr at aldri, twenty years of age;
    kýr at fyrsta, öðrum kálfi, a cow that has calved once, twice;
    8) determining the source from which anything comes, of, from;
    Ari nam ok marga frœði at Þuríði (from her);
    þiggja, kaupa, geta, leigja e-t at e-m, to receive, buy, obtain, borrow a thing from one;
    hafa veg (virðing) styrk at e-m, to derive honour, power, from one;
    9) according, to, after (heygðr at fornum sið);
    at ráði allra vitrustu manna, by the advice of;
    at landslögum, by the law of the land;
    at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave;
    10) in adverbial phrases;
    gróa (vera grœddr) at heilu, to be quite healed;
    bíta af allt gras at snøggu, quite bare;
    at fullu, fully;
    at vísu, surely;
    at frjálsu, freely;
    at eilífu, for ever and ever;
    at röngu, at réttu, wrongly, rightly;
    at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same;
    at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent.
    B. with acc., after, upon (= eptir);
    sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, to take the inheritance after his father;
    at þat (= eptir þat), after that, thereafter;
    connected with a past part. or a., at Gamla fallinn, after the fall of Gamli;
    at Hrungni dauðan, upon the death of Hrungnir.
    1) as the simple mark of the infinitive, to;
    at ganga, at ríða, at hlaupa, to walk, to ride, to run;
    2) in an objective sense;
    hann bauð þeim at fara, sitja, he bade (ordered) them to go, sit;
    gefa e-m at eta, at drekka, to give one to eat, to drink;
    3) denoting design or purpose, in order to (hann gekk í borg at kaupa silfr).
    1) demonstrative particle before a comparative, the, all the, so much the;
    hón grét at meir, she wept the more;
    þykkir oss at líkara, all the more likely;
    þú ert maðr at verri (so much the worse), er þú hefir þetta mælt;
    2) rel. pron., who, which, that (= er);
    þeir allir, at þau tíðindi heyrðu, all those who heard;
    sem þeim er títt, at ( as is the custom of those who) kaupferðir reka.
    conj., that;
    1) introducing a subjective or objective clause;
    þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, it happened once that H.;
    vilda ek, at þú réðist austr í fjörðu, I should like you to go;
    2) relative to svá, denoting proportion, degree;
    svá mikill lagamaðr, at, so great a lawyer, that;
    3) with subj., denoting end or purpose, in order that (skáru þeir fyrir þá (viz. hestana) melinn, at þeir dœi eigi af sulti);
    4) since, because, as (= því at);
    5) connected with þó, því, svá;
    þó at (with subj.), though, although;
    því at, because, for;
    svá at, so that;
    6) temp., þá at (= þá er), when;
    þegar at (= þegar er), as soon as;
    þar til at (= þar til er), until, till;
    áðr at (= á. en), before;
    7) used superfluously after an int. pron. or adv.;
    Ólafr spurði, hvern styrk at hann mundi fá honum, what help he was likely to give him;
    in a relative sense; með fullkomnum ávexti, hverr at (which) þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða.
    negative verbal suffix, = ata; var-at, was not.
    odda at, Yggs at, battle.
    * * *
    and að, prep., often used ellipt. dropping the case and even merely as an adverb, [Lat. ad; Ulf. at = πρός and παρά, A. S. ät; Engl. at; Hel. ad = apud; O. H. G. az; lost in mod. Germ., and rare in Swed. and Dan.; in more freq. use in Engl. than any other kindred language, Icel. only excepted]:—the mod. pronunciation and spelling is (); this form is very old, and is found in Icel. vellum MSS. of the 12th century, e. g. aþ, 623. 60; yet in earlier times it was sounded with a tenuis, as we may infer from rhymes, e. g. jöfurr hyggi at | hve ek yrkja fat, Egill: Sighvat also makes it rhyme with a t. The verse by Thorodd—þar vastu at er fjáðr klæðið þvat (Skálda 162)—is hardly intelligible unless we accept the spelling with an aspirate (), and say that þvað is = þvá = þváði, lavabat; it may be that by the time of Thorodd and Ari the pure old pronunciation was lost, or is ‘þvat’ simply the A. S. þvât, secuit? The Icelanders still, however, keep the tenuis in compounds before a vowel, or before h, v, or the liquids l, r, thus—atyrða, atorka, athöfn, athugi, athvarf, athlægi; atvinna, atvik; atlaga, atlíðanði ( slope), atriði, atreið, atróðr: but aðdjúpr, aðfinsla (critic), aðferð, aðkoma, aðsókn, aðsúgr (crowding), aðgæzla. In some words the pronunciation is irregular, e. g. atkvæði not aðkv-; atburðr, but aðbúnaðr; aðhjúkran not athjúkran; atgörvi not aðgörfi. At, to, towards; into; against; along, by; in regard to; after.
    Mostly with dat.; rarely with acc.; and sometimes ellipt.—by dropping the words ‘home,’ ‘house,’ or the like—with gen.
    A. LOC.
    I. WITH MOTION; gener. the motion to the borders, limits of an object, and thus opp. to frá:
    1. towards, against, with or without the notion of arrival, esp. connected with verbs denoting motion (verba movendi et eundi), e. g. fara, ganga, koma, lúta, snúa, rétta at…; Otkell laut at Skamkatli, O. louted (i. e. bowed down) towards S., Nj. 77, Fms. xi. 102; sendimaðrinn sneri ( turned) hjöltum sverðsins at konungi, towards the king, i. 15; hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge towards A., Nj. 220; rétta e-t at e-m, to reach, hand over, Ld. 132; ganga at, to step towards, Ísl. ii. 259.
    2. denoting proximity, close up to, up to; Brynjólfr gengr … allt at honum, B. goes quite up to him, Nj. 58; Gunnarr kom þangat at þeim örunum, G. reached them even there with his arrows, 115; þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters, id.; reið maðr at þeim (up to them), 274; þeir höfðu rakit sporin allt at ( right up to) gammanum, Fms. i. 9; komu þeir at sjó fram, came down to the sea, Bárð. 180.
    3. without reference to the space traversed, to or at; koma at landi, to land, Ld. 38, Fms. viii. 358; ríða at dyrum, Boll. 344; hlaupa at e-m, to run up to, run at, Fms. vii. 218, viii. 358; af sjáfarganginum er hann gekk at landinu, of the surf dashing against the shore, xi. 6; vísa ólmum hundi at manni, to set a fierce hound at a man, Grág. ii. 118; leggja e-n at velli, to lay low, Eg. 426, Nj. 117; hníga at jörðu, at grasi, at moldu, to bite the dust, to die, Njarð. 378; ganga at dómi, a law term, to go into court, of a plaintiff, defendant, or bystander, Nj. 87 (freq.)
    4. denoting a motion along, into, upon; ganga at stræti, to walk along the street, Korm. 228, Fms. vii. 39; at ísi, on the ice, Skálda 198, Fms. vii. 19, 246, viii. 168, Eb. 112 new Ed. (á is perh. wrong); máttu menn ganga bar yfir at skipum einum, of ships alone used as a bridge, Fas. i. 378; at höfðum, at nám, to trample on the slain on the battle-field, Lex. Poët.; at ám, along the rivers; at merkiósum, at the river’s mouth, Grág. ii. 355; at endilöngu baki, all along its back, Sks. 100.
    5. denoting hostility, to rush at, assault; renna at, hlaupa at, ganga, fara, ríða, sækja, at e-m, (v. those words), whence the nouns atrenna, athlaup, atgangr, atför, atreið, atsókn, etc.
    β. metaph., kom at þeim svefnhöfgi, deep sleep fell on them, Nj. 104. Esp. of weather, in the impers. phrase, hríð, veðr, vind, storm görir at e-m, to be overtaken by a snow storm, gale, or the like; görði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog, Bárð. 171.
    6. denoting around, of clothing or the like; bregða skikkju at höfði sér, to wrap his cloak over his head, Ld. 62; vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a snood round her head, 188; sauma at, to stick, cling close, as though sewn on; sauma at höndum sér, of tight gloves, Bs. i. 453; kyrtill svá þröngr sem saumaðr væri at honum, as though it were stitched to him, Nj. 214; vafit at vándum dreglum, tight laced with sorry tags, id.; hosa strengd fast at beini, of tight hose, Eg. 602; hann sveipar at sér iðrunum ok skyrtunni, he gathers up the entrails close to him and the skirt too, Gísl. 71; laz at síðu, a lace on the side, to keep the clothes tight, Eg. 602.
    β. of burying; bera grjót at einum, to heap stones upon the body, Eg. 719; var gör at þeim dys or grjóti, Ld. 152; gora kistu at líki, to make a coffin for a body, Eb. 264, Landn. 56, Ld. 142.
    γ. of summoning troops or followers; stefna at sér mönnum, to summon men to him, Nj. 104; stefna at sér liði, Eg. 270; kippa mönnum at sér, to gather men in haste, Ld. 64.
    7. denoting a business, engagement; ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after after horses, watching sheep, Glúm. 362, Nj. 75; fara at fé, to go to seek for sheep, Ld. 240; fara at heyi, to go a-haymaking, Dropl. 10; at veiðum, a-hunting; at fuglum, a-fowling; at dýrum, a-sbooting; at fiski, a-fishing; at veiðiskap, Landn. 154, Orkn. 416 (in a verse), Nj. 25; fara at landskuldum, to go a-collecling rents, Eg. 516; at Finnkaupum, a-marketing with Finns, 41; at féföngum, a-plundering, Fms. vii. 78; ganga at beina, to wait on guests, Nj. 50; starfa at matseld, to serve at table, Eb. 266; hitta e-n at nauðsynjum, on matters of business; at máli, to speak with one, etc., Fms. xi. 101; rekast at e-m, to pursue one, ix. 404; ganga at liði sér, to go suing for help, Grág. ii. 384.
    β. of festivals; snúa, fá at blóti, veizlu, brullaupi, to prepare for a sacrificial banquet, wedding, or the like, hence at-fangadagr, Eb. 6, Ld. 70; koma at hendi, to happen, befall; ganga at sínu, to come by one’s own, to take it, Ld. 208; Egill drakk hvert full er at honum kom, drained every horn that came to him, Eg. 210; komast at keyptu, to purchase dearly, Húv. 46.
    8. denoting imaginary motion, esp. of places, cp. Lat. spectare, vergere ad…, to look or lie towards; horfði botninn at höfðanum, the bight of the bay looked toward the headland, Fms. i. 340, Landn. 35; also, skeiðgata liggr at læknum, leads to the brook, Ísl. ii. 339; á þann arminn er vissi at sjánum, on that wing which looked toward the sea, Fms. viii. 115; sár þau er horft höfðu at Knúti konungi, xi. 309.
    β. even connected with verbs denoting motion; Gilsáreyrr gengr austan at Fljótinu, G. extends, projects to F. from the east, Hrafh. 25; hjá sundi því, er at gengr þingstöðinni, Fms. xi. 85.
    II. WITHOUT MOTION; denoting presence at, near, by, at the side of, in, upon; connected with verbs like sitja, standa, vera…; at kirkju, at church, Fms. vii. 251, K. f). K. 16, Ld. 328, Ísl. ii. 270, Sks. 36; vera at skála, at húsi, to be in, at home, Landn. 154; at landi, Fms. i. 82; at skipi, on shipboard, Grág. i. 209, 215; at oldri, at a banquet, inter pocula; at áti, at dinner, at a feast, inter edendum, ii. 169, 170; at samförum ok samvistum, at public meetings, id.; at dómi, in a court; standa (to take one’s stand) norðan, sunnan, austan, vestan at dómi, freq. in the proceedings at trials in lawsuits, Nj.; at þingi, present at the parliament, Grág. i. 142; at lögbergi, o n the hill of laws, 17, Nj.; at baki e-m, at the back of.
    2. denoting presence, partaking in; sitja at mat, to sit at meat, Fms. i. 241; vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, nuptials, Nj. 51, Ld. 70: a law term, vera at vígi, to be an accessory in manslaying, Nj. 89, 100; vera at e-u simply means to be about, be busy in, Fms. iv. 237; standa at máli, to stand by one in a case, Grág. ii. 165, Nj. 214; vera at fóstri, to be fostered, Fms. i. 2; sitja at hégóma, to listen to nonsense, Ld. 322; vera at smíð, to be at one’s work, Þórð. 62: now absol., vera at, to go on with, be busy at.
    3. the law term vinna eið at e-u has a double meaning:
    α. vinna eið at bók, at baugi, to make an oath upon the book by laying the band upon it, Landn. 258, Grág., Nj.; cp. Vkv. 31, Gkv. 3. 3, Hkv. 2. 29, etc.: ‘við’ is now used in this sense.
    β. to confirm a fact (or the like) by an oath, to swear to, Grág. i. 9, 327.
    γ. the law phrase, nefna vátta at e-u, of summoning witnesses to a deed, fact, or the like; nefna vátta at benjum, to produce evidence, witnesses as to the wounds, Nj., Grág.; at görð, Eg. 738; at svörum, Grág. i. 19: this summoning of witnesses served in old lawsuits the same purpose as modern pleadings and depositions; every step in a suit to be lawful must be followed by such a summoning or declaration.
    4. used ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at; kvalararnir er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him; þar varstu at, you were there present, Skálda 162; at várum þar, Gísl. (in a verse): as a law term ‘vera at’ means to be guilty, Glúm. 388; vartattu at þar, Eg. (in a verse); hence the ambiguity of Glum’s oath, vask at þar, I was there present: var þar at kona nokkur ( was there busy) at binda sár manna, Fms. v. 91; hann var at ok smíðaði skot, Rd. 313; voru Varbelgir at ( about) at taka af, þau lög …, Fms. ix. 512; ek var at ok vafk, I was about weaving, xi. 49; þeir höfðu verit at þrjú sumur, they had been busy at it for three summers, x. 186 (now very freq.); koma at, come in, to arrive unexpectedly; Gunnarr kom at í því, G. came in at that moment; hvaðan komtú nú at, whence did you come? Nj. 68, Fms. iii. 200.
    5. denoting the kingdom or residence of a king or princely person; konungr at Danmörk ok Noregi, king of…, Fms. i. 119, xi. 281; konungr, jarl, at öllum Noregi, king, earl, over all N., íb. 3, 13, Landn. 25; konungr at Dyflinni, king of Dublin, 25; but í or yfir England!, Eg. 263: cp. the phrase, sitja at landi, to reside, of a king when at home, Hkr. i. 34; at Joini, Fms. xi. 74: used of a bishop; biskup at Hólum, bishop of Hólar, Íb. 18, 19; but biskup í Skálaholti, 19: at Rómi, at Rome, Fbr. 198.
    6. in denoting a man’s abode (vide p. 5, col. 1, l. 27), the prep. ‘at’ is used where the local name implies the notion of by the side of, and is therefore esp. applied to words denoting a river, brook, rock, mountain, grove, or the like, and in some other instances, by, at, e. g. at Hofi (a temple), Landn. 198; at Borg ( a castle), 57; at Helgafelli (a mountain), Eb. constantly so; at Mosfelli, Landn. 190; at Hálsi (a hill), Fms. xi. 22; at Bjargi, Grett. 90; Hálsum, Landn. 143; at Á ( river), 296, 268; at Bægisá, 212; Giljá, 332; Myrká, 211; Vatnsá, id.; þverá, Glúm. 323; at Fossi (a ‘force’ or waterfall), Landn. 73; at Lækjamoti (waters-meeting), 332; at Hlíðarenda ( end of the lithe or hill), at Bergþórshváli, Nj.; at Lundi (a grove), at Melum (sandhill), Landn. 70: the prep. ‘á’ is now used in most of these cases, e. g. á Á, á Hofi, Helgafelli, Felli, Hálsi, etc.
    β. particularly, and without any regard to etymology, used of the abode of kings or princes, to reside at; at Uppsölum, at Haugi, Alreksstöðum, at Hlöðum, Landn., Fms.
    γ. konungr lét kalla at stofudyrum, the king made a call at the hall door, Eg. 88; þeir kölluðu at herberginu, they called at the inn, Fms. ix. 475.
    7. used ellipt. with a gen., esp. if connected with such words as gista, to be a guest, lodge, dine, sup (of festivals or the like) at one’s home; at Marðar, Nj. 4; at hans, 74; þingfesti at þess bóanda, Grág. i. 152; at sín, at one’s own home, Eg. 371, K. Þ. K. 62; hafa náttstað at Freyju, at the abode of goddess Freyja, Eg. 603; at Ránar, at Ran’s, i. e. at Ran’s house, of drowned men who belong to the queen of the sea, Ran, Eb. 274; at hins heilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church, Fms. vi. 63: cp. ad Veneris, εις Κίμωνος.
    B. TEMP.
    I. at, denoting a point or period of time; at upphafi, at first, in the beginning, Ld. 104; at lyktum, at síðustu, at lokum, at last; at lesti, at last, Lex. Poët., more freq. á lesti; at skilnaði, at parting, at last, Band. 3; at fornu, in times of yore, formerly, Eg. 267, D. I. i. 635; at sinni, as yet, at present; at nýju, anew, of present time; at eilífu, for ever and ever; at skömmu, soon, shortly, Ísl. ii. 272, v. l.
    II. of the very moment when anything happens, the beginning of a term; denoting the seasons of the year, months, weeks, the hours of the day; at Jólum, at Yule, Nj. 46; at Pálmadegi, on Palm Sunday, 273; at Páskum, at Easter; at Ólafsvöku, on St. Olave’s eve, 29th of July, Fms.; at vetri, at the beginning of the winter, on the day when winter sets in, Grág. 1. 151; at sumarmálum, at vetrnáttum; at Tvímánaði, when the Double month (August) begins, Ld. 256, Grág. i. 152; at kveldi, at eventide, Eg. 3; at því meli, at that time; at eindaga, at the term, 395; at eykð, at 4 o’clock p. m., 198; at öndverðri æfi Abra hams, Ver. II; at sinni, now at once, Fms. vi. 71; at öðruhverju, every now and then.
    β. where the point of time is marked by some event; at þingi, at the meeting of parliament (18th to the 24th of June), Ld. 182; at féránsdómi, at the court of execution, Grág. i. 132, 133; at þinglausnum, at the close of the parliament (beginning of July), 140; at festarmálum, eðr at eiginorði, at betrothal or nuptials, 174; at skilnaði, when they parted, Nj. 106 (above); at öllum minnum, at the general drinking of the toasts, Eg. 253; at fjöru, at the ebb; at flæðum, at flood tide, Fms. viii. 306, Orkn. 428; at hrörum, at an inquest, Grág. i. 50 (cp. ii. 141, 389); at sökum, at prosecutions, 30; at sinni, now, as yet, v. that word.
    III. ellipt., or adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr,’ of the future time:
    1. ellipt., komanda or the like being understood, with reference to the seasons of the year; at sumri, at vetri, at hausti, at vári, next summer, winter…, Ísl. ii. 242; at miðju sumri, at ári, at Midsummer, next year, Fas. i. 516; at miðjum vetri, Fms. iv. 237,
    2. adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr;’ at ári komanda, Bárð. 177; at vári er kemr, Dipl. iii. 6.
    IV. used with an absolute dat. and with a pres. part.:
    1. with pres. part.; at morni komanda, on the coming morrow, Fms. i. 263; at sér lifanda, in vivo, in his life time, Grág. ii. 202; at þeim sofundum, illis dormientibus, Hkr. i. 234; at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all, Fms. x. 329; at úvitanda konungi, illo nesciente, without his knowledge, 227; at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the chief’s bearing, 235.
    2. of past time with a past part. (Lat. abl. absol.); at hræjum fundnum, on the bodies being found, Grág. ii. 87; at háðum dómum ok föstu þingi, during the session, the courts being set, i. 484; at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks past, Band. 13; at svá búnu, so goru, svá komnu, svá mæltu (Lat. quibus rebus gestis, dictis, quo facto, dicto, etc.), v. those words; at úreyndu, without trial, without put ting one to the test, Ld. 76; at honum önduðum, illo mortuo.
    3. ellipt. without ‘at;’ en þessum hlutum fram komnum, when all this has been done, Eb. 132.
    V. in some phrases with a slight temp, notion; at görðum gildum, the fences being strong, Gþl. 387; at vörmu spori, at once, whilst the trail is warm; at úvörum, unawares, suddenly, Nj. 95, Ld. 132; at þessu, at this cost, on that condition, Eb. 38, Nj. 55; at illum leiki, to have a narrow escape, now við illan leik, Fms. ix. 473; at því, that granted, Grág. ii. 33: at því, at pessu, thereafter, thereupon, Nj. 76.
    2. denoting succession, without interruption, one after another; hverr at öðrum, annarr maðr at öðrum, aðrir at öðrum; eina konu at annarri, Eg. 91, Fms. ii. 236, vi. 25, Bs. i. 22, 625. 80, H. E. i. 522.
    C. METAPH. and in various cases:
    I. denoting a transformation or change into, to, with the notion of destruction; brenna at ösku, at köldum kolum, to burn to ashes, to be quite destroyed, Fms. i. 105, Edda 3, Sturl. ii. 51: with the notion of transformation or transfiguration, in such phrases as, verða at e-u, göra e-t at e-u, to turn it into:
    α. by a spell; verða at ormi, to become a snake, Fms. xi. 158; at flugdrekum, Gullþ. 7; urðu þau bönd at járni, Edda 40.
    β. by a natural process it can often be translated by an acc. or by as; göra e-n at urðarmanni, to make him an outlaw, Eg. 728; græða e-n at orkumlamanni, to heal him so as to maim him for life, of bad treatment by a leech, Eb. 244: in the law terms, sár görist at ben, a wound turning into a ben, proving to be mortal, Grág., Nj.; verða at ljúgvætti, to prove to be a false evidence, Grág. i. 44; verða at sætt, to turn into reconciliation, Fms. i. 13; göra e-t at reiði málum, to take offence at, Fs. 20; at nýjum tíðindum, to tell as news, Nj. 14; verða fátt at orðum, to be sparing of words, 18; kveðr (svá) at orði, to speak, utter, 10; verða at þrifnaði, to geton well, Fms. vii. 196: at liði, at skaða, to be a help or hurt to one; at bana, to cause one’s death, Nj. 223, Eg. 21, Grág. ii. 29: at undrum, at hlátri, to become a wonder, a laughing-stock, 623. 35, Eg. 553.
    II. denoting capacity, where it may be translated merely by as or for; gefa at Jólagjöf, to give for a Christmas-box, Eg. 516; at gjöf, for a present; at erfð, at láni, launum, as an inheritance, a loan; at kaupum ok sökum, for buying and selling, Ísl. ii. 223, Grág. i. 423; at solum, ii. 204; at herfangi, as spoil or plunder; at sakbótum, at niðgjöldum, as a compensation, weregeld, i. 339, ii. 171, Hkr. ii. 168; taka at gíslingu, to take as an hostage, Edda 15; eiga e-n at vin, at óvin, to have one as friend or foe, illt er at eiga þræl at eingavin, ‘tis ill to have a thrall for one’s bosom friend (a proverb), Nj. 77; fæða, eiga, at sonum (syni), to beget a son, Edda 8, Bs. i. 60 (but eiga at dóttur cannot be said); hafa möttul at yfirhöfn, Fms. vii. 201; verða nökkut at manni (mönnum), to turn out to be a worthy man; verða ekki at manni, to turn out a worthless person, xi. 79, 268.
    2. in such phrases as, verða at orðum, to come towards, Nj. 26; var þat at erindum, Eg. 148; hafa at veizlum, to draw veizlur ( dues) from, Fms. iv. 275, Eg. 647; gora e-t at álitum, to take it into consideration, Nj. 3.
    III. denoting belonging to, fitting, of parts of the whole or the like; vóru at honum (viz. the sword) hjölt gullbúin, the sword was ornamented with a hilt of gold, Ld. 330; umgörð at ( belonging to) sverði, Fs. 97 (Hs.) in a verse; en ef mór er eigi at landinu, if there be no turf moor belonging to the land, Grág. ii. 338; svá at eigi brotnaði nokkuð at Orminum, so that no harm happened to the ship Worm, Fms. x. 356; hvatki er meiðir at skipinu eðr at reiðinu eðr at viðum, damage done t o …, Grág. ii. 403; lesta ( to injure) hús at lásum, við eðr torfi, 110; ef land hefir batnað at húsum, if the land has been bettered as to its buildings, 210; cp. the phrase, göra at e-u, to repair: hamlaðr at höndum eðr fótum, maimed as to hands or feet, Eg. 14; heill at höndum en hrumr at fótum, sound in band, palsied in foot, Fms. vii. 12; lykill at skrá, a key belonging, fitting, to the latch; hurð at húsi; a key ‘gengr at’ ( fits) skrá; and many other phrases. 2. denoting the part by which a thing is held or to which it belongs, by; fá, taka at…, to grasp by …; þú tókt við sverði hans at hjöltunum, you took it by the bill, Fms. i. 15; draga út björninn at hlustum, to pull out the bear by the ears, Fas. ii. 237; at fótum, by the feet, Fms. viii. 363; mæla ( to measure) at hrygg ok at jaðri, by the edge or middle of the stuff, Grág. i. 498; kasta e-m at höfði, head foremost, Nj. 84; kjósa e-n at fótum, by the feet alone, Edda 46; hefja frændsemi at bræðrum, eða at systkynum, to reckon kinship by the brother’s or the sister’s side, Grág. i. 28; kjósa at afli, at álitum, by strength, sight, Gs. 8, belongs rather to the following.
    IV. in respect of, as regards, in regard to, as to; auðigr at fé, wealthy of goods, Nj. 16, 30, 51; beztir hestar at reið, the best racehorses, 186; spekingr at viti, a man of great intellect, Ld. 124; vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face, Nj. 30, Bs. i. 61; kvenna vænst at ásjónu ok vits munum, of surpassing beauty and intellect, Ld. 122; fullkominn at hyggju, 18; um fram aðra menn at vinsældum ok harðfengi, of surpassing popularity and hardihood, Eb. 30.
    2. a law term, of challenging jurors, judges, or the like, on account of, by reason of; ryðja ( to challenge) at mægðum, guðsifjum, frændsemi, hrörum …; at leiðarlengd, on account of distance, Grág. i. 30, 50, Nj. (freq.)
    3. in arithm. denoting proportion; at helmingi, þriðjungi, fjórðungi, tíunda hluta, cp. Lat. ex asse, quadrante, for the half, third… part; máttr skal at magni (a proverb), might and main go together, Hkr. ii. 236; þú munt vera at því mikill fræðimaðr á kvæði, in the same proportion, as great, Fms. vi. 391, iii. 41; at e-s hluta, at… leiti, for one’s part, in turn, as far as one is con cerned, Grág. i. 322, Eg. 309, Fms. iii. 26 (freq.): at öðrum kosti, in the other case, otherwise (freq.) More gener., at öllu, öngu, in all (no) respects; at sumu, einhverju, nokkru, partly; at flestu, mestu, chiefly.
    4. as a paraphrase of a genitive; faðir, móðir at barni (= barns); aðili at sök (= sakar a.); morðingi at barni (= barns), faðerni at barni (barns); illvirki at fé manna (cp. Lat. felo de se), niðrfall at sökum (saka), land gangr at fiskum (fiska), Fms. iv. 274, Grág. i. 277, 416, N. G. L. i. 340, K. Þ. K. 112, Nj. 21.
    5. the phrase ‘at sér,’ of himself or in himself, either ellipt. or by adding the participle görr, and with the adverbs vel, ilia, or the like; denoting breeding, bearing, endowments, character …; væn kona, kurteis ok vel at sér, an accomplished, well-bred, gifted lady, Nj. I; vitr maðr ok vel at sér, a wise man and thoroughly good in feeling and bearing, 5; þú ert maðr vaskr ok vel at þér, 49; gerr at sér, accomplished, 51; bezt at sér görr, the finest, best bred man, 39, Ld. 124; en þó er hann svá vel at sér, so generous, Nj. 77; þeir höfðingjar er svá vóru vel at sér, so noble-minded, 198, Fms. i. 160: the phrase ‘at sér’ is now only used of knowledge, thus maðr vel að sér means clever, a man of great knowledge; illa að sér, a blockhead.
    6. denoting relations to colour, size, value, age, and the like; hvitr, svartr, grár, rauðr … at lit, white, swarthy, gray, red … of colour, Bjarn. 55, 28, Ísl. ii. 213, etc.; mikill, lítill, at stærð, vexti, tall, small of size, etc.; ungr, gamall, barn, at aldri, young, old, a child of age; tvítugr, þrítugr … at aldri, twenty, thirty … years of age (freq.): of animals; kyr at fyrsta, öðrum … kálfi, a cow having calved once, twice…, Jb. 346: value, amount, currency of money, kaupa e-t at mörk, at a mark, N. G. L. 1. 352; ok er eyririnn at mörk, amounts to a mark, of the value of money, Grág. i. 392; verðr þá at hálfri murk vaðmála eyrir, amounts to a half a mark, 500.
    β. metaph. of value, connected with verbs denoting to esteem, hold; meta, hafa, halda at miklu, litlu, vettugi, engu, or the like, to hold in high or low esteem, to care or not to care for (freq.): geta e-s at góðu, illu, öngu, to mention one favourably, unfavourably, indifferently … (freq.), prop. in connection with. In many cases it may be translated by in; ekki er mark at draumum, there is no meaning in dreams, no heed is to be paid to dreams, Sturl. ii. 217; bragð er at þá barnið finnr, it goes too far, when even a child takes offence (a proverb): hvat er at því, what does it mean? Nj. 11; hvert þat skip er vöxtr er at, any ship of mark, i. e. however small, Fms. xi. 20.
    V. denoting the source of a thing:
    1. source of infor mation, to learn, perceive, get information from; Ari nam ok marga fræði at Þuríði, learnt as her pupil, at her hands, as St. Paul at the feet of Gamaliel, (just as the Scotch say to speer or ask at a person); Ari nam at Þorgeiri afraðskoll, Hkr. (pref.); nema kunnáttu at e-m, used of a pupil, Fms. i. 8; nema fræði at e-m, xi. 396.
    2. of receiving, acquiring, buying, from; þiggja e-t at e-m, to receive a thing at his hands, Nj. 51; líf, to be pardoned, Fms. x. 173; kaupa land at e-m, to buy it from, Landn. 72, Íb. II, (now af is more freq. in this sense); geta e-t at e-m, to obtain, procure at one’s hands, impetrare; þeirra manna er þeir megu þat geta at, who are willing to do that, Grág. i. I; heimta e-t at e-m (now af), to call in, demand (a debt, money), 279; fala e-t at e-m (now af), to chaffer for or cheapen anything, Nj. 73; sækja e-t at e-m, to ask, seek for; sækja heilræði ok traust at e-m, 98; leiga e-t at e-m (now af), to borrow, Grág. ii. 334; eiga e-t (fé, skuld) at e-m, to be owed money by any one, i. 399: metaph. to deserve of one, Nj. 113; eiga mikit at e-m, to have much to do with, 138; hafa veg, virðing, styrk, at, to derive honour, power from, Fms. vi. 71, Eg. 44, Bárð. 174; gagn, to be of use, Ld. 216; mein, tálma, mischief, disadvantage, 158, 216, cp. Eg. 546; ótta, awe, Nj. 68.
    VI. denoting conformity, according to, Lat. secundum, ex, after; at fornum sið, Fms. i. 112; at sögn Ara prests, as Ari relates, on his authority, 55; at ráði allra vitrustu manna, at the advice of, Ísl. ii. 259, Ld. 62; at lögum, at landslögum, by the law of the land, Grág., Nj.; at líkindum, in all likelihood, Ld. 272; at sköpum, in due course (poet.); at hinum sama hætti, in the very same manner, Grág. i. 90; at vánum, as was to be expected, Nj. 255; at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave, Eg. 35; úlofi, Grág. ii. 215; at ósk, vilja e-s, as one likes…; at mun, id. (poet.); at sólu, happily (following the course of the sun), Bs. i. 70, 137; at því sem …, as to infer from …, Nj. 124: ‘fara, láta, ganga at’ denotes to yield, agree to, to comply with, give in, Ld. 168, Eg. 18, Fms. x. 368.
    VII. in phrases nearly or quite adverbial; gróa, vera græddr, at heilu, to be quite healed, Bárð. 167, Eb. 148; bíta at snöggu, to bite it bare, Fms. xi. 6; at þurru, till it becomes dry, Eb. 276; at endilöngu, all along, Fas. ii; vinnast at litlu, to avail little, 655 x. 14; at fullu, fully, Nj. 257, Hkr. i. 171; at vísu, of a surety, surely, Ld. 40; at frjálsu, freely, 308; at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same, Hom. 80, Nj. 267; at röngu, wrongly, 686 B. 2; at hófi, temperately, Lex. Poët.; at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent; at hringum, utterly, all round, (rare), Fms. x. 389; at einu, yet, Orkn. 358; svá at einu, því at einu, allt at einu, yet, however, nevertheless.
    VIII. connected with comparatives of adverbs and adjectives, and strengthening the sense, as in Engl. ‘the,’ so much the more, all the more; ‘at’ heldr tveimr, at ek munda gjarna veita yðr öllum, where it may be translated by so much the more to two, as I would willingly grant it to all of you; hon grét at meir, she grat (wept) the more, Eg. 483; þykir oss at líkara, all the more likely, Fms. viii. 6; þess at harðari, all the harder, Sturl. iii. 202 C; svá at hinn sé bana at nær, Grág. ii. 117; at auðnara, at hólpnara, the more happy, Al. 19, Grett. 116 B; þess at meiri, Fms. v. 64; auvirðismaðr at meiri, Sturl. ii. 139; maðr at vaskari, id.; at feigri, any the more fey, Km. 22; maðr at verri, all the worse, Nj. 168; ok er ‘at’ firr…, at ek vil miklu heldr, cp. Lat. tantum abest… ut, Eg. 60.
    β. following after a negation; eigi at síðr, no less, Nj. 160, Ld. 146; eigi… at meiri maðr, any better, Eg. 425, 489; erat héra at borgnara, any the better off for that, Fms. vii. 116; eigi at minni, no less for that, Edda (pref.) 146; eigi at minna, Ld. 216, Fms. ix. 50; ekki at verri drengr, not a bit worse for that, Ld. 42; er mér ekki son minn at bættari, þótt…, 216; at eigi vissi at nær, any more, Fas. iii. 74.
    IX. following many words:
    1. verbs, esp. those denoting, a. to ask, enquire, attend, seek, e. g. spyrja at, to speer (ask) for; leita at, to seek for; gæta, geyma at, to pay attention to; huga, hyggja at; hence atspurn, to enquire, aðgæzla, athugi, attention, etc.
    β. verbs denoting laughter, play, joy, game, cp. the Engl. to play at …, to laugh at …; hlæja, brosa at e-u, to laugh, smile at it; leika (sér) at e-u, to play at; þykja gaman at, to enjoy; hæða, göra gys at …, to make sport at …
    γ. verbs denoting assistance, help; standa, veita, vinna, hjálpa at; hence atstoð, atvinna, atverk:—mode, proceeding; fara at, to proceed, hence atför and atferli:—compliance; láta, fara at e-u, v. above:— fault; e-t er at e-u, there is some fault in it, Fms. x. 418; skorta at e-u, to fall short of, xi. 98:—care, attendance; hjúkra at, hlýja at, v. these words:—gathering, collecting; draga, reiða, flytja, fá at, congerere:—engagement, arrival, etc.; sækja at, to attack; ganga at, vera at, to be about; koma at, ellipt. to arrive: göra at, to repair: lesta at, to impair (v. above); finna at, to criticise (mod.); telja at, id.: bera at, to happen; kveða at e-m, to address one, 625. 15, (kveða at (ellipt.) now means to pronounce, and of a child to utter (read) whole syllables); falla at, of the flood-tide (ellipt.): metaph. of pains or straits surrounding one; þreyngja, herða at, to press hard: of frost and cold, with regard to the seasons; frjósa at, kólna at, to get really cold (SI. 44), as it were from the cold stiffening all things: also of the seasons themselves; hausta, vetra að, when the season really sets in; esp. the cold seasons, ‘sumra at’ cannot be used, yet we may say ‘vára að’ when the spring sets in, and the air gets mild.
    δ. in numberless other cases which may partly be seen below.
    2. connected ellipt. with adverbs denoting motion from a place; norðan, austan, sunnan, vestan at, those from the north, east…; utan at, innan at, from the outside or inside.
    3. with adjectives (but rarely), e. g. kærr, elskr, virkr (affectionate), vandr (zealous), at e-m; v. these words.
    TEMP.: Lat. post, after, upon, esp. freq. in poetry, but rare in prose writers, who use eptir; nema reisi niðr at nið (= maðr eptir mann), in succession, of erecting a monument, Hm. 71; in prose, at þat. posthac, deinde, Fms. x. 323, cp. Rm., where it occurs several times, 2, 6, 9, 14, 18, 24, 28, 30, 35; sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, has to take the inheritance after his father, Grág. i. 170 new Ed.; eiga féránsdóm at e-n, Grág. i. 89; at Gamla fallinn, after the death of G., Fms. x. 382; in Edda (Gl.) 113 ought to be restored, grét ok at Oð, gulli Freyja, she grat (wept) tears of gold for her lost husband Od. It is doubtful if it is ever used in a purely loc. sense; at land, Grág. (Sb.)ii. 211, is probably corrupt; at hönd = á hönd, Grág. (Sb.) i. 135; at mót = at móti, v. this word.
    ☞ In compounds (v. below) at- or að- answers in turn to Lat. ad- or in- or con-; atdráttr e. g. denotes collecting; atkoma is adventus: it may also answer to Lat. ob-, in atburðr = accidence, but might also be compared with Lat. occurrere.
    and að, the mark of the infinitive [cp. Goth. du; A. S. and Engl. to; Germ. zu]. Except in the case of a few verbs ‘at’ is always placed immediately before the infinitive, so as to be almost an inseparable part of the verb.
    I. it is used either,
    1. as, a simple mark of the infinitive, only denoting an action and independent of the subject, e. g. at ganga, at hlaupa, at vita, to go, to run, to know; or,
    2. in an objective sense when following such verbs as bjóða segja…, to invite, command …; hann bauð þeim at ganga, at sitja, be bade, ordered them to go, sit, or the like; or as gefa and fá; gefa e-m at drekka, at eta, to give one to drink or to eat, etc. etc.
    β. with the additional notion of intention, esp. when following verba cogitandi; hann ætlaði, hafði í hyggju at fara, he had it in his mind to go (where ‘to go’ is the real object to ætlaði and hafði í hyggju).
    3. answering to the Gr. ινα, denoting intention, design, in order to; hann gékk í borg at kaupa silfr, in order to buy, Nj. 280; hann sendi riddara sína með þeim at varðveita þær, 623. 45: in order to make the phrase more plain, ‘svá’ and ‘til’ are frequently added, esp. in mod. writers, ‘svá at’ and contr. ‘svát’ (the last however is rare), ‘til at’ and ‘til þess at,’ etc.
    II. in the earlier times the infin., as in Greek and Lat., had no such mark; and some verbs remain that cannot be followed by ‘at;’ these verbs are almost the same in Icel. as in Engl.:
    α. the auxiliary verbs vil, mun ( μέλλω), skal; as in Engl. to is never used after the auxiliaries shall, will, must; ek vil ganga, I will go; ek mun fara, (as in North. E.) I mun go; ek skal göra þat, I shall do that, etc.
    β. the verbs kunna, mega, as in Engl. I can or may do, I dare say; svá hygginn at hann kunni fyrir sökum ráða, Grág. ii. 75; í öllu er prýða má góðan höfðingja, Nj. 90; vera má, it may be; vera kann þat, id.: kunnu, however, takes ‘at’ whenever it means to know, and esp. in common language in phrases such as, það kann að vera, but vera kann þat, v. above.
    γ. lata, biðja, as in Engl. to let, to bid; hann lét (bað) þá fara, he let (bade) them go.
    δ. þykkja, þykjast, to seem; hann þykir vera, he is thought to be: reflex., hann þykist vera, sibi videtur: impers., mér þykir vera, mibi videtur, in all cases without ‘at.’ So also freq. the verbs hugsa, hyggja, ætla, halda, to think, when denoting merely the act of thinking; but if there be any notion of intention or purpose, they assume the ‘at;’ thus hann ætlaði, hugði, þá vera góða menn, he thought them to be, acc. c. inf.; but ætlaði at fara, meant to go, etc.
    ε. the verbs denoting to see, bear; sjá, líta, horfa á … ( videre); heyra, audire, as in Engl. I saw them come, I heard him tell, ek sá þá koma, ek heyrði hann tala.
    ζ. sometimes after the verbs eiga and ganga; hann gékk steikja, be went to roast, Vkv. 9; eiga, esp. when a mere periphrasis instead of skal, móður sína á maðr fyrst fram færa (better at færa), Grág. i. 232; á þann kvið einskis meta, 59; but at meta, id. l. 24; ráða, nema, göra …, freq. in poetry, when they are used as simple auxiliary verbs, e. g. nam hann sér Högna hvetja at rúnum, Skv. 3. 43.
    η. hljóta and verða, when used in the sense of must (as in Engl. he must go), and when placed after the infin.of another verb; hér muntu vera hljóta, Nj. 129; but hljóta at vera: fara hlýtr þú, Fms. 1. 159; but þú hlýtr at fara: verða vita, ii. 146; but verða at vita: hann man verða sækja, þó verðr (= skal) maðr eptir mann lifa, Fms. viii. 19, Fas. ii. 552, are exceptional cases.
    θ. in poetry, verbs with the verbal neg. suffix ‘-at,’ freq. for the case of euphony, take no mark of the infinitive, where it would be indispensable with the simple verb, vide Lex. Poët. Exceptional cases; hvárt sem hann vill ‘at’ verja þá sök, eða, whatever he chooses, either, Grág. i. 64; fyrr viljum vér enga kórónu at bera, en nokkut ófrelsi á oss at taka, we would rather bear no crown than …, Fms. x. 12; the context is peculiar, and the ‘at’ purposely added. It may be left out ellipt.; e. g. þá er guð gefr oss finnast (= at finnast), Dipl. ii. 14; gef honum drekka (= at drekka), Pr. 470; but mostly in unclassical writers, in deeds, or the like, written nastily and in an abrupt style.
    and að, conj. [Goth. þatei = οτι; A. S. þät; Engl. that; Germ, dass; the Ormul. and Scot. at, see the quotations sub voce in Jamieson; in all South-Teutonic idioms with an initial dental: the Scandinavian idioms form an exception, having all dropped this consonant; Swed. åt, Dan. at]. In Icel. the Bible translation (of the 16th century) was chiefly based upon that of Luther; the hymns and the great bulk of theol. translations of that time were also derived from Germany; therefore the germanised form það frequently appears in the Bible, and was often employed by theol. authors in sermons since the time of the Reformation. Jón Vidalin, the greatest modern Icel. preacher, who died in 1720, in spite of his thoroughly classical style, abounds in the use of this form; but it never took root in the language, and has never passed into the spoken dialect. After a relative or demonstr. pronoun, it freq. in mod. writers assumes the form eð, hver eð, hverir eð, hvað eð, þar eð. Before the prep. þú (tu), þ changes into t, and is spelt in a single word attú, which is freq. in some MS.;—now, however, pronounced aððú, aððeir, aððið …, = að þú…, with the soft Engl. th sound. It gener. answers to Lat. ut, or to the relat. pron. qui.
    I. that, relative to svá, to denote proportion, degree, so…, that, Lat. tam, tantus, tot…, ut; svá mikill lagamaðr, at…, so great a lawyer, that…, Nj. 1; hárið svá mikit, at þat…, 2; svá kom um síðir því máli, at Sigvaldi, it came so far, that…, Fms. xi. 95, Edda 33. Rarely and unclass., ellipt. without svá; Bæringr var til seinn eptir honum, at hann … (= svá at), Bær. 15; hlífði honum, at hann sakaði ekki, Fas. iii. 441.
    II. it is used,
    1. with indic, in a narrative sense, answering partly to Gr. οτι, Lat. quod, ut, in such phrases as, it came to pass, happened that …; þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, Nj. 2; þat var á palmdrottinsdag, at Ólafr konungr gékk út um stræti, Fms. ii. 244.
    2. with subj. answering to Lat. acc. with infin., to mark the relation of an object to the chief verb, e. g. vilda ek at þú réðist, I wished that you would, Nj. 57.
    β. or in an oblique sentence, answering to ita ut…; ef svá kann verða at þeir láti…, if it may be so that they might…, Fms. xi. 94.
    γ. with a subj. denoting design, answering to ϊνα or Lat. ut with subj., in order that; at öll veraldar bygðin viti, ut sciat totus orbis, Stj.; þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, at þeir dæi eigi af sulti, ut ne fame perirent, Nj. 265; fyrsti hlutr bókarinnar er Kristindómsbálkr, at menn skili, in order that men may understand, Gþl. p. viii.
    III. used in connection with conjunctions,
    1. esp. þó, því, svá; þó at freq. contr. þótt; svát is rare and obsolete.
    α. þóat, þótt (North. E. ‘thof’), followed by a subjunctive, though, although, Lat. etsi, quamquam (very freq.); þóat nokkurum mönnum sýnist þetta með freku sett… þá viljum vér, Fms. vi. 21: phrases as, gef þú mér þó at úverðugri, etsi indignae (dat.), Stj. MS. col. 315, are unclass., and influenced by the Latin: sometimes ellipt. without ‘þó,’ eigi mundi hón þá meir hvata göngu sinni, at (= þóat) hon hraeddist bana sinn, Edda 7, Nj. 64: ‘þó’ and ‘at’ separated, svarar hann þó rétt, at hann svari svá, Grág. i. 23; þó er rétt at nýta, at hann sé fyrr skorinn, answering to Engl. yetthough, Lat. attamenetsi, K. Þ. K.
    β. því at, because, Lat. nam, quia, with indic.; því at allir vóru gerfiligir synir hans, Ld. 68; því at af íþróttum verðr maðr fróðr, Sks. 16: separated, því þegi ek, at ek undrumst, Fms. iii. 201; því er þessa getið, at þat þótti, it i s mentioned because …, Ld. 68.
    γ. svá at, so that, Lat. ut, ita ut; grátrinn kom upp, svá at eingi mátti öðrum segja, Edda 37: separated, so … that, svá úsvúst at …, so bad weather, that, Bs. i. 339, etc.
    2. it is freq. used superfluously, esp. after relatives; hver at = hverr, quis; því at = því, igitur; hverr at þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða, Fms. v. 159; hvern stvrk at hann mundi fá, 44; ek undrumst hvé mikil ógnarraust at liggr í þér, iii. 201; því at ek mátti eigi þar vera elligar, því at þar var kristni vel haldin, Fas. i. 340.
    IV. as a relat. conj.:
    1. temp, when, Lat. quum; jafnan er ( est) mér þá verra er ( quum) ek fer á braut þaðan, en þá at ( quum) ek kem, Grett. 150 A; þar til at vér vitum, till we know, Fms. v. 52; þá at ek lýsta (= þá er), when, Nj. 233.
    2. since, because; ek færi yðr (hann), at þér eruð í einum hrepp allir, because of your being all of the same Rape, Grág. i. 260; eigi er kynlegt at ( though) Skarphéðinn sé hraustr, at þat er mælt at…, because (since) it is a saying that…, Nj. 64.
    V. in mod. writers it is also freq. superfluously joined to the conjunctions, ef að = ef, si, (Lv. 45 is from a paper MS.), meðan að = meðan, dum; nema að, nisi; fyrst að = fyrst, quoniam; eptir að, síðan að, postquam; hvárt að = hvárt, Lat. an. In the law we find passages such as, þá er um er dæmt eina sök, at þá eigu þeir aptr at ganga í dóminn, Grág. i. 79; ef þing ber á hina helgu viku, at þat á eigi fyrir þeim málum at standa, 106; þat er ok, at þeir skulu reifa mál manna, 64; at þeir skulu með váttorð þá sök sækja, 65: in all these cases ‘at’ is either superfluous or, which is more likely, of an ellipt. nature, ‘the law decrees’ or ‘it is decreed’ being understood. The passages Sks. 551, 552, 568, 718 B, at lokit (= at ek hefi lokit), at hugleitt (= at ek hefi h.), at sent (= at ek hefi sent) are quite exceptional.
    and að, an indecl. relat. pronoun [Ulf. þatei = ος, ος αν, οστις, οσπερ, οιος, etc.; Engl. that, Ormul. at], with the initial letter dropped, as in the conj. at, (cp. also the Old Engl. at, which is both a conj. and a pronoun, e. g. Barbour vi. 24 in Jamieson: ‘I drede that his gret wassalage, | And his travail may bring till end, | That at men quhilc full litil wend.’ | ‘His mestyr speryt quhat tithings a t he saw.’—Wyntoun v. 3. 89.) In Icel. ‘er’ (the relat. pronoun) and ‘at’ are used indifferently, so that where one MS. reads ‘er,’ another reads ‘at,’ and vice versâ; this may easily be seen by looking at the MSS.; yet as a rule ‘er’ is much more freq. used. In mod. writers ‘at’ is freq. turned into ‘eð,’ esp. as a superfluous particle after the relative pron. hverr (hver eð, hvað eð, hverir eð, etc.), or the demonstr. sá (sá eð, þeir eð, hinir eð, etc.):—who, which, that, enn bezta grip at ( which) hafði til Íslands komið, Ld. 202; en engi mun sá at ( cui) minnisamara mun vera, 242; sem blótnaut at ( quae) stærst verða, Fms. iii. 214; þau tiðendi, at mér þætti verri, Nj. 64, etc. etc.
    n. collision (poët.); odda at, crossing of spears, crash of spears, Höfuðl. 8.
    β. a fight or bait of wild animals, esp. of horses, v. hesta-at and etja.
    the negative verbal suffix, v. -a.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AT

  • 14 ἐπί

    ἐπί, Thess. (before τ)

    ἐτ IG9(2).517.14

    (iii B. C.), Prep. with gen., dat., and acc., to denote the being upon or supported upon a surface or point.
    A WITH GEN.:
    I of Place,
    1 with Verbs of Rest, upon,

    καθέζετ' ἐ. θρόνου Il.1.536


    ἧστο.. ὑψοῦ ἐπ' ἀκροτάτης κορυφῆς 13.12


    ἐ. πύργου ἔστη 16.700


    κεῖται ἐ. χθονός 20.345

    : without a Verb expressed, ἔγχεα ὄρθ' ἐ. σαυρωτῆρος (sc. σταθέντα)

    ἐλήλατο 10.153

    ; ἔκλαγξαν ὀϊστοὶ ἐπ' ὤμων the arrows on his shoulders, 1.46; ἐ. γῆς, opp. ὑπὸ γῆς, Pl.Lg. 728a: also with Verbs of Motion, where the subject rests upon something, as on a chariot, a horse, a ship, φεύγωμεν ἐφ' ἵππων on our chariot, Il.24.356;

    οὐκ ἂν ἐφ' ὑμετ έρων ὀχέων.. ἵκεσθον 8.455


    ἄγαγε.. δῶρ' ἐπ' ἀπήνης 24.447


    ἐπὶ τῆς ἁμάξης.. ὠχέετο Hdt.1.31


    ἐπὶ τῶν ἵππων ὀχεῖσθαι X.Cyr.4.5.58


    οὓς κῆρες φορέουσι.. ἐ. νηῶν Il.8.528


    πέμπειν τινὰς ἐ. τριήροιν X.HG5.4.56

    , etc.;

    ἐπ' ὤμου.. φέρειν Od.10.170

    ; τὴν κλεῖδα περιφέρειν ἐφ' ἑαυτοῦ to carry the key about on his person, Numen. ap. Eus.PE14.7; βαδιοῦνται ἐ. δυοῖν σκελοῖν, ἐφ' ἑνὸς πορεύσονται σκέλους, Pl.Smp. 190d; ἐπ' ἄκρων ὁδοιπορεῖν walk on tiptoe, S.Aj. 1230; of places, upon, if the place is an actual support,

    νέρθε κἀπὶ γῆς ἄνω Id.OT 416

    ; ἐ. τοῦ εὐωνύμον on the left, ἐ. τῶν πλευρῶν on the flanks, X.An.1.8.9,3.2.36; but most freq., in, rarely in Hom., ἐπ' ἀγροῦ in the country. Od. 1.190;

    γᾶς ἐ. ξένας S.OC 1705


    νήσου τῆσδ' ἐφ' ἧς ναίει Id.Ph. 613


    ἐ. ξένας δμωῒς ἐπ' ἀλλοτρίας πόλεος E.Andr. 137


    οἱ ἐ. Θρᾴκης σύμμαχοι Th.5.35


    τοὺς ἐ. τῆς Ἀσίας κατοικοῦντας Isoc.12.103

    ; ἐπ' οἰκήματος κατίσαι, καθῆσθαι, in a brothel, Hdt.2.121.έ, Pl. Chrm. 163b;

    τοὺς ἐ. τῶν οἰκημάτων καθεζομένους Aeschin.1.74


    ἐ. τῶν ἐργαστηρίων καθίζειν Isoc.7.15

    ; μένειν ἐ. τῆς αὐτῶν (sc. χώρας ) remain in statu quo, Indut. ap. Th.4.118;

    οἱ ἐπ' ἐρημίας λῃστεύοντες Jul. Or.7.210a

    ; later of towns,

    ἐπ' Ἀλεξανδρείας BGU908.16

    (ii A.D.), etc.; sts. also, at or near, ἐπ' αὐτάων (sc. τῶν πηγῶν) Il.22.153;

    κόλπος ὁ ἐ. Ποσιδηΐου Hdt.7.115

    ; αἱ ἐ. Λήμνου ἐπικείμεναι νῆσοι off Lemnos, ib.6 codd.; τὰ ἐ. Θρᾴκης the Thrace- ward region, Th.1.59, cf. IG12.45.17, etc.; ποταμοὶ ἐφ' ὧν ἔξεστιν ἡμῖν ταμιεύεσθαι.. on, i.e. near which.., X.An.2.5.18; ἐ. τῶν τραπεζῶν at the money-changers' tables, Pl.Ap. 17c; in Geom., αἱ ἐφ' ὧν AA BB [ γραμμαί] the lines AA BB, Arist.EN 1132b6, etc.; ἕλιξ ἐφ' ἇς τὰ ΑΒΓΔ a spiral ABCD, Archim.Spir.13 (cf. B.1.1k); also ἐ. τοῦ βάτου in the passage concerning the bush, Ev.Marc.12.26.
    2 in various relations not strictly local, μένειν ἐ. τῆς ἀρχῆς remain in the command, X.Ages.1.37; μένειν ἐ. τινος abide by it, D.4.9; ἐ. τῶν πραγμάτων, ἐ. τοῦ πολεμεῖν εἶναι, to be engaged in.., Id.15.11, Prooem.1; ἐ. ὀνόματος εἶναι bear a name, Id.39.21;

    ἔχεται πόλις ἐ. νόσου S.Ant. 1141

    b of ships, ὁρμεῖν ἐπ' ἀγκύρας ride at (i.e. in dependence upon an) anchor, Hdt.7.188; ἐ. προσπόλου μιᾶς χωρεῖν dependent upon an attendant, S.OC 746.
    c with the personal and reflexive Pron., once in Hom.,

    εὔχεσθε.. σιγῇ ἐφ' ὑμείων Il.7.195

    ; later mostly with [ per.] 3rd pers., ἐπ' ἑωυτῶν κεῖσθαι by themselves, Hdt.2.2, cf. 8.32;

    οἰκέειν κώμην Id.5.98


    ἐ. σφῶν αὐτῶν αὐτόνομοι οἰκεῖν Th.2.63


    ἵζεσθαι Hdt.9.17


    ἐφ' ἑαυτῶν πλεῖν Th.8.8

    ; ἐπ' ὑμέων αὐτῶν βαλέσθαι consider it by yourselves, Hdt.3.71, etc.;

    αὐτὴ ἐφ' αὑτῆς σκοποῦσα Th.6.40


    ἐφ' ἡμῶν αὐτῶν τὸν ἐξετασμὸν ποιεῖσθαι D.18.16

    ; ἐπ' ἑωυτῶν διαλέγονται speak in a dialect of their own, Hdt. 1.142; also

    αὐτοὶ ἐφ' ἑαυτῶν χωρεῖν X. An.2.4.10


    πράττειν Pl.Prt. 326d

    , cf. Sph. 217c; τὸ ἐφ' ἑαυτῶν μόνον προορώμενοι considering their own interest only, th.1.17.
    d with numerals, to denote the depth of a body of soldiers, ἐ. τεττάρων ταχφῆναι to be drawn up four deep, four in file, X.An.1.2.15, etc.; ἐ. πεντήκοντα ἀσπίδων συνεστραμμένοι, of the Thebansat Leuctra, Id.HG 6.4.12; ἐπ' ὀλίγων τεταγμένοι, i.e. in a long thin line, Id.An.4.8.11;

    οὐκ ἐπ' ὀλίγων ἀσπίδων στρατιὰν παρατεταγμένην Th.7.79

    ; ἐφ' ἑνὸς ἄγειν in single file, X.Cyr.2.4.2, cf. An.5.2.6; rarely of the length of the line,

    ἐ. τεσσάρων ταξάμενοι τὰς ναῦς Th.2.90

    ; in X.,

    ἐγένοντο τὸ μέτωπον ἐ. τριακοσίων.. τὸ δὲ βάθος ἐφ' ἑκατόν Cyr.2.4.2

    ; πλεῖν ἐ. κέρως, ἐ. κέρας, v. infr. c.1.3; ἐ. φάλαγγος γίγνεται τὸ στράτευμα is formed in column, An.4.6.6, etc. (but in E.Ph. 1467, ἀσπίδων ἔπι is merely in or under arms): hence, generally, ἐ. ὀκτὼ πλίνθων τὸ εὖρος eight bricks wide, X.An.7.8.14.
    e c. gen. pers., before, in presence of,

    ἐ. μαρτύρων.. πράσσεταί τι Antipho 2.3.8


    ἐξελέγχεσθαι ἐ. πάντων D.25.36

    ; so, before a magistrate or official,

    ἐ. τοῦ στρατηγοῦ POxy. 38.11

    (i A.D.), cf. UPZ71.15 (ii B.C.), Ev.Matt.28.14;

    γράψομαί σε ἐ. Ῥαδαμάνθυος Luc.Cat.18


    τινὰ εἰς δίκην καὶ κρίσιν ἐ. τῶν στρατοπέδων προκαλεῖν Jul.Or.1.30d


    πίστεις δοῦναι ἐ. θεῶν D.H.5.29

    ; but ἐπὶ δικασταῖς is f.l. in D.19.243 (leg. ἔπη).
    f with Verbs of perceiving, observing, judging, etc., in the case of,

    ἐπὶ νούσων παντοίων ἐπύθοντο Emp.112.10


    ὁρᾶν τι ἐ. τινος X.Mem.3.9.3


    αἰσθάνεσθαί τι ἐ. τινος Pl.R. 406c

    , etc.;

    τὴν γνώμην ἔχειν ἐ. τινος Hyp.Eux.32


    τὰ συμβόλαια ἐ. τῶν νόμων σκοπεῖν D.18.210

    ; ἐπ' αὐτῶν τῶν ἔργων ἂν ἐσκόπει ib.233, cf. 25.2 (v.l.);

    ἐφ' ἑνός τι παριδεῖν Lycurg.64


    τὰς ἐναντιώσεις ἐ. μὲν τῶν λόγων τηροῦντες, ἐ. δὲ τῶν ἔργων μὴ καθορῶντες Isoc.13.7


    οὐδεὶς ἐφ' αὑτοῦ τὰ κακὰ συνορᾷ Men.631


    ἀγνοεῖν τι ἐ. τινος X.Mem.2.3.2

    ; also with Verbs of speaking, on a subject,

    λέγειν ἐ. τινος Pl.Chrm. 155d

    , R. 524e, etc.;

    ἐπιδεῖξαί τι ἐ. τινος Isoc.8.109


    ἵνα τοὺς ἐπαίνους ἐπ' αὐτῶν κοινοὺς ποιήσωμαι D.60.12

    3 implying Motion:
    a where the sense of motion is lost in the sense of being supported, ὀρθωθεὶς.. ἐπ' ἀγκῶνος having raised himself upon his elbow, Il.10.80;

    ἐ. μελίης.. ἐρεισθείς 22.225


    τὴν μὲν.. καθεῖσεν ἐ. θρόνου 18.389

    b in a pregnant sense, denoting the goal of motion (cf.

    εἰς A.1.2


    ἐν A.1.8

    ), νῆα.. ἐπ' ἠπείροιο ἔρυσσαν drew the ship upon the land and left it there, 1.485; περάαν νήσων ἔπι carry to the islands and leave there, 21.454, cf.22.45;

    ἐ. τῆς γῆς καταπίπτειν X.Cyr.4.5.54

    ; ἀναβῆναι ἐ. τῶν πύργων ib.7.1.39;

    ἐπ' Ἀβύδου ἀφικομέναις Th.8.79

    (v.l.); freq. of motion towards or (in a military sense) upon a place,

    προτρέποντο μελαινάων ἐ. νηῶν Il.5.700


    τρέσσε.. ἐφ' ὁμίλου 11.546

    (but νήσου ἔ. Ψυρίης νέεσθαι to go near Psyria, Od.3.171); ἐπ' οἴκου ἀπελαύνειν, ἀναχωρεῖν, ἀποχωρεῖν, homewards, Hdt.2.121.δ, Th.1.30,87, etc.; also with names of places,

    ἰέναι ἐ. Κυζίκου Hdt.4.14


    πλεῖν ἐ. Χίου Id.1.164

    , cf. 168; ἀποπλεῖν ἐπ' αἰγύπτου ib. 1;

    ἀπαλλάσσεσθαι ἐ. Θεσσαλίης Id.5.64

    ; ὁ κόλπος ὁ ἐ. Παγασέων φέρων the bay that leads to Pagasae, Id.7.193; ἡ ἐ. βαβυλῶνος ὁδός the road leading to B., X.Cyr. 5.3.45, cf.An.6.3.24.
    c metaph., ἐ. γνώμης τινὸς γίγνεσθαι come to an opinion, D.4.7;

    ἐπ' ἐλπίδος γενέσθαι Plu.Sol.14

    ; ὡς ἐ. κινδύνου as if to meet danger, Th.6.34;

    ἐ. τοῦ ἀλύπως ζῆν

    with a view to..,

    Pl.Prt. 358b

    ; cf. infr. B. 111.2.
    II of Time, in the time of,

    ἐ. προτέρων ἀνθρώπων Il.5.637


    ἐ. Κρόνου Hes.Op. 111

    ; ἐ. Κέκροπος, ἐ. Δαρείου, etc., Hdt.8.44,6.98, etc.;

    ἐ. τῶν τριάκοντα Lys.13.2


    ὀλιγαρχία ἡ ἐ. τῶν τετρακοσίων καταστᾶσα Isoc.8.108

    ; ἐ. τούτου τυραννεύοντος, ἐ. Λέοντος βασιλεύοντος, ἐ. Μήδων ἀρχόντων, etc., Hdt.1.15,65, 134, etc.;

    ἐ. τῆς ἐμῆς βασιλείας Isoc.3.32

    ; ἐπ' ἐμεῦ in my time, Hdt.1.5, 2.46, etc.;

    ἡ εἰρήνη ἡ ἐπ' Ἀνταλκίδου D.20.54

    , cf. X.HG5.1.36;

    αἱ ἐπ' Ἀσδρούβα γενόμεναι ὁμολογίαι Plb.3.15.5

    ; ἐπ' εἰρήνης in time of peace, Il.2.797, 9.403;

    ἐπ' ἐμῆς νεότητος Ar.Ach. 211


    ἐ. Λάχητος καὶ τοῦ προτέρου πολέμου Th.6.6

    ; ἐπ' ἡμέρης ἑκάστης v.l. for -ῃ -τῃ in Hdt.5.117.
    b later ἐ. δείπνου at dinner, Luc.Asin.3; ἐ. τῆς τραπέζης, ἐφ' ἑκάστης κύλικος, Plu.Alex.23; ἐ. τῆς κύλικος, ἐ. τοῦ ποτηρίου, Luc.Pisc.34, Plu.Alex.53.
    III in various causal senses:
    1 over, of persons in authority,

    ἐπ' οὗ ἐτάχθημεν Hdt.5.109

    ; οἱ ἐ. τῶν πραγμάτων the public officers, D.18.247; freq. in forged decrees, ὁ ἐ. τῶν ὅπλων στρατηγός ib.38; ὁ ἐ. τῶν ὁπλιτῶν, τῶν ἱππέων, ib.116; ὁ ἐ. τῆς διοικήσεως ib.38 (but cf. c. 111.3); τοῦ ἐ. τῶν ὁπλιτῶν is f.l. in Lys. 32.5;

    ὁ ἐ. τῆς χώρας στρατηγός Plu.Phoc.32


    οἱ ἐ. τῶν σιτοποιῶν καὶ μαγείρων Id.Alex.23


    ὁ ἐ. τοῦ οἴνου Id.Pyrrh.5

    ; ὁ ἐ. τῶν ἐπιστολῶν τοῦ Ὄθωνος, = Lat. ab epistulis, his secretary, Id.Oth.9; cf. B. 111.6.
    2 κεκλῆσθαι ἐ. τινος to be called after him, Hdt.4.45;

    ἐ. τινος μετονομασθῆναι Id.1.94


    ἐ. τινος τὰς ἐπωνυμίας ἔχειν Id.4.107

    ; ἐ. τινος ἐπώνυμος γίγνεσθαι ib. 184; also

    ἐπ' ὀνόματος καλεῖν Plb.5.35.2

    3 of occasions, circumstances, and conditions, οὐκ ἐ. τούτου μόνον, ἀλλ' ἐ. πάντων, on all occasions, D.21.38, cf. 183;

    ἐφ' ἑκάστων Pl.Phlb. 25e


    ἐφ' ἑκατέρου Id.Tht. 159c


    ἐφ' ἑκάστης μαντείας D.21.54

    ; ἐπ' ἐξουσίας καὶ πλούτου πονηρὸν εἶναι in.. ib.138; ἐ. τῆς ἀληθείας καὶ τοῦ πράγματος ib.72, cf. 18.17;

    τὴν ἐ. τῆς πομπῆς καὶ τοῦ μεθύειν πρόφασιν λαβών Id.21.180


    ἐ. σχολῆς Aeschin.3.191


    ἐπ' ἀδείας Plu. Sol.22


    ἐπ' ἀληθείας Ev.Marc.12.14

    , POxy.255.16 (i A.D.): hence in adverbial phrases, ἐπ' ἴσας (sc. μοίρας) equally, S.El. 1062 (lyr.);

    ἐ. καιροῦ D.20.90

    ; ἐπ' ἐσχάτων at the last, LXXDe.17.7 (v.l. ἐσχάτῳ) ; ἐπὶ τοῦ παρόντος for the present, SIG543.6 (Epist. Philipp.).
    4 in respect of,

    ἐ. τῶν πραγμάτων Arist.Pol. 1280a17

    , cf. EN 1131b18; concerning,

    τὰ ἐπ' αὐτῶν ἐνεστηκότα PTeb.7.6

    (ii B. C.).
    B WITH DAT.:
    I of Place, upon, just like the gen. (hence Poets use whichever case suits the metre, whereas in Prose the dat. is more freq.):
    1 with Verbs of Rest,

    ἕζεο τῷδ' ἐ. δίφρῳ Il.6.354


    ἧντ' ἐ. πύργῳ 3.153


    στῆ δ' ἐ... νηΐ 8.222


    κεῖσθαι ἐ. τινι X.An.1.8.27

    ; καίειν ἐ. πᾶσι (sc. βωμοῖς) Il.8.240;

    ἔβραχε χαλκὸς ἐ. στήθεσσι 4.420


    ἐ. χθονὶ δέρκεσθαι 1.88

    , etc.: also with Verbs of Motion, where the subject rests upon something,

    νηυσὶν ἐπ' ὠκυπόροισιν ἔβαινον 2.351

    (v.l. for ἐν)

    ; ἐπ' ὤμοις φέρειν E.Ph. 1131

    (but ἐφ' ἵππῳ, ἐφ' ἵπποις and the like are never used for ἐφ' ἵππου, etc.); of places, mostly in,

    ἐ. τῇ χώρῃ Hdt.5.77


    τἀπὶ Τροίᾳ πέργαμα S.Ph. 353


    ἐπ' ἐσχάτοις τόποις Id.Tr. 1100


    ἐ. τῇ ψυχῇ δάκνομαι Id.Ant. 317

    ; also, at or near,

    ἐ. κρήνῃ Od.13.408


    ἐ. θύρῃσι Il.2.788

    , etc.; of rivers, etc., by, beside,

    ἐ. ὠκυρόῳ Κελάδοντι.. 7.133

    , etc.;

    ἐπ' ἐσχάρῃ Od.7.160


    ἐ. νηυσί Il.1.559

    , etc.; of persons, οὐ τἀπὶ Λυδοῖς οὐδ' ἐπ' Ὀμφάλῃ λατρεύματα in Lydia, in the power of O., S.Tr. 356.
    b on or over, ἐπ' Ἰφιδάμαντι over the body of Iphidamas, Il.11.261, cf. 4.470;

    τοιόνδ' ἐπ' ἀνδρὶ κομπάζεις λόγον A.Ag. 1400

    ; also, over or in honour of,

    ἐ. σοὶ κατέθηκε.. ἄεθλα Od.24.91

    ; [

    βοῦς] ἐ. Πατρόκλῳ πέφνεν Il. 23.776


    κειράμενοι χαίτας ἐπ' Ἀδώνιδι Bion 1.81

    , cf. Lys.2.80; in [dialect] Dor. and [dialect] Aeol.sepulchral Inscrr., Schwyzer 348,al.
    c in hostile sense, against, Hdt.1.61,6.74, 88, S.Ph. 1139 (lyr.), etc.; as a check upon,

    οἱ πρόβουλοι καθεστᾶσιν ἐ. τοῖς βουλευταῖς Arist.Pol. 1299b37

    , cf. 1271a39; also, towards, in reference to,

    ἐ. πᾶσι χόλον τελέσαι Il.4.178


    ἐπ' ἔργοις πᾶσι S.OC 1268


    δικαιότερος καὶ ἐπ' ἄλλῳ ἔσσεαι Il.19.181

    , cf. S.Tr. 994 (anap.), etc.;

    ἐ. τοῖς δυνατοῖς ἔχειν τὴν γνώμην Democr. 191

    ; τὸ ἐ. πᾶσιν τοῖς σώμασι κάλλος extending over all bodies, Pl. Smp. 210b; ἡ [παιδεία] ἡ ἐ. σώμασι, ἐ. ψυχῇ, Id.R. 376e; τἀπὶ σοὶ κακά the ills which lie upon thee, S.Ph. 806: in [dialect] Att. also, νόμον τίθεσθαι, θεῖναι ἐ. τινι, make a law for his case, whether for or against, Pl.Grg. 488d, Lexap.And.1.87;

    νόμους ἀναγράψαι ἐ. τοῖς ἀδικοῦσι D.24.5

    ; νόμος κεῖται ἐ. τινι ib.70; τἀπὶ τῷ πλήθει νενομοθετημένα ib.123, cf. 142; τί θεσμοποιεῖς ἐ. ταλαιπώρῳ νεκρῷ; E.Ph. 1645.
    d. of accumulation, upon, after, ὄγχνη ἐπ' ὄγχνῃ one pear after another, pear on pear, Od.7.120;

    ἐ. κέρδεϊ κέρδος Hes.Op. 644


    ἄτη ἑτέρα ἐπ' ἄτῃ A. Ch. 404

    (lyr.); πήματα ἐ. πήμασι, ἐ. νόσῳ νόσος, S.Ant. 595, OC 544 (both lyr.).
    e. in addition to, over and above, besides, οὐκ ἄρα σοί γ'

    ἐ. εἴδεϊ καὶ φρένες ἦσαν Od.17.454

    , cf. 308;

    ἄλλα τε πόλλ' ἐ. τῇσι παρίσχομεν Il.9.639

    , cf. Od.22.264; ἐ. τοῖσι besides, 24.277;

    ἐ. τούτοις Him.Or.14.10

    ; so of Numerals,

    τρισχιλίους ἐ. μυρίοις Plu.Publ.20

    , cf. Jul.Or.4.148c, etc.;

    γυναῖκ' ἐφ' ἡμῖν.. ἔχει E.Med. 694

    : with Verbs of eating and drinking, with,

    ἐ. τῷ σίτῳ πίνειν ὕδωρ X.Cyr.6.2.27

    ; νέκταρ

    ποτίσαι ἐπ' ἀμβροσίᾳ Pl.Phdr. 247e

    ; esp. of a relish, κάρδαμον μόνον

    ἐ. τῷ σίτῳ ἔχειν X.Cyr.1.2.11


    παίειν ἐφ' ἁλὶ τὰν μᾶδδαν Ar.Ach. 835

    : metaph., ἐ. τῷ φάγοις ἥδιστ' ἄν; ἐ. βαλλαντίῳ; Id.Eq. 707; later ἐ. γογγυλίσι διαβιῶναι live on turnips, Ath.10.419a.
    f. of position, after, behind, of soldiers, X.Cyr.8.3.16-18.
    g. in dependence upon, in the power of,

    τὰ δ' οὐκ ἐπ' ἀνδράσι κεῖται Pi.P.8.76

    ; ἐ. τινί ἐστι it is in his power to do, c.inf., Hdt.8.29, etc.;

    ἐ. σοί ἐστιν ἀναζωπυρεῖν M.Ant.7.2


    ἐ. ἑτέροις γίγνεσθαι Th.6.22

    ; ἐ. τῷ πλήθει in their hands, S.OC66, cf. Th.2.84; τὸ ἐπ' ἐμοί, τὸ ἐ. ἐκείνῳ, etc., as far as is in my power, etc., X. Cyr.5.4.11, Isoc.4.142, etc.;

    τὸ ἐ. τούτοις εἶναι Lys.28.14

    ; ἐ. τοῖς υἱάσι their property, Leg.Gort.4.37.
    h. according to, ἐ. τοῖς νόμοις Lexap.D. 24.56;

    ἐ. πᾶσι δικαίοις ποιούμεθα τοὺς λόγους Id.20.88


    ἐ. προφάσει θηρός S.Tr. 662

    i. of condition or circumstances in which one is,

    ἀτελευτήτῳ ἐ. ἔργῳ Il.4.175

    , etc.;

    ἐπ' ἀρρήτοις λόγοις S.Ant. 556


    ἐπ' ἀσφάκτοις μήλοισι E. Ion 228


    ταύταις ἐ. συντυχίαις Pi.P.1.36


    ἐπ' εὐπραξίᾳ S.OC 1554


    ἐ. τῷ παρόντι Th.2.36

    ; ἐπ' αὐτοφώρῳ λαβεῖν, v. αὐτόφωρος; also ἐ. τῷ δείπνῳ at dinner, X.Cyr.1.3.12, Thphr.Char. 3.2;

    ἐ. τῇ κύλικι Pl.Smp. 214b


    ἐ. θαλίαις E.Med. 192

    k. Geom., of the point, etc., at which letters are written, κέντρον ἐφ' ᾧ K Hippocr. ap. Simp.in Ph.64.14; ἡ [γραμμὴ] ἐφ' ᾗ HK the line HK, Arist.Mete. 375b22.
    2. with Verbs of Motion:
    a. where the sense of motion merges in that of support,

    ἐ. χθονὶ βαίνει Il.4.443


    θεῖναι ἐ. γούνασιν 6.92


    καταθέσθαι ἐ. γαίῃ 3.114

    ; ἱστὸν ἔστησεν ἐ.

    ψαμάθοις 23.853


    ἐ. φρεσὶ θῆκε 1.55

    ; δυσφόρους ἐπ' ὄμμασι γνώμας

    βαλεῖν S.Aj.51

    , etc.
    b. in pregnant construction, πέτονται ἐπ' ἄνθεσιν fly on to the flowers and settle there, Il.2.89; ἐκ.. βαῖνον ἐ.

    ῥηγμῖνι θαλάσσης Od.15.499


    καθεῖσεν ἐ. Σκαμάνδρῳ Il.5.36

    ; ἦλθε δ'

    ἐ. Κρήτεσσι 4.251

    , cf. 273;

    νῆες εἰρύατ'.. ἐ. θινὶ θαλάσσης 4.248

    c. rarely for εἰς c.acc.,

    νηυσὶν ἔ. γλαφυρῇσιν ἐλαυνέμεν 5.327

    , 11.274.
    d. in hostile sense, upon or against, ἐ. τινι ἔχειν, ἰθύνειν ἵππους, 5.240, 8.110; ἐ. τινι ἱέναι βέλος, ἰθύνεσθαι ὀϊστόν, 1.382, Od.22.8; ἐ. τοι

    Ἀκράγαντι τανύσαις Pi.O.2.91


    ἐ. Τυδεΐδῃ ἐτιταίνετο.. τόξα Il.5.97


    ἐφ' Ἕκτορι.. ἀκοντίσσαι 16.358


    κύνας.. σεύῃ ἐπ' ἀγροτέρῳ συΐ 11.293


    ὡρμήθησαν ἐπ' ἀνδράσιν Od.10.214

    , cf. E.Ph. 1379, etc.: also ἐ. τινι

    τετάχθαι Th.2.70

    , 3.13;

    ὅστις φάρμακα δηλητήρια ποιοῖ ἐ. Τηΐοισιν SIG37.2

    (Teos, v B.C.).
    II. of Time, rarely, and never in good [dialect] Att., exc. in sense of succession (infr. 2), ἐ. νυκτί by night, Il.8.529;

    ἐφ' ἡμέρῃ, αἱ δ' ἐ. νυκτί Hes.Op. 102

    ; ἐπ' ἤματι τῷδε on this very day, Il.13.234; ἐπ' ἤματι for to-day, 19.229, 10.48, Od.2.284; αἰεὶ ἐπ' ἤματι every day, 14.105;

    ἐπ' ἡμέρῃ ἑκάστῃ Hdt.4.112

    , 5.53, cf. D.S. 34/5.2.1;

    ὁ ἥλιος νέος ἐφ' ἡμέρῃ ἐστίν Heraclit.6


    ἐ. τρίς Act.Ap.10.16

    , PHolm.1.18.
    2. of succession, after, ἕκτῃ ἐ. δέκα on the 16th of the month, Chron. ap. D.18.155, Decr.ib.181 ( δεκάτῃ codd.); τετράδι

    ἐ. δέκα IG12.304.62

    ; πρὸ τῆς ἕκτης ἐ. δέκα ib.22.1361.19; ἐπ' ἐξεργασμένοισι, = Lat. re peracta, Hdt.4.164, etc.; ἐ. τινι ἀγορεύειν, ἀνίστασθαι, E.Or. 898, 902, X.Cyr.2.3.7, etc.;

    ἐ. διεφθαρμένοισι Ἴωσι Hdt.1.170

    , τὰ ἐ. τούτοισι, = Lat. quod superest, Id.9.78, cf. Th.1.65, A.Ag. 255, etc.;

    τοὐπὶ τῷδε πῆμα E.Hipp. 855

    (lyr.), etc.
    3. in the time of (cf. A. 11) only in Arc.,

    ἐπὶ Χαιριάδαι Schwyzer665

    A 21, cf. 666 (Orchom.).
    III. in various causal senses:
    1. of the occasion or cause, τετεύξεται ἄλγε' ἐπ' αὐτῇ for her, Il.21.585; ἐ. σοὶ μάλα πόλλ' ἔπαθον for thee, 9.492: freq. with Verbs expressing some mental affection,

    ἐπὶ παντὶ λόγῳ ἐπτοῆσθαι Heraclit.87

    ; μέγα φρονεῖν ἐ. τινι to be proud at or of a thing, Pl.Prt. 342d, X.HG3.4.11, etc.; χλιδᾶν ἐ . τινι S.El. 360; ἀγάλλεσθαι, ἀγανακτεῖν ἐ. τοῖς παροῦσι, X.An.2.6.26, Isoc.4.122;

    ὀνομαστὸς ἐ. τινι γεγονέναι X.Mem.1.2.61

    ; also ἐφ' αἵματι φεύγειν to be tried on a capital charge, D.21.105; πληγὰς λαμβάνειν

    ἐ. τινι X.Cyr.1.3.16


    ζημιοῦσθαι ἐ. τινι D.24.122

    , etc.: in adverbial phrases [δικάσσαι] ἐπ' ἀρωγῇ with favour, Il.23.574;

    δολίῃ ἐ. τέχνῃ Hes. Th. 540


    ἐ. μιῇ αἰτίῃ ἀνήκεστον πάθος ἔρδειν Hdt.1.137

    , etc.; . κακουργίᾳ καὶ οὐκ ἀρετῇ for malice, Th.1.37; ἐπ' εὐνοία, ἐπ' ἔχθρα, D. 18.273, 21.55; ἐπ' ἀγαθῇ ἐλπίδι with.., X.Mem.2.1.18, cf. Ep.Rom. 4.18; ἐφ' ἑκατέροις in both cases, Pl.Tht. 158d, cf. Xenoph.34.4; .

    δάκρυσί τινα καταστένειν E. Tr. 315

    (lyr.); ἐ. τῇ πάσῃ συκοφαντίᾳ καὶ διασεισμῷ Mitteis Chr. 31 vI (ii B.C.), etc.
    2. of an end or purpose,

    υἱὸν ἐ. κτεάτεσσι λιπέσθαι Il.5.154

    , cf. 9.482; ἐ. δόρπῳ for supper, Od.18.44;

    ἐ. κακῷ ἀνθρώπου σίδηρος ἀνεύρηται Hdt.1.68


    ἐ. διαφθορῇ Id.4.164


    ἐ. σῷ καιρῷ S.Ph. 151


    ἐ. τῷ κέρδει X.Mem.1.2.56

    ; δῆσαι ἐ. θανάτῳ or τὴν ἐ. θανάτῳ, Hdt.9.37, 3.119, cf.1.109, X.An.1.6.10;

    ἐ. θανάτῳ συλλαβεῖν Isoc.4.154

    ; ἐπ' ἐξαγωγῇ for exportation, Hdt.5.6; χρηστηριάζεσθαι ἐ. τῇ χώρῃ with a view to gaining.., Id.1.66;

    ἐ. τούτοις ἐθύσαντο X.An.3.5.18


    ἐ. τῷ ὑβρίζεσθαι Th.1.38

    , cf.34, etc.;

    τι κακοτεχνεῖν ἐ. αἰσχύνῃ τοῦ ἀνδρός PEleph.1.6

    (iv B.C.).
    3. of the condition upon which a thing is done, ἐ. τούτοισι on these terms, Hdt.1.60, etc.;

    ἐ. τοῖσδε, ὥστε.. Th.3.114

    ; ἐ. τούτῳ, ἐπ' ᾧτε on condition that.., Hdt.3.83, cf. 7.158: in orat. obliq., ἐπ' or ἐφ' ᾧτε folld. by inf., Id.1.22, 7.154, X.HG2.2.20;

    ἐφ' ᾧ μηδὲν κακὸν ποιήσουσιν Th.1.126

    (but ἐφ' ᾧ = wherefore, Ep.Rom.5.12); ἐπ' οὐδενί on no condition, on no account, Hdt.3.38; but, for no adequate reason, D. 21.132; ἐπ' ἴσῃ τε καὶ ὁμοίῃ, ἐπὶ τῇ ἴσῃ καὶ ὁμοίᾳ, on fair and equal terms, Hdt.9.7, Th.1.27; ἐ. ῥητοῖς, v. ῥητός; also of a woman's dowry,

    τὴν μητέρα ἐγγυᾶν ἐ. ταῖς ὀγδοήκοντα μναῖς D.28.16

    ; γῆμαί

    τινα ἐ. δέκα ταλάντοις And.4.13


    τὴν θυγατέρα ἔχειν γυναῖκα ἐ. τῇ τυραννίδι Hdt.1.60

    ; on the principle of..,

    ἐ. τῷ μὴ λυπεῖν ἀλλήλους Th.1.71

    4. of the price for which..,

    ἔργον τελέσαι δώρῳ ἔ. μεγάλῳ Il.10.304

    , cf. 21.445; ἐ. τίνι χρήματι; Hdt.3.38; ἐ. πόσῳ; Pl.Ap. 41a; .

    ταλάντῳ χρυσίου Ar.Av. 154

    ; ἐπ' ἀργυρίῳ λέγειν, πράττειν, D.19.182, 24.200;

    ἐ. χρήμασι λυμαίνεσθαι Id.19.332


    ἐ. πολλῷ ἐρρᾳθυμηκότες Id.1.15

    ; also of money lent at interest, δανείζεσθαι ἐ. τοῖς μεγάλοις τόκοις ibid.; ἐ. δραχμῇ δανείζειν lend at 12 per cent., Id.27.9; ἐπ' ὀκτὼ ὀβολοῖς τὴν μνᾶν τοῦ μηνὸς ἑκάστου δανείζειν, i.e. at 16 per cent., Id.53.13;

    ἐ. διακοσίαις εἴκοσι πέντε τὰς χιλίας



    per mille, i.e. 22.5 per cent., Syngr. ap. eund.35.10; also of the security on which money is borrowed,

    δανείζειν ἐ. ἀνδραπόδοις Id.27.27

    ; ἐπ' οἴνου

    κεραμίοις τρισχιλίοις Id.35.18


    ἐ. νηΐ Id.56.3


    δανείζειν ἐ. τοῖς σώμασιν Arist.Ath.9.1

    , cf. 2.2, D.H.4.9.
    5. of names, φάος καὶ νὺξ ὀνόμασται..

    ἐ. τοῖσί τε καὶ τοῖς Parm.9.2


    ἐ. τῇ τοῦ οἰκείου ἔχθρᾳ στάσις κέκληται Pl.R. 470b

    ; so

    ὄνομα κεῖται ἐ. τινι X.Cyr.2.2.12

    ; ὄνομα καλεῖν

    ἐ. τινι Pl.Sph. 218c

    , cf. 244b; πότερον ταῦτα, πέντε ὀνόματα ὄντα, ἐ.

    ἑνὶ πράγματί ἐστι Id.Prt. 349b

    (v. supr. A. 111.2).
    6. of persons in authority, ὅς μ' ἐ. βουσὶν εἷσεν who set me over the kine, Od.20.209, cf. 221;

    ποιμαίνειν ἐπ' ὄεσσι Il.6.25


    οὖρον κατέλειπον ἐ. κτεάτεσσιν Od.15.89


    σημαίνειν ἐ. δμῳῇσι 22.427

    ; πέμπειν ἐ. τοσούτῳ

    στρατεύματι Th.6.29


    ἐ. ταῖς ναυσίν X.HG1.5.11


    οἱ ἐ. ταῖς μηχαναῖς Id.Cyr.6.3.28

    ; οἱ ἐ. ταῖς καμήλοις ib.33;

    οἱ ἐ. τοῖς πράγμασιν ὄντες D. 9.2


    ἐ. θυγατρὶ.. γαμεῖν ἄλλην γυναῖκα Hdt.4.154

    7. in possession of, possessing,

    ἐ. τοῖς ἑαυτοῦ μένειν Th.4.105

    , cf. 8.86; ζῆν ἐ. παιδίοις, τελευτᾶν ἐ. παιδὶ γνησίῳ, Alciphr.1.3, Philostr.VS2.12.2;

    ἐ. παισὶ διαδόχοις Hdn.4.2.1


    ἀποθανεῖν ἐ. κληρονόμοις ταῖς θυγατράσι Artem.1.78

    , cf. PMeyer6.22 (ii A.D.);

    ἐ. μόνῳ παιδὶ σαλεύειν Hld. 1.9

    C. WITH Acc.:
    I. of Place, upon or on to a height, with Verbs of Motion,

    ἐ. πύργον ἔβη Il.6.386

    , cf. 12.375; ἐ. τὰ ὑψηλότατα τῶν

    ὀρέων ἀναβαίνειν Hdt.1.131


    προελθεῖν ἐ. βῆμα Th.2.34

    ; ἀναβιβαστέον τινά, ἀναβαίνειν ἐ. τὸν ἵππον, Pl.R. 467e, X.An.3.4.35; also ἐξ ἵππων

    ἀποβάντες ἐ. χθόνα Il.3.265

    ; ἐξεκυλίσθη πρηνὴς ἐ. στόμα upon his face, 6.43;

    ἐ. θρόνον.. ἕζετο 8.442

    ; ὤμω.. ἐ. στῆθος συνοχωκότε drawn together upon his breast, 2.218;

    Ὀδυσσῆ' εἷσαν ἐ. σκέπας Od.6.212


    θέσθαι ἐ. τὰ γόνατα X.An.7.3.23


    ἐπ' ἀμφότερα τὰ ὦτα καθεύδειν Aeschin.Socr.54

    ; ἐ. κεφαλήν head- foremost, Pl.R. 553b, Luc.Pisc.48 (v. κεφαλή): less freq. than ἐπί with gen. or dat.
    b. Geom., αἱ ἐ. τὰς ἁφὰς ἐπιζευγνύμεναι εὐθεῖαι joining the points of contact, Archim. Sph.Cyl.1.8; κάθετος ἐ. perpendicular to (v. κάθετος).
    2. to,

    ἦλθε θοὰς ἐ. νῆας Il.1.12

    , etc.; ἐ. βωμὸν ἄγων ib. 440; ἴθυσαν δ' ἐ.

    τεῖχος 12.443


    ἐ. τέρμ' ἀφίκετο S.Aj.48


    ἡ [ὁδὸς] ἐ. Σοῦσα φέρει X. An.3.5.15


    ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ ἀπὸ τῶν Πυλῶν ἐ. τὸ Ποσειδώνιον Th.4.118

    ; .

    τὸ αὐτὸ αἱ γνῶμαι ἔφερον Id.1.79

    : c.acc. pers.,

    βῆ δ' ἄρ' ἐπ' Ἀτρεΐδην Il.2.18

    , cf. 10.18,85, 150, etc.: sts. in pregn. constr. with Verbs of Rest,

    ἐπιστῆναι ἐ. τὰς θύρας Pl.Smp. 212d


    παρεῖναι ἐ. τὸν τάφον Th.2.34

    , cf. X.Cyr.3.3.12.
    b. metaph., ἐ. ἔργα τρέπεσθαι, ἰέναι, Il.3.422, Od.2.127;

    ἰέναι ἐ. τὸν ἔπαινον Th.2.36


    ἐ. συμφορὴν ἐμπεσεῖν Hdt.7.88

    codd.; also ἐ. τὴν τράπεζαν ἀποδιδόναι, ὀφείλειν, pay, owe to the bank, D.33.12, Docum. ap. eund.45.31; ἡ ἐγγύη ἡ ἐ. τὴν

    τράπεζαν D.33.10

    ; τὸ ἐ. τὴν τράπεζαν χρέως ib.24; also εἰσποιηθῆναι ἐ. τὸ ὄνομά τινος to be entered under his name, Id.44.36.
    c. up to, as far as ( μέχρι ἐ. X.An.5.1.[1]),

    παρατείνειν ἐπ' Ἡρακλέας στήλας Hdt.4.181


    ἐ. θάλασσαν καθήκειν Th.2.27

    ,97: metaph., ἐ. πείρατ' ἀέθλων

    ἤλθομεν Od.23.248

    ; ἐ. διηκόσια ἀποδιδόναι yield 200- fold, Hdt. 1.193; in measurements,

    πλέον ἢ ἐ. δύο στάδια X.Cyr.7.5.8

    , An.6.2.2; ὅσον ἐ. εἴκοσι σταδίους ib.6.4.5, cf. 1.7.15: freq. with a neut. Adj. or Pron.,

    τόσσον τίς τ' ἐπιλεύσσει ὅσον τ' ἐ. λᾶαν ἵησιν Il.3.12

    ; ὅσσον

    ἔφ' 2.616

    , cf. 15.358; ἐ. τοσοῦτό γε φρονέω,.. ταύτην μηδὲν σίνεσθαι I am prudent enough, not to.., Hdt.6.97;

    ἐ. ὅσον δεῖ Th.7.66

    ; .

    πάντ' ἀφίξομαι S.OT 265


    ἐ. πᾶν ἐλθεῖν X.An.3.1.18

    ; ἐ. τὸ ἔσχατον

    ἀγῶνος ἐλθεῖν Th.4.92

    ; ἐ. μεῖζον χωρεῖν, ἔρχεσθαι, ib. 117, S.Ph. 259;

    ἐ. μέγα χωρεῖν δυνάμεως Th.1.118

    ; ἐ. μακρότερον, ἐ. μακρότατον, Id.4.41, 1.1, Hdt.4.16, 192; ἐ. σμικρόν, ἐ. βραχύ, a little way, a little, S. El. 414, Th.1.118; ἐπ' ἔλαττον, ἐπ' ἐλάχιστον, Pl.Phd. 93b, Th.1.70; ἐπ' ὀλίγον, ἐ. πολλά, Pl.Sph. 254b; ἐ. πλέον still more, Hdt.2.171, 5.51, Th.2.51; rarely with Advs.,

    ἐ. μᾶλλον Hdt.1.94

    , 4.181.
    d. before, into the presence of (cf. A. 1.2e),

    ἦγον δή μιν ἐ. τὰ κοινά Id.3.156

    (but στὰς ἐ. τὸ συνέδριον standing at the door of the council, Id.8.79);

    ἐ. ἡγεμόνας καὶ βασιλεῖς ἀχθήσεσθε Ev.Matt.10.18

    e. in Military phrases (cf. A. 1.2d), ἐπ' ἀσπίδας πέντε καὶ εἴκοσιν ἐτάξαντο, i.e. twenty-five in file, Th.4.93; dub. in X., as ἐ. πολλοὺς τεταγμένοι many in file, An.4.8.11 codd.;

    ἐπ' ὀλίγον τὸ βάθος γίγνεσθαι Cyr.7.5.2

    codd.; for ἐ. κέρας v. infr.3.
    3. of the quarter or direction towards or in which a thing takes place, ἐ. δεξιά, ἐπ' ἀριστερά, to the right or left, Il.7.238, 12.240, Od.3.171, Hdt.6.33, etc.; ἐ. τὰ ἕτερα or ἐ. θάτερα, Id.5.74, Th.1.87, etc.; ἐ. τὰ μακρότερα , βραχύτερα, on the longer, shorter side, Hdt.1.50; ἐπ' ἀμφότερα νοέων both ways, Id.8.22;

    ἐπ' ἀμφότερα μαχᾶν τάμνειν τέλος Pi.O.13.57

    , etc.; ἐ. τάδε Φασήλιδος on this side, Isoc.7.80; ἐ. ἐκεῖνα, v. ἐπέκεινα; ἐφ' ἕν, ἐ. δύο, ἐ. τρία, of space, in one, two, three dimensions, Arist.de An. 404b23, Plot.6.3.13; in Military phrases, ἐ. δόρυ ἀναστρέψαι ,ἐ. ἀσπίδα μεταβαλέσθαι, to the spear or shield side, i.e. to right or left, X.An.4.3.29, Cyr.7.5.6; ἐ. πόδα ἀναχωρεῖν, etc., retire on the foot, i.e. facing the enemy, Id.An.5.2.32; so ἐ. κέρας or . κέρως πλεῖν, etc., sail towards or on the wing, i.e. in column (v.

    κέρας v11

    ): metaph., ἐ. τὸ μεῖζον κοσμῆσαι, δεινῶσαι, etc., with exaggeration, Th.1.10, 8.74, etc.;

    ἐ. τὸ πλέον ἀγγέλλεσθαι Id.6.34

    ; ἐ. τὸ φοβερώτερον ib.83; ἐ. τὰ γελοιότερα ἐπαινέσαι so as to provoke laughter, Pl. Smp. 214e; ἐ. τὰ καλλίω, ἐ. τὰ αἰσχίονα, Id.Plt. 293e; ἐ. τὸ βέλτιον καὶ κάλλιον, ἐ. τὸ χεῖρον καὶ τὸ αἴσχιον, Id.R. 381b; ἐ. τὸ ἄμεινον Orac. ap. D.43.66.
    4. in hostile sense, against,

    ἰέναι ἐ. νέας Il. 13.101


    ὦρτο δ' ἐπ' αὐτούς 5.590

    ; στρατεύεσθαι or -εύειν ἐ. τινα, Hdt. 1.71,77, Th.1.26, etc.;

    ἰέναι ἐ. φάτιν S.OT 495

    (lyr.); πλεῖν ἐ. τοὺσ

    Ἀθηναίους Th.2.90


    πέμπειν στρατηγὸν ἐ. τινας Hdt.1.153

    ; θύεσθαι ἐ. τινα offer sacrifice on going against.., X.An.7.8.21; ἐφ' ὑμᾶς to your prejudice, D.6.33, 10.57.
    5. of extension over a space, πουλὺν ἐφ' ὑγρὴν ἤλυθον over much water, Il.10.27: ἐπ' εὐρέα νῶτα

    θαλάσσης 2.159


    ἐ. κύματα 13.27


    ὁρόων ἐπ' ἀπείρονα πόντον 1.350

    ; πλέων, λεύσσων ἐ. οἴνοπα πόντον, 7.88, 5.771;

    ἐ. πολλὰ δ' ἀλήθην Od. 14.120


    ἄγοισι.. Ἀνδρομάχαν.. ἐπ' ἄλμυρον πόντον Sapph.Supp. 20a

    . 7: also with Verbs of Rest, ἐπ' ἐννέα κεῖτο πέλεθρα over nine acres he lay stretched, Od.11.577; τόσσον ἔπ' over so much, 5.251, cf. 13.114; διώκοντες ἐ. πολύ over a large space, Th.1.50, cf. 62, etc.; ἐ. πλεῖστον ib.4;

    ὡς ἐ. πλεῖστον 2.34

    , etc.; freq. to be rendered on,

    δράκων ἐ. νῶτα δαφοινός Il.2.308

    ; ἵππους.. ἐ. νῶτον ἐΐσας ib. 765;

    ὅσσα τε γαῖαν ἔπι πνείει 17.447

    ; ἐ. γαῖαν εἰσὶ δύω [γένη] Hes.Op.11;

    ἀοιδοὶ ἔασιν ἐ. χθόνα Th.95


    ἐ. γᾶν μέλαιναν ἔμμεναι κάλλιστον Sapph. Supp.5.2

    ; also, among,

    κλέος πάντας ἐπ' ἀνθρώπους Il.10.213

    , cf. 24.202, 535;

    δασσάμενοι [κτήματ'] ἐφ' ἡμέας Od.16.385

    , cf. Pl.Prt. 322d.
    II. of Time, for or during a certain time,

    ἐ. χρόνον Il.2.299

    , Od.14.193:

    πολλὸν ἐ. χρόνον 12.407


    παυρίδιον.. ἐ. χρόνον Hes. Op. 133


    ἐ. δηρόν Il.9.415


    ἐ. πολὺν χρόνον Pl.Phd. 84c

    , etc.; ἐπ'

    ὀλίγον χρόνον Lycurg.7

    ; ἐ. χρόνον τινά, ἐ. τινα χρόνον, Pl.Prt. 344b, Grg. 524d;

    γῆν ἀπεμίσθωσαν ἐ. δέκα ἔτη Th.3.68

    ; ἐ. διετές Lexap.D. 46.20;

    ἐ. τρεῖς ἡμέρας X.An.6.6.36

    ; τὸ ἐφ' ἡμέραν ἀρκέσον enough for the day, Id.Cyr.6.2.34, cf. D.50.23, Hdt.1.32; ἐ. πολύ for a long time, Th.1.6, etc.
    2. up to, until a certain time, εὗδον παννύχιος

    καὶ ἐπ' ἠῶ καὶ μέσον ἦμαρ Od.7.288


    οὐδ' ἐ. γῆρας ἵκετ' 8.226

    III. in various causal senses:
    1. of the object or purpose for which one goes, ἀγγελίην ἔπι Τυδῆ στεῖλαν sent him for (i.e. to bring) tidings of.., Il.4.384 (dub.); ἐ. βοῦν ἴτω let him go for an ox, Od.3.421;

    ἐ. τεύχεα δ' ἐσσεύοντο Il.2.808


    ἐλθεῖν πρός τινα ἐπ' ἀργύριον X.Cyr.1.6.12

    ; πέμπειν εἴς τινα ἐ. στράτευμα ib.4.5.31; ἴτω τις ἐφ' ὕδωρ ib.5.3.49; ἥκειν ἐ. τοὺς τόκους for (i.e. to demand) the interest, D.50.61: less freq. c. acc. pers.,

    ἐπ' Ὀδυσσῆα ἤϊε Od.5.149

    , cf. S.OT 555;

    κατῆλθον ἐ. ποιητήν Ar.Ra. 1418


    κατέρχονται ἐ. τὸν Ἀγόρατον Lys. 13.23

    : with acc. of a Noun of Action, ἐξιέναι ἐ. θήραν go out hunting, X.Cyr.1.2.9; ἔπλεον οὐχ ὡς ἐ. ναυμαχίαν (v.l. for -μαχίᾳ) Th.2.83;

    ἐ. μάχην ἰέναι X.An.1.4.12

    ; ἔρχεσθαι, ἵζειν ἐ. δεῖπνον, Il.2.381, Od.24.394;

    ἐ. δόρπον ἀνέστη 12.439


    κληθεὶς ἐ. δεῖπνον Pl.Smp. 174e

    , etc.;

    καλεῖν ἐ. ξείνια Hdt.2.107

    ,5.18; ἐ. τὴν θεωρίαν to see the sight, Ev.Luc.23.48, cf. PTeb.33.6 (ii B.C.): freq. with neut. Pron. or Adj., ἐ. τοῦτο ἐλθεῖν for this purpose, X.An.2.5.22, cf. Th.5.87; ἐπ' αὐτὸ

    τοῦτο Pl.Grg. 447b

    , etc.; ἐ. τί; to what end? Ar.Nu. 256;

    ἐφ' ὅ τι Id.Lys.22

    , 481; ἐφ' ἃ ἤλθομεν for which purpose, Th.7.15, etc.; ἐπὶ ἴσα for like ends, Pi.N.7.5 (but ἐ. ἶσα μάχη τέτατο, = ἴσως, Il.12.436); ἐ. τὸ βέλτιον to a better result, X.An.7.8.4; ἀναστῆσαί τινα ἐ. χριστὸν Θεοῦ set up as God's anointed, LXX 2 Ki.23.1: after an Adj., ἄριστοι πᾶσαν

    ἐπ' ἰθύν Il.6.79

    , cf. Od.4.434;

    ἄπορος ἐ. φρόνιμα S.OT 691

    (lyr.); χρήσιμος

    ἐ... οὐδέν D.25.31

    : after a Noun,

    ὁδὸς ἐ. τι X.Cyr.1.6.21

    ; ὄργανα ἐ. τι ib.6.2.34.
    2. so far as regards,

    τοὐπὶ τήνδε τὴν κόρην S.Ant. 889


    ὅσον γε τοὐπ' ἐμέ E.Or. 1345

    ; τοὐπί σε, τὸ ἐ. σέ, Id.Hec. 514, X.Cyr.1.4.12;

    τὸ ἐ. σφᾶς εἶναι Th.4.28

    ; ὡς ἐ. τὸ πολύ for the most part, Arist.Top. 100b29, etc.;

    ἐ. πᾶν Th.2.51

    ; τὸ πρὸς ἅπαν

    ξυνετὸν ἐ. πᾶν ἀργόν Id.3.82


    κρείσσων ἐπ' ἀρετήν Democr.181

    ; .

    μέγα Call.Dian.55

    3. of persons set over others, ἐ. τοὺς πεζοὺς

    καθιστάναι ἄρχοντα X.Cyr.4.5.58

    , cf. HG3.4.20; στρατηγὸς ἐ. τοὺς ὁπλίτας, ἐ. τὴν χώραν, Arist.Ath.61.1, IG22.682.24;

    ἐ. τὸν Πειραιέα Arist.Ath.


    ἐ. Ῥαμνοῦντα IG2.1206b

    (cf. A. 111.1); οἱ θεσμοθέται

    οἱ ἐ. τοὺς νόμους κληρούμενοι D.20.90

    4. according to, by, ἐ. στάθμην by the rule, Od.5.245, 21.44, etc.
    D. POSITION:— ἐπί may suffer anastrophe ([etym.] ἔπι) and follow its case, as in Il.1.162; it may like wise follow its Verb,

    ἤλυθ' ἔπι ψυχή Od.24.20

    , cf. Il.9.539.
    II. in Poets it is sts. put with the second of two Nouns, though in sense it also governs the first, ἢ ἁλὸς ἢ ἐ.

    γῆς Od.12.27

    , cf. S.OT 761, Ant. 367 (lyr.).
    E. ABS., used adverbially, without anastrophe, καὶ ἐ. σκέπας

    ἦν ἀνέμοιο Od.5.443

    ; κτεῖνον δ' ἐ. μηλοβοτῆρας as well, Il.18.529; esp. ἐ. δέ.. and besides.., Hdt.7.65,75, etc.;

    πολιαί τ' ἐ. ματέρες S. OT 182

    II. ἔπι, for ἔπεστι, there is, Il.1.515, 3.45, Od.16.315; οὐ γὰρ ἔπ' ἀνήρ.. there is no man.., 2.58; σοὶ δ' ἔ. μὲν μορφὴ

    ἐπέων 11.367


    ἔ. δέ μοι γέρας A.Eu. 393

    codd. (lyr.).
    F. PROSODY: in ἐπιόψομαι, ι is not elided before a vowel; also in some words where σ or ϝ has been lost, as ἐπιάλμενος, ἐπιείκελος, ἐπιεικής, ἐπιέξομαι (v.

    ἐπέχω v11

    ). [dialect] Dor. ἐπιεργάζομαι (v. ἐπιεργάζομαι).
    I. of Place, denoting,
    1. Support or Rest upon, ἔπειμι (A), ἐπίκειμαι, ἐπικαθίζω, ἐπαυχένιος, ἐπιβώμιος, etc.
    2. Motion,
    a. upon or over, ἐπιβαίνω, ἐπιτρέχω.
    b. to or towards, ἐπέρχομαι, ἐπιστέλλω, ἐπαρίστερος, ἐπιδέξιος.
    c. against,

    ἐπαΐσσω, ἐπιπλέω 11

    , ἐπιστρατεύω, ἐπιβουλεύω.
    e. over a place, as in ἐπαιωρέομαι, ἐπαρτάω.
    f. over or beyond boundaries, as in ἐπινέμομαι.
    g. implying reciprocity, as in ἐπιγαμία.
    3. Extension over a surface, as in ἐπαλείφω, ἐπανθίζω,

    ἐπιπέτομαι, ἐπιπλέω 1

    , ἐπάργυρος, ἐπίχρυσος.
    4. Accumulation of one thing over or besides another, as in ἐπαγείρω, ἐπιμανθάνω, ἐπαυξάνω, ἐπιβάλλω, ἐπίκτητος.
    5. Accompaniment, to, with, as in ἐπᾴδω, ἐπαυλέω, ἐπαγρυπνέω: hence of Addition, ἐπίτριτος one and 1/3 more, 1 +1/3; so ἐπιτέταρτος, ἐπίπεμπτος, ἐπόγδοος, etc.
    6. with Adjs., somewhat, slightly, as in ἐπίξανθος, ἐπίπικρος.
    II. of Time and Sequence, after, as in ἐπιβιόω, ἐπιβλαστάνω, ἐπιγίγνομαι,

    ἐπακόλουθος, ἐπίγονος, ἐπιστάτης 1.2

    III. in causal senses:
    1. Superiority felt over or at, as in ἐπιχαίρω, ἐπιγελάω, ἐπαισχύνομαι.
    2. Authority over, as in ἐπικρατέω, ἔπαρχος, ἐπιβουκόλος, ἐπιποιμήν.
    3. Motive for, as in ἐπιθυμέω, ἐπιζήμιος, ἐπιθάνατος.
    4. to give force or intensity to the Verb, as in ἐπαινέω, ἐπιμέμφομαι, ἐπικείρω, ἐπικλάω.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἐπί

  • 15 FRAM

    * * *
    1) forward; hann féll f. á. fœtr konungi, he fell forward on his face at the king’s feet; f. rétt, straight on; koma f., to reappear;
    3) on the fore part, in front, opp. to aptr( maðr f., en dýr aptr); aptr ok f., fore and aft, of a ship;
    4) joined with preps. and particles, bíða f. á dag, f. á nótt, to wait far into the day, or night; bíða f. um jól, to wait till after Yule; fyrir lög f., in spite of the law; f. undan eyjunni; off the island;
    5) of time, hversu er f. orðit, how late is it, what time is it? f. orðit dags, late in the day.
    * * *
    adv.—the Icel. has a triple adverbial form, fram, denoting the going to a place (ad locum); frammi, the being in a place (in loco); framan, the going from a place (a loco)—compar. framarr (mod. framar) or fremr, = Goth. framis; superl. framast (framarst) or fremst: proncd. with a double m = framm; and that such was the case in olden times may be seen from Fms. vi. 385 and Skálda 168, 171. This adv. with its compds and derivatives may be said to have been lost in Germ. as well as Engl., and at a very early time. Even Ulf. uses fram as a prep. in the sense of ἀπό, like the A. S. and Engl. from, Swed. från: only in two passages Ulf. uses fram as adv., viz. Rom. xiii. 12, where he renders ‘the night is far spent’ (nóttin er um liðin of the Icel. N. T.) by framis galeiþan, which recalls to mind the Icel. fram-liðinn = deceased, past; and Mark i. 19, where προβαίνειν is rendered by gaggan framis = Icel. ganga framarr or ganga fram; cp. also the Goth. compds fram-gahts = progress, Philipp. i. 25; fram-aldrs = stricken in years; fram-vigis = Icel. fram-vegis; fram-vairþis = further: in O. H. G. vram = ultra still occurs, but is now lost in Germ. as well as in Engl.: the Icel., on the other hand, makes a clear distinction between the prep. frá ( from) and fram, on, forward, = Gr. πρόσω, Lat. porro, pro-; in some compds the sense from appears, e. g. framandi, a stranger,—Ulf. framaþeis, prop. one who is far off or from far off; so also fram-liðinn, gone, past; ganga fram, to die.
    A. fram, forward, (opp. to aptr, backward); aðra leið aptr en fram, 655 xxxii. 18; hann féll fram á fætr konungi, he fell forward on his face at the king’s feet, Eg. 92; stefna fram ( to go on) hina neðri leið, 582; brautin liggr þar fram í milli, id.; cf þeir vilja fram, or, fram á leið, forward, Sks. 483; fram rétt, straight on, Fms. ii. 273, v. l.; fram, fram! on, on! a war cry, Ó. H. 215: koma fram, to reappear, arrive, after being long unheard of; hann kom fram í Danmörku, Fms. i. 62; hann kom fram í kaupstað þeim er …, Ísl. ii. 332; ok kómu þar fram, er Kirjálar vóru á fjalli, Eg. 58: the phrase, fram í ættir, in a far or distant degree (of relationship), 343: people in Icel. in the 14th century used to say, fram til Noregs, up to Norway (cp. up to London), Dipl. ii. 15, 16.
    II. fram is generally applied to any motion outwards or towards the open, opp. to inn, innar; thus fram denotes the outer point of a ness, fram á nes; Icel. also say, fram á sjó, towards the high sea, (but upp or inn at landi, landwards); also, towards the verge of a cliff or the like, fram á hamarinn (bergit), Eg. 583: when used of a house fram means towards the door, thus, fara fram í dyr (eldhús), but inn or innar í baðstofu (hence fram-bær), var hón ávalt borin fram ok innar, she was borne in a litter out and in, Bs. i. 343: of a bed or chair fram denotes the outside, the side farthest from the wall, horfir hón til þils, en bóndi fram, she turned her face to the wall, but her husband away from it, Vígl. 31.
    β. again, Icel. say, fram á dal, up dale, opp. to ofan dalinn, down dale.
    III. without motion, the fore part, opp. to aptr, hinder part (cp. fram-fætr); aptr krókr en fram sem sporðr, Fms. ii. 179; maðr fram en dýr aptr (of a centaur), 673. 2, Sks. 179; aptr ok fram, fore and aft, of a ship, Fms. ix. 310.
    IV. joined with prepp. or particles, Lat. usque; bíða fram á dag, fram á nótt, fram í myrkr, to wait far into the day, night, darkness, Bs. ii. 145; bíða fram yfir, er fram um Jól, etc., to bide till after Yule; um fram, past over; sitja um þat fram er markaðrinn stóð, to stay till the fair is past, Fb. i. 124; fram um hamarinn (bergit), to pass the cliff, Eg. 582; ríða um fram, to ride past or to miss, Nj. 264, mod. fram hjá, cp. Germ. vorbei:—metaph., vera um fram e-n, above, surpassingly; um fram aðra menn, Fb. i. 91, Fms. vi. 58, passim; um alla hluti fram, above all things: yfir alla hluti fram, id., Stj. 7: besides, Sks. 41 new Ed.: fyrir lög fram, in spite of the law, Fms. iii. 157; fyrir rétt fram, 655 xx. 4; fyrir lof fram, without leave, Grág. i. 326; fyrir þat fram, but for that, ii. 99: the phrase, fyrir alla hluti fram, above all things, 623. 19.
    β. temp., fyrir fram means beforehand, Germ. voraus; vita, segja fyrir fram, to know, tell beforehand, Germ. voraus-sagen.
    γ. fram undan, projecting, stretching forward; fram undan eyjunni, Fms. ii. 305.
    δ. the phrase, fram, or more usually fram-orðit, of time, hvað er fram-orðit, how late is it? i. e. what is the time? Ld. 224; þá var fram-orðit, it was late in the day, Clem. 51; þá er fram var orðit, 623. 30: dropping ‘orðit,’ þeir vissu eigi hvat fram var (qs. fram orðit), they did not know the time of day, K. Þ. K. 90: with gen., fram-orðit dags, late in the day, Fms. xi. 10, Ld. 174; áfram, on forward, q. v.
    V. with verbs,
    α. denoting motion, like pro- in Latin, thus, ganga, koma, sækja, falla, fljóta, renna, líða, fara … fram, to go, come, flow, fare … forward, Eg. 136, Fms. ii. 56, Jb. 75, passim: of time, líða fram, Bs. ii. 152 (fram-liðinn).
    β. rétta, halda fram, to stretch, hold forth, Nj. 3; flytja, bera, draga, leiða, færa, selja, setja fram, to bring … forward, Sks. 567; leggja fram, to ‘lay forth,’ discharge, Fms. v. 293, Nj. 3, 11; bjóða fram, to offer; eggja, hvetja fram, to egg on; segja fram, to pronounce; standa, lúta fram, etc.
    γ. sjá, horfa, stökkva … fram fyrir sik, to look, jump forward, opp. to aptr fyrir sik, Nj. 29:—impers., e-m fer fram, to grow, make progress; skara fram úr, to stand out.
    B. frammi, (for the pronunciation with a double m vide Skálda 169,) denotes in or on a place, without motion, and is formed in the same way as uppi from upp, niðri from niðr; Icel. thus say, ganga fram, niðr, upp, to go on, go down, go up; but vera frammi, niðri, uppi, to be in, etc.; if followed by a vowel, the final i may be dropt, thus, vera frammi á dal, or framm’ á dal, Hrafn. 6; sitja framm’ fyrir hásæti (= frammi fyrir), Ó. H. 5; just as one may say, vera niðr’ á (qs. niðri á) engjum, upp’ á (= uppi á) fjalli: as to direction, all that is said of fram also applies to frammi, only that frammi can but denote the being in a place; Icel. thus say, frammi á dal in a dale, frammi í dyrum in-doors, frammi á fjalli on a fell, frammi á gólfi on the floor, frammi á sjó, etc.; þeir Leitr sitja frammi í húsum, Fær. 181, cp. also Hrafn. 1; sitja (standa) frammi fyrir e-m, to sit ( stand) before one’s face, Hkr. ii. 81.
    II. metaph. the phrase, hafa e-t frammi, to perform a thing, Nj. 232, Sks. 161: to use, shew, in a bad sense, of an insult, threatening, or the like; hafa þeir f. mikil-mæli ok heita afarkostum, Hkr. i. 191: the particle í is freq. prefixed, hafa í frammi, (not á frammi as áfram, q. v.); svá fremi skaltú rógit í frammi hafa, Nj. 166; þarftú þá fleira í frammi at hafa en stóryrði ein ok dramblæti, Fas. i. 37; hafðú í frammi kúgan við þá uppi við fjöllin, Ísl. ii. 215: to exercise, Bs. i. 852; hafa f. ípróttir, Fms. ix. 8 (rare); láta, leggja f., to contribute, produce, Fas. iii. 118, Fms. vi. 211.
    C. framan, from the front side; framan at borðinu, to the front of the table, Fb. ii. 302; framan at e-u, in the face or front of (opp. to aptan að, from behind); skaltú róa at framan borðum skútunnar, thou shall row towards the boards of the boat, of one boat trying to reach another, Háv. 46; taka framan af e-u, to take ( cut) from the fore part, Od. xiv. 474; framan á skipinu, the fore part of the ship, Fms. ii. 179; framan um stafninn, vi. 78.
    β. temp., framan af sumri, vetri, hausti, váti, the beginning, first part of summer …; also simply framan af, in the beginning.
    γ. of the fore part of the body; nokkut hafit upp framan nefit, Ld. 272; réttnefjaðr ok hafit upp í framan-vert, a straight nose and prominent at the tip, Nj. 29; framan á brjóstið, on the breast; framan í andlitið, in the face; framan á knén, í stálhúfuna framan, Fms. viii. 337; framan á þjóhnappana, Sturl. i. 14 (better aptan á).
    δ. with the prep. í preceding; í framan, adv. in the face; rjóðr í framan, red in the face; fölr í framan, pale-faced, etc., freq. in mod. use.
    2. fyrir framan, before, in front of, with acc. (opp. to fyrir aptan, behind); fyrir framan slána, Nj. 45; fyrir framan hendr honum, 60; fyrir framan hamarinn, Eg. 583; fyrir framan merki, Fms. i. 27, ii. 84: as adv., menn stóðu með vápnum fyrir framan þar sem Flosi sat, before F. ‘s seat, Nj. 220; þá var skotið aptr lokhvílunni ok sett á hespa fyrir framan, Fms. ii. 84: að framan, above.
    3. as framan is prop. an adv. from the place, Icel. also say, koma framan af dal, framan af nesi, framan ór dyrum, etc., to come down the dale, etc., vide fram above.
    4. ‘framan til’ in a temp. sense, up to, until; nú líðr til þings framan, it drew near to the time of parliament, Nj. 12; líðr nú til þings framan, Ld. 88; leið nú framan til Jóla, Ísl. ii. 42; framan til Páska, Stj. 148; framan til vetrnátta, D. N.; framan til þess er hann átti við Glám, Grett. 155; framan til Leiðar, Anal. 172; frá upphafi heims framan, from the beginning of the world, Ver. 1; in mod. usage simply fram in all such instances.
    D. Compar. framarr, farther on; superl. framast, fremst, farthest on:
    1. loc., feti framarr, a step farther on, Lv. 59; þar er þeir koma framast, the farthest point they can reach, Grág. i. 111; þar sem hann kömr framast, 497; hvar hann kom framarst, Fms. xi. 416; svá kómu þeir fremst at þeir unnu þá borg, i. 114; þeir eru mest til þess nefndir at framast ( foremost) hafi verit, Ísl. ii. 368; þeir er fremst vóru, Fms. v. 78.
    2. temp. farthest back; er ek fremst um man, Vsp. 1; hvat þú fyrst um mant eða fremst um veizt, Vþm. 34; frá því ek má fremst muna, Dipl. v. 25.
    II. metaph. farther, more, superl. farthest, most; erat hann framarr skyldr sakráða við menn, Grág. i. 11; nema vér reynim oss framarr, Fær. 75; meta, hvárra þörf oss litisk framarr ganga, whose claim appeared to us the strongest, Dipl. ii. 5.
    β. with dat., venju framarr, more than usual; því framarr sem, all the more, Fms. i. 184.
    γ. with ‘en’ following; framar en, farther than, more than; mun hér því ( therefore) framarr leitað en hvarvetna annars-staðar, Fms. i. 213; at ganga framarr á hendr Þorleiki en mitt leyfi er til, Ld. 154; hversu Þorólfr var framarr en ek, Eg. 112; framarr er hann en ek, he is better than I, Nj. 3; sókn framarr ( rather) en vörn, 236; framarr en ( farther than) nú er skilt, Js. 48; því at hann væri framarr en aðrir menn at sér, better than other men, Mar. 25.
    2. superl., svá sem sá er framast ( foremost) elskaði, Fs. 80; svá sem framast má, 655 xi. 2; sem Guð lér honum framast vit til, Js. 5: with gen., konungr virði hann framast allra sona sinna, Fms. i. 6; at Haraldr væri framast þeirra bræðra, 59; framast þeirra at allri sæmd, viii. 272.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FRAM

  • 16 ἐπί

    ἐπί prep. w. gen., dat., or acc.; s. the lit. on ἀνά, beg. (Hom.+). The basic idea is ‘upon’ (opp. ὑπό) Kühner-G. I 495; s. also Rob 600–605. (In the foll. classifications case use is presented seriatim; in earlier editions of this lexicon all sections, except 13, 17, and 18 [of time], were included under the general rubric ‘Place’.)
    marker of location or surface, answering the question ‘where?’ on, upon, near
    w. gen., marking a position on a surface ἐ. (τῆς) γῆς on (the) earth (cp. En 9:1; 98:1; ἐ. γῆς 25:6; PsSol 17:2) Mt 6:10, 19; 9:6; 23:9; Mk 6:47 al. (Ar. 12, 1; Just., A I, 54, 7 al.). ἐ. τῆς θαλάσσης on the sea (cp. Job 9:8; Dio Chrys. 10 [11], 129 βαδίζειν ἐ. τῆς θαλ.; Lucian, Philops. 13 βαδίζειν ἐφʼ ὕδατος, VH 2, 4; Artem. 3, 16 ἐ. τ. θαλάσσης περιπατεῖν; schol. on Nicander, Ther. 15 p. 5, 26ff relying on the testimony of Hesiod: Orion was given a gift [δωρεά] by the gods καὶ ἐ. κυμάτων πορεύεσθαι καὶ ἐ. τῆς γῆς) Mt 14:26; Mk 6:48f; J 6:19 (w. acc. P75; s. 4bβ below). ἐ. τῶν νεφελῶν on the clouds Mt 24:30; 26:64 (Da 7:13; cp. Philo, Praem. 8). ἐ. κλίνης 9:2; Lk 17:34. ἐ. τοῦ δώματος on the roof vs. 31; Mt 24:17; 10:27 foll. by pl. W. verbs: κάθημαι ἐ. τινος sit on someth. (Job 2:8; ἐ. τοῦ ἅρματος GrBar 6:2; cp. JosAs 27:1 ἐ. τοῦ ὀχήματος καθεζόμενος; Just., D. 90, 5 ἐ. λίθου καθεζόμενος) Mt 24:3; 27:19; Ac 8:28; Rv 6:16; 9:17 (the same prep. used in Rv w. κάθημαι and dat. s. bα below, and w. acc. cα). ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τινος stand on someth. Ac 21:40; Rv 10:5, 8 (Just., D. 86, 2 ἐστηρίχθαι). With parts of the body: ἐ. χειρῶν αἴρειν carry on (i.e. in/with) their hands Mt 4:6; Lk 4:11 (both Ps 90:12). ἐ. κεφαλῆς on the head (Hdt. 5, 12, 4) J 20:7; 1 Cor 11:10; Rv 12:1. ἐ. τοῦ μετώπου Rv 7:3; 9:4. ἐ. γυμνοῦ on the naked body Mk 14:51. Cp. use of ἐπί w. καθίζω and gen., and ἐπί w. κάθημαι and acc. Mt 19:28.—In a gener. and fig. sense Ac 21:23.
    w. dat., gener. suggesting contiguity on, in, above.
    α. answering the question ‘where?’ (Hom. et al.; ins, pap, LXX; Just., D. 105, 5 ἐ. τῷ σταυρῷ; Tat., 9:1 ἐ. τοῖς ὄρεσι; Ath. 20, 1 ἐ. τῷ μετώπῳ; Mel., P. 19, 131 ἐ. σάκκῳ καὶ σποδῷ) ἐ. πίνακι on a platter Mt 14:8, 11; Mk 6:25, 28. ἀνακλῖναι ἐ. τῷ χλωρῷ χόρτῳ on the green grass 6:39. ἐ. τοῖς κραβάττοις vs. 55. ἐπέκειτο ἐπʼ αὐτῷ lay on it (or before it) J 11:38. καθήμενος ἐ. τῷ θρόνῳ Rv 4:9 (cp. gen. w. καθ. 1a above, and acc. cα below) 5:13; 7:10 and oft. ἐφʼ ἵπποις λευκοῖς on white horses 19:14. ἐ. σανίσιν on planks Ac 27:44. ἐ. τῇ στοᾷ in the colonnade 3:11. τὰ ἐ. τοῖς οὐρανοῖς what is above (or in) the heavens Eph 1:10. ἐπʼ αὐτῷ above him, at his head Lk 23:38 (=Mt 27:37 ἐπάνω τ. κεφαλῆς αὐτοῦ).
    β. answering the question ‘whither?’ on, upon (Hom. et al.) w. verbs that indicate a direction: οἰκοδομεῖν ἐ. τινι build upon someth. Mt 16:18. ἐποικοδομεῖν Eph 2:20. ἐπιβάλλειν ἐπίβλημα ἐ. ἱματίῳ παλαιῷ put a patch on an old garment Mt 9:16. ἐπιπίπτειν ἐ. τινι Ac 8:16. ἐκάθισεν ἐ. τῷ θρόνῳ he sat down on the throne GJs 11:1. λίθον ἐπʼ αὐτῇ βαλέτω J 8:7 v.l. (cp. 12a below).
    w. acc., answering the question ‘where?’ (Hom. et al.; LXX; JosAs 29:2 φορῶν ἐ. τὸν μηρὸν αὐτοῦ ῥομφαίαν; Just., D. 53, 1 ζυγὸν ἐ. αὐχένα μὴ ἔχων)
    α. on, over someth. καθεύδειν ἐ. τι sleep on someth. Mk 4:38. καθῆσθαι ἐ. τι sit on someth. Mt 19:28 (in the same vs. καθίζω w. gen., s. a above) J 12:15; Rv 4:4; 6:2; 11:16 al.; cp. Lk 21:35b; κεῖσθαι ἐ. τι lie upon someth. 2 Cor 3:15. κατακεῖσθαι Lk 5:25. ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τὸν αἰγιαλόν stand on the shore Mt 13:2; cp. Rv 14:1. ἑστῶτας ἐ. τὴν θάλασσαν standing beside the sea 15:2. ἔστη ἐ. τὴν κεφαλὴν τοῦ παιδίου (the star) remained stationary over the head of the child GJs 21:3. σκηνοῦν ἐ. τινα spread a tent over someone Rv 7:15. ἐ. τὴν δεξιάν at the right hand 5:1. λίθος ἐ. λίθον stone upon stone Mt 24:2.
    β. ἐ. τὸ αὐτό at the same place, together (Ps.-X., Respublica Athen. [The Old Oligarch] 2, 2; Pla., Rep. 329a; SIG 736, 66 [92 B.C.]. In pap=‘in all’: PTebt 14, 20 [114 B.C.]; PFay 102, 6.—2 Km 2:13; En 100:2) εἶναι ἐ. τὸ αὐτό be together Lk 17:35; Ac 1:15; 2:1, 44. In 1 Cor 7:5 it is a euphemistic expr. for sexual union. κατοικεῖν ἐ. τὸ αὐτό live in the same place (Dt 25:5) Hm 5, 1, 4. Also w. verbs of motion (Sus 14 Theod.) συνέρχεσθαι ἐ. τὸ αὐτό come together to the same place 1 Cor 11:20; 14:23; cp. B 4:10 (Just., A I, 67, 3 συνέλευσις γίνεται). συνάγεσθαι (Phlegon of Tralles [Hadr.]: 257 Fgm. 36 III 9 Jac.; PsSol 2:2; TestJob 28:5 Jos., Bell. 2, 346) Mt 22:34; Ac 4:26 (Ps 2:2); 1 Cl 34:7. ἐ. τὸ αὐτὸ μίγνυσθαι be mixed together Hm 10, 3, 3. προσετίθει ἐ. τὸ αὐτό added to their number Ac 2:47.
    γ. at, by, near someone or someth. καθῆσθαι ἐ. τὸ τελώνιον sit at the tax-office Mt 9:9 (ἐ. τὰς ὡραίας πύλας GrBar prol. 2); Mk 2:14. ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τὴν θύραν stand at the door Rv 3:20. σὺ ἔστης ἐ. τὸ θυσιαστήριον you are standing (ἕστηκας deStrycker) as priest at the altar GJs 8:2. ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς among you 2 Th 1:10; cp. Ac 1:21.—Of pers., over whom someth. is done ὀνομάζειν τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ ἐ. τινα speak the name of Jesus over someone Ac 19:13. ἐπικαλεῖν τὸ ὄνομά τινος ἐ. τινα=to claim someone for one’s own (Jer 14:9; 2 Ch 7:14; 2 Macc 8:15) Ac 15:17 (Am 9:12); Js 2:7; Hs 8, 6, 4. προσεύχεσθαι ἐ. τινα pray over someone Js 5:14.
    marker of presence or occurrence near an object or area, at, near
    w. gen., of immediate proximity to things at, near (Hdt. 7, 115; X., An. 4, 3, 28 al.; LXX, Just.) ἐ. τ. θυρῶν at the gates (Plut., C. Gracch. 841 [14, 3]; PRyl 127, 8f [29 A.D.] κοιμωμένου μου ἐ. τῆς θύρας; 1 Macc 1:55; Just., D. 111, 4) Ac 5:23 (s. b below for dat. in 5:9). ἐ. τῆς θαλάσσης near the sea (Polyb. 1, 44, 4; Ex 14:2; Dt 1:40; 1 Macc 14:34) J 21:1. ἐ. τῆς ὁδοῦ by the road Mt 21:19. ἐσθίειν ἐ. τῆς πραπέζης τινός eat at someone’s table Lk 22:30 (cp. POxy 99, 14 [55 A.D.] τράπεζα, ἐφʼ ἧς Σαραπίων καὶ μέτοχοι; Da 11:27 LXX ἐ. μιᾶς τραπέζης). ἐ. τοῦ (τῆς) βάτου at the thornbush = in the passage about the thornbush (i.e. Ex 3:1ff) Mk 12:26; Lk 20:37.
    with dat., of immediate proximity at, near by (Hom.+) ἦν ἔτι ἐ. τῷ τόπῳ ὅπου was still at the place, where J 11:30 v.l. (for ἐν; cp. Just., D. 402). ἐ. τῇ θύρᾳ (ἐ. θύραις) at the door (Hom. et al.; Wsd 19:17; Jos., Ant. 17, 90; Just., D. 32, 3) Mt 24:33; Mk 13:29; Ac 5:9 (s. a above). ἐ. τοῖς πυλῶσιν Rv 21:12. ἐ. τῇ πηγῇ J 4:6 (Jos., Ant. 5, 58 ἐ. τινι πηγῇ; Just., A I, 64, 1 ἐ. ταῖς … πηγαῖς). ἐ. τῇ προβατικῇ (sc. πύλῃ) near the sheepgate 5:2; cp. Ac 3:10. ἐ. τῷ ποταμῷ near the river (since Il. 7, 133; Jos., Ant. 4, 176 ἐ. τ. Ἰορδάνῳ) Rv 9:14.—Of pers. (Diod S 14, 113, 6; Just., A I, 40, 7) ἐφʼ ὑμῖν among you 2 Cor 7:7; cp. Ac 28:14 v.l.
    marker of involvement in an official proceeding, before, w. gen., of pers., esp. in the language of lawsuits (Pla., Leg. 12, 943d; Isaeus 5, 1 al.; UPZ 71, 15; 16 [152 B.C.]; POxy 38, 11; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 382, 23=BGU 909, 23; Jos., Vi. 258; Just., A II, 1, 1 ἐ. Οὐρβίκου). ἐ. τοῦ ἡγεμόνος in the governor’s presence Mt 28:14. ἐ. ἡγεμόνων καὶ βασιλέων Mk 13:9. ἐ. σου before you (the procurator) Ac 23:30. ἐ. Τερτούλλου Phlm subscr. v.l.; στάντος μου ἐ. τοῦ συνεδρίου Ac 24:20 (cp. Diod S 11, 55, 4 ἐ. τοῦ κοινοῦ συνεδρίου τ. Ἑλλήνων). γυναικὸς … διαβληθείσης ἐ. τοῦ κυρίου Papias (2:17). κρίνεσθαι ἐ. τῶν ἀδίκων go to law before the unrighteous 1 Cor 6:1. κριθήσεται ἐφʼ ὑμῶν before your tribunal D 11:11. μαρτυρεῖν ἐ. Ποντίου Πιλάτου testify before Pontius Pilate 1 Ti 6:13 (s. μαρτυρέω 1c). ἐ. τοῦ βήματος (POxy 37 I, 3 [49 A.D.]) ἑστὼς ἐ. τοῦ βήματος Καίσαρός εἰμι I am standing before Caesar’s tribunal Ac 25:10 (Appian says Prooem. c. 15 §62 of himself: δίκαις ἐν Ῥώμῃ συναγορεύσας ἐ. τῶν βασιλέων=I acted as attorney in lawsuits in Rome before the emperors).—Gener. in someone’s presence (Appian, Syr. 61 §324 ἐφʼ ὑμῶν=in your presence) ἐ. Τίτου before Titus 2 Cor 7:14. Cp.10 below.
    marker of movement to or contact w. a goal, toward, in direction of, on
    w. gen., marking contact with the goal that is reached, answering the question ‘whither?’ toward, on, at w. verbs of motion (Appian, Iber. 98 §427 ἀπέπλευσεν ἐπʼ οἴκου=he sailed [toward] home; PGM 4, 2468f ἀναβὰς ἐ. δώματος; JosAs 27:1 ἀνέδραμε … ἐ. πέτρας; Jos., Ant. 4, 91 ἔφευγον ἐ. τ. πόλεων; Tat. 33:3 Εὐρώπην ἐ. τοῦ ταύρου καθιδρύσαντος) βάλλειν τὸν σπόρον ἐ. τῆς γῆς Mk 4:26; also σπείρειν vs. 31. πίπτειν (Wsd 18:23; TestAbr A 3 p. 80, 11 [Stone p. 8]; JosAs 9:1) 9:20; 14:35. καθιέναι Ac 10:11. τιθέναι (Sir 17:4) Lk 8:16; J 19:19; Ac 5:15. ἔρχεσθαι Hb 6:7; Rv 3:10; γίνεσθαι ἐ. reach, be at J 6:21. γενόμενος ἐ. τοῦ τόπου when he reached the place Lk 22:40. καθίζειν take one’s seat ἐ. θρόνου (JosAs 7:1 al.) Mt 19:28 (s. 1a end); 23:2; 25:31; J 19:13 (ἐ. βήματος of Pilate as Jos., Bell. 2, 172; of Jesus Just., A I, 35, 6). κρεμαννύναι ἐ. ξύλου hang on a tree (i.e. cross) (Gen 40:19; cp. Just., D. 86, 6 σταυρωθῆναι ἐ. τοῦ ξύλου) Ac 5:30; 10:39; cp. Gal 3:13 (Dt 21:23).
    w. acc.
    α. specifying direction (En 24:2 ἐ. νότον ‘southward’ of position of the mountain) of motion that takes a particular direction, to, toward ἐκτείνας τ. χεῖρα ἐ. τοὺς μαθητάς Mt 12:49; cp. Lk 22:53 (JosAs 12:8). πορεύεσθαι ἐ. τὸ ἀπολωλός go after the one that is lost 15:4. ἐ. τὴν ῏Ασσον in the direction of Assos Ac 20:13. ἐπιστρέφειν ἐ. τι turn to someth. 2 Pt 2:22 (cp. Pr 26:11; En 99:5). ὡς ἐ. λῃστήν as if against a robber Mt 26:55; Mk 14:48; Lk 22:52.
    β. from one point to another across, over w. motion implied (Hom.+; LXX) περιπατεῖν, ἐλθεῖν ἐ. τ. θάλασσαν or ἐ. τ. ὕδατα Mt 14:25, 28f; J 6:19 P75. Of spreading across the land (PsSol 17:10): famine Ac 7:11; 11:28; darkness Mt 27:45; Lk 23:44. ἐ. σταδίους δώδεκα χιλιάδων across twelve thousand stades Rv 21:16 v.l. (Polyaenus 5, 44, 4 ἐ. στάδια δέκα); ἐ. πλεῖον further (1 Esdr 2:24; 2 Macc 10:27) Ac 4:17.
    γ. of goal attained (Hom. et al.; LXX) on, upon someone or someth. πέσατε ἐφʼ ἡμᾶς Lk 23:30 (Hos 10:8). ἔπεσεν ἐ. τὰ πετρώδη Mt 13:5; cp. Lk 13:4. ἔρχεσθαι ἐ. τινα come upon someone Mt 3:16; also καταβαίνειν fr. above J 1:33; cp. Rv 16:21. ἀναβαίνειν (Jos., Ant. 13, 138; Just., A II, 12, 7) Lk 5:19. ἐπιβαίνειν Mt 21:5 (Zech 9:9).—Ac 2:3; 9:4 al.; διασωθῆναι ἐ. τ. γῆν be brought safely to the land 27:44; cp. vs. 43; Lk 8:27. ἐ. τὸ πλοῖον to the ship Ac 20:13. ἀναπεσεῖν ἐ. τὴν γῆν lie down or sit down on the ground Mt 15:35. ἔρριψεν αὐτὸν χαμαὶ ἐ. τὸν σάκκον he threw himself down on the sackcloth GJs 13:1. τιθέναι τι ἐ. τι put someth. on someth. (JosAs 16:11) Mt 5:15; Lk 11:33; Mk 8:25 v.l.; likew. ἐπιτιθέναι (JosAs 29:5) Mt 23:4; Mk 8:25; Lk 15:5; J 9:6, 15; Ac 15:10. ἐπιβάλλειν τ. χεῖρας ἐ. τινα (Gen 22:12 al.) Mt 26:50; Lk 21:12; Ac 5:18. Mainly after verbs of placing, laying, putting, bringing, etc. on, to: ἀναβιβάζω, ἀναφέρω, βάλλω, γράφω, δίδωμι, ἐγγίζω, ἐπιβιβάζω, ἐπιγράφω, ἐποικοδομέω, ἐπιρ(ρ)ίπτω, θεμελιόω, ἵστημι, κατάγω, οἰκοδομέω, σωρεύω; s. these entries. Sim. βρέχειν ἐ. τινα cause rain to fall upon someone Mt 5:45 (cp. PsSol 17:18); also τ. ἥλιον ἀνατέλλειν ἐ. τινα cause the sun to rise so that its rays fall upon someone *ibid. τύπτειν τινὰ ἐ. τὴν σιαγόνα strike on the cheek Lk 6:29. πίπτειν ἐ. (τὸ) πρόσωπον (Jdth 14:6) on the face Mt 17:6; 26:39; Lk 5:12; 17:16; 1 Cor 14:25; Rv 7:11.To, upon w. acc. of thing πορεύεσθαι ἐ. τὴν ὁδόν go to the road Ac 8:26; cp. 9:11. ἐ. τὰς διεξόδους Mt 22:9. ἵνα μὴ πνέῃ ἄνεμος ἐ. πᾶν δένδρον so that no wind should blow upon any tree Rv 7:1.
    δ. of closeness to someth. or someone to, up to, in the neighborhood of, on ἐ. τὸ μνημεῖον up to the tomb Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1 v.l., 22, 24; cp. ἐ. τὸ μνῆμα Mk 16:2 v.l.; Lk 24:1. ἔρχεσθαι ἐ. τι ὕδωρ come to some water Ac 8:36. ἐ. τὴν πύλην τὴν σιδηρᾶν to the iron gate 12:10. καταβαίνειν ἐ. τὴν θάλασσαν go down to the sea J 6:16. ἐ. τὸν Ἰορδάνην Mt 3:13 (Just., D. 88, 3 al.). ἀναπίπτειν ἐ. τὸ στῆθος he leaned back on (Jesus’) breast J 13:25; 21:20. πίπτειν ἐ. τοὺς πόδας fall at (someone’s) feet Ac 10:25 (JosAs 14:10 ἔπεσεν ἐ πρόσωπον ἐ. τοὺς πόδας αὐτοῦ). ἐ. τ. ἀκάνθας among the thorns Mt 13:7.—W. acc. of pers. to someone ἐ. τὸν Ἰησοῦν ἐλθόντες they came to Jesus J 19:33; cp. Mt 27:27; Mk 5:21.
    ε. in imagery of goal or objective to, toward (Just., A II, 7, 6 ἐπʼ ἀμφότερα τρέπεσθαι) ἐπιστρέφειν, ἐπιστρέφεσθαι ἐ. τινα turn to (Dt 30:10; 31:20 al.; Ar. 2, 1 ἔλθωμεν καὶ ἐ. τὸ ἀνθρώπινον γένος ‘let us now turn to …’; Just., D. 56, 11 ἐ. τὰς γραφὰς ἐπανελθών) Lk 1:17; Ac 9:35; 11:21; 14:15; 26:20; Gal 4:9; 1 Pt 2:25.
    marker of manner, corresponding to an adv., w. dat. (Aeschyl., Suppl. 628 ἐπʼ ἀληθείᾳ; UPZ 162 VI, 3 [117 B.C.] κακοτρόπως καὶ ἐ. ῥαδιουργίᾳ; POxy 237 VI, 21 ἐ. τῇ τῶν ἀνθρ. σωτηρίᾳ; ἐφʼ ὁράσει En 14:8; Just., A I, 9, 3 ἐφʼ ὕβρει; 55, 7 ἐ. τούτῳ τῷ σχήματι ‘in this form’; Tat. 17, 1 ἐπʼ ἀκριβείᾳ; Ath. 33, 2 ἐφʼ ἑνὶ γάμῳ) ὁ σπείρων ἐπʼ εὐλογίαις (in contrast to ὁ σπείρων φειδομένως one who sows sparingly) one who sows in blessing (i.e. generously) 2 Cor 9:6. ἐπʼ εὐλογίαις θερίζειν reap generously ibid.
    marker of basis for a state of being, action, or result, on, w. dat. (Hom. et al.)
    ἐπʼ ἄρτῳ ζῆν live on bread Mt 4:4; Lk 4:4 (both Dt 8:3. cp. Ps.-Pla., Alcib. 1, 105c; Plut., Mor. 526d; Alciphron 3, 7, 5; SibOr 4, 154). ἐ. τῷ ῥήματί σου depending on your word Lk 5:5. οὐ συνῆκαν ἐ. τοῖς ἄρτοις they did not arrive at an understanding (of it) (by reflecting) on (the miracle of) the loaves Mk 6:52 (cp. Demosth. 18, 121 τί σαυτὸν οὐκ ἐλλεβορίζεις ἐ. τούτοις [sc. λόγοις];=why do you not come to an understanding concerning these words?). ἐ. τῇ πίστει on the basis of faith Ac 3:16; Phil 3:9. ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι on the basis of hope, supporting itself on hope Ac 2:26 (? s. ἐλπίς 1bα); Ro 4:18; 8:20; 1 Cor 9:10; Tit 1:2.—Ac 26:6 ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι gives the basis of the trial at law, as does ἐ. εὐεργεσίᾳ 4:9. ἀπολύειν τ. γυναῖκα ἐ. πορνείᾳ Mt 19:9 (cp. Dio Chrys. 26 [43], 10 ἀπολύειν ἐπʼ ἀργυρίῳ; Ath. 2, 3 κρίνεσθαι … μὴ ἐ. τῷ ὀνόματι, ἐ. δὲ τῷ ἀδικήματι). γυναικὸς ἐ. πόλλαις ἁμαρτίαις διαβληθείσης Papias (2:17). On the basis of the testimony of two witnesses (cp. Appian, Iber. 79 §343 ἤλεγχον ἐ. μάρτυσι) Hb 10:28 (Dt 17:6); sim. use of ἐ. τινί on the basis of someth.: 8:6; 9:10, 15 (here it may also be taken in the temporal sense; s. 18 below), 17. ἁμαρτάνειν ἐ. τῷ ὁμοιώματι τ. παραβάσεως Ἀδάμ Ro 5:14 (ὁμοίωμα 1). δαπανᾶν ἐ. τινι pay the expenses for someone Ac 21:24. ἀρκεῖσθαι ἐ. τινι be content w. someth. 3J 10.
    w. verbs of believing, hoping, trusting: πεποιθέναι (Wsd 3:9; Sus 35; 1 Macc 10:71; 2 Macc 7:40 and oft.) Lk 11:22; 18:9; 2 Cor 1:9; Hb 2:13 (2 Km 22:3). πιστεύειν Lk 24:25; Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1 Pt 2:6 (the last three Is 28:16). ἐλπίζειν (2 Macc 2:18; Sir 34:7) Ro 15:12 (Is 11:10); 1 Ti 4:10; 6:17; cp. 1J 3:3. παρρησιάζεσθαι Ac 14:3.
    after verbs which express feelings, opinions, etc.: at, because of, from, with (Hom. et al.) διαταράσσεσθαι Lk 1:29. ἐκθαυμάζειν Mk 12:17. ἐκπλήσσεσθαι Mt 7:28; Mk 1:22; Lk 4:32; Ac 13:12. ἐξίστασθαι (Jdth 11:16; Wsd 5:2 al.) Lk 2:47. ἐπαισχύνεσθαι (Is 1:29) Ro 6:21. εὐφραίνεσθαι (Sir 16:1; 18:32; 1 Macc 11:44) Rv 18:20. θαμβεῖσθαι Mk 10:24; cp. Lk 5:9; Ac 3:10. θαυμάζειν (Lev 26:32; Jdth 10:7 al.; Jos., Ant. 10, 277) Mk 12:17 v.l. μακροθυμεῖν (Sir 18:11; 29:8; 35:19) Mt 18:26, 29; Lk 18:7; Js 5:7. μετανοεῖν (Plut., Ag. 803 [19, 5]; Ps.-Lucian, Salt. 84; Prayer of Manasseh [=Odes 12] 7; Just., A I, 61, 10; D. 95, 3 al.) 2 Cor 12:21. ὀδυνᾶσθαι (cp. Tob 6:15) Ac 20:38. ὀργίζεσθαι Rv 12:17. σπλαγχνίζεσθαι Mt 14:14; Lk 7:13. συλλυπεῖσθαι Mk 3:5. στυγνάζειν 10:22. χαίρειν (PEleph 13, 3; Jos., Ant. 1, 294; Tob 13:15; Bar 4:33; JosAs 4:2; Ar. 15, 7) Mt 18:13; Lk 1:14; 13:17; Ro 16:19 al. χαρὰν καὶ παράκλησιν ἔχειν Phlm 7. χαρὰ ἔσται Lk 15:7; cp. vs. 10 (Jos., Ant. 6, 116 ἡ ἐ. τῇ νίκῃ χαρά). Also w. verbs that denote aroused feelings παραζηλοῦν and παροργίζειν make jealous and angry at Ro 10:19 (Dt 32:21). παρακαλεῖν 1 Th 3:7a (cp. Just., D. 78:8 παράκλησιν ἐχουσῶν ἐ.), as well as those verbs that denote an expression of the emotions ἀγαλλιᾶσθαι (cp. Tob 13:15; Ps 69:5) Lk 1:47; Hs 8, 1, 18; 9, 24, 2. καυχᾶσθαι (Diod S 16, 70; Sir 30:2) Ro 5:2. κοπετὸν ποιεῖν (cp. 3 Macc 4:3) Ac 8:2. ὀλολύζειν Js 5:1. αἰνεῖν (cp. X., An. 3, 1, 45 al.) Lk 2:20. δοξάζειν (Polyb. 6, 53, 10; cp. Diod S 17, 21, 4 δόξα ἐ. ἀνδρείᾳ=fame because of bravery) Ac 4:21; 2 Cor 9:13. εὐχαριστεῖν give thanks for someth. (s. εὐχαριστέω 2; UPZ 59, 10 [168 B.C.] ἐ. τῷ ἐρρῶσθαί σε τ. θεοῖς εὐχαρίστουν) 1 Cor 1:4; cp. 2 Cor 9:15; 1 Th 3:9.—ἐφʼ ᾧ = ἐπὶ τούτῳ ὅτι for this reason that, because (Diod S 19, 98; Appian, Bell. Civ. 1, 112 §520; Ael. Aristid. 53 p. 640 D.; Synes., Ep. 73 p. 221c; Damasc., Vi. Isid. 154; Syntipas p. 12, 9; 127, 8; Thomas Mag. ἐφʼ ᾧ ἀντὶ τοῦ διότι; cp. W-S. §24, 5b and 12f. S. WKümmel, D. Bild des Menschen im NT ’48, 36–40) Ro 5:12 (SLyonnet, Biblica 36, ’55, 436–56 [denies a causal sense here]. On the probability of commercial idiom s. FDanker, FGingrich Festschr. ’72, 104f, also Ro 5:12, Sin under Law: NTS 14, ’68, 424–39; against him SPorter, TynBull 41, ’90, 3–30, also NTS 39, ’93, 321–33; difft. JFitzmyer, Anchor Bible Comm.: Romans, ad loc. ‘w. the result that all have sinned’); 2 Cor 5:4; Phil 3:12; for, indeed 4:10.
    marker of addition to what is already in existence, to, in addition to. W. dat. (Hom. et al.; PEleph 5, 17 [284/283 B.C.] μηνὸς Τῦβι τρίτῃ ἐπʼ εἰκάδι; Tob 2:14; Sir 3:27; 5:5) προσέθηκεν τοῦτο ἐ. πᾶσιν he added this to everything else Lk 3:20 (cp. Lucian, Luct. [On Funerals], 24). ἐ. τ. παρακλήσει ἡμῶν in addition to our comfort 2 Cor 7:13. λύπη ἐ. λύπῃ grief upon grief Phil 2:27 v.l. (cp. Soph., Oed. C. 544, also Polyb. 1, 57, 1 πληγὴ ἐ. πληγῇ; Plut., Mor. 123f; Polyaenus 5, 52 ἐ. φόνῳ φόνον; Quint. Smyrn. 5, 602 ἐ. πένθει πένθος=sorrow upon sorrow; Sir 26:15). ἐ. τῇ σῇ εὐχαριστίᾳ to your prayer of thanks 1 Cor 14:16. So perh. also Hb 8:1. ἐ. πᾶσι τούτοις to all these Col 3:14; Lk 16:26 v.l. (X., Mem. 1, 2, 25 al.; Sir 37:15; cp. 1 Macc 10:42; Just., D. 133, 1 ἐ. τούτοις πᾶσι).—W. acc.: addition to someth. of the same kind Mt 6:27; Lk 12:25; Rv 22:18a. λύπην ἐ. λύπην sorrow upon sorrow Phil 2:27 (cp. Is 28:10, 13; Ezk 7:26; Ps 68:28).
    marker of perspective, in consideration of, in regard to, on the basis of, concerning, about, w. gen. (Antig. Car. 164 ἐ. τῶν οἴνων ἀλλοιοῦσθαι; 4 Macc. 2:9 ἐ. τῶν ἑτέρων … ἔστιν ἐπιγνῶναι τοῦτο, ὅτι …; Ath. 29, 2 τὰ ἐ. τῆς μανίας πάθη) ἐ. δύο ἢ τριῶν μαρτύρων on the evidence of two or three witnesses 1 Ti 5:19 (cp. TestAbr A 13 p. 92, 22ff. [Stone p. 32]). Sim. in the expr. ἐ. στόματος δύο μαρτύρων (Dt 19:15) Mt 18:16; 2 Cor 13:1. ἐπʼ αὐτῆς on the basis of it Hb 7:11. ἐπʼ ἀληθείας based on truth = in accordance w. truth, truly (Demosth. 18, 17 ἐπʼ ἀληθείας οὐδεμιᾶς εἰρημένα; POxy 255, 16 [48 A.D.]; Da 2:8; Tob 8:7; En 104:11) Mk 12:14, 32; Lk 4:25; 20:21; Ac 4:27. ἐφʼ ἑαυτοῦ based on himself = to or by himself (X., An. 2, 4, 10; Demosth. 18, 224 ἐκρίνετο ἐφʼ ἑαυτοῦ; Dionys. Hal., Comp. Verb. 16 ἐ. σεαυτοῦ. Cp. Kühner-G. I 498e) 2 Cor 10:7.—To introduce the object which is to be discussed or acted upon λέγειν ἐ. τινος speak of, about someth. (Pla., Charm., 155d, Leg. 2, 662d; Isocr. 6, 41; Aelian, VH 1, 30; Jer 35:8; EpArist 162; 170; Ath. 5:1 ἐ. τοῦ νοητοῦ … δογματίζειν) Gal 3:16. Do someth. on, in the case of (cp. 1 Esdr 1:22) σημεῖα ποιεῖν ἐ. τῶν ἀσθενούντων work miracles on the sick J 6:2.—On B 13:6 s. τίθημι 1bζ.—In ref. to someth. (Aristot., Pol. 1280a, 17; 4 Macc 12:5 τῶν ἐ. τῆς βασιλείας … πραγμάτων; Just., A I, 5, 1 ἐφʼ ἡμῶν ‘in our case’, D. 131, 4; Ath. 15, 3 ἐ. τῆς ὕλης καὶ τοῦ θεοῦ ‘as respects God and matter, so …’) ἐ. τινων δεῖ ἐγκρατεύεσθαι in certain matters one must practice self-control Hm 8:1. οὔτε … οἴδασι τὸν ἐ. τοῦ πυροῦ σπόρον nor do they comprehend (the figurative sense of) the sowing of wheat AcPlCor 2:26 (cp. 1 Cor 15:36f).
    marker of power, authority, control of or over someone or someth., over
    w. gen. (Hdt. 5, 109 al.; Mitt-Wilck. I/1, 124, 1=BGU 1120, 1 [5 B.C.] πρωτάρχῳ ἐ. τοῦ κριτηρίου; 287, 1; LXX; AscIs 2:5 τοῦ ἐ. τῶν πραγματε[ι] ῶν=Denis p. 109) βασιλεύειν ἐ. τινος (Judg 9:8, 10; 1 Km 8:7) Rv 5:10. ἔχειν βασιλείαν ἐ. τῶν βασιλέων 17:18. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν ἐ. τινος have power over someone 20:6. διδόναι ἐξουσίαν ἐ. τινος 2:26. καθιστάναι τινὰ ἐ. τινος set someone over, put someone in charge, of someth. or someone (Pla., Rep. 5, 460b; Demosth. 18, 118; Gen 39:4f; 1 Macc 6:14; 10:37; 2 Macc 12:20 al.; EpArist 281; τεταγμένος En 20:5) Mt 24:45; Lk 12:42; Ac 6:3. εἶναι ἐ. τινος (Synes., Ep. 79 p. 224d; Tob 1:22; Jdth 14:13; 1 Macc 10:69) ὸ̔ς ἦν ἐ. πάσης τῆς γάζης αὐτῆς who was in charge of all her treasure 8:27. Of God ὁ ὢν ἐ. πάντων (Apollonius of Tyana [I A.D.] in Eus., PE 4, 13) Ro 9:5; cp. Eph 4:6. ὁ ἐ. τινος w. ὤν to be supplied (Demosth. 18, 247 al.; Diod S 13, 47, 6; Plut., Pyrrh. 385 [5, 7], Aemil. Paul. 267 [23, 6]; PTebt 5, 88 [118 B.C.] ὁ ἐ. τ. προσόδων; 1 Macc 6:28; 2 Macc 3:7; 3 Macc 6:30 al.; EpArist 110; 174) ὁ ἐ. τοῦ κοιτῶνος the chamberlain Ac 12:20.
    w dat. (X., Cyr. 1, 2, 5; 2, 4, 25 al., An. 4, 1, 13; Demosth. 19, 113; Aeschines 2, 73; Esth 8:12e; Just., A II, 5, 2 ἀγγέλοις οὓς ἐ. τούτοις ἔταξε; cp. Ath. 24, 3; Ath. 6, 4 τὸν ἐ. τῇ κινήσει τοῦ σώματος λόγον) Mt 24:47; Lk 12:44.
    w. acc. (X., Hell. 3, 4, 20 al.; Dionys. Byz. §56 θεῷ ἐ. πάντα δύναμις; LXX; PsSol 17:3, 32) βασιλεύειν ἐ. τινα rule over someone (Gen 37:8; Judg 9:15 B al.) Lk 1:33; 19:14, 27; Ro 5:14. καθιστάναι τινὰ ἐ. τινα set someone over someone (X., Cyr. 4, 5, 58) κριτὴν ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς as judge over you Lk 12:14; ἡγούμενον ἐπʼ Αἴγυπτον Ac 7:10; cp. Hb 2:7 v.l. (Ps 8:7); 3:6; 10:21. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν ἐ. τι Rv 16:9. ἐξουσίαν διδόναι ἐ. τι (Sir 33:20) Lk 9:1; 10:19; Rv 6:8; cp. 22:14. φυλάσσειν φυλακὰς ἐ. τι Lk 2:8 (cp. En 100:5). ὑπεραίρεσθαι ἐ. τινα exalt oneself above someone 2 Th 2:4 (cp. Da 11:36); but here the mng. against is also poss. (s. 12b below). πιστὸς ἐ. τι faithful over someth. Mt 25:21, 23.
    marker of legal proceeding, before, w. acc. in the lang. of the law-courts ἐ. ἡγεμόνας καὶ βασιλεῖς ἄγεσθαι be brought before governors and kings Mt 10:18; cp. Lk 21:12 (cp. BGU 22, 36 [114 A.D.] ἀξιῶ ἀκθῆναι [=ἀχθῆναι] τ. ἐνκαλουμένους ἐ. σὲ πρὸς δέουσαν ἐπέξοδον; Just., A II, 2, 12 ἐ. Οὔρβικον). ὑπάγεις ἐπʼ ἄρχοντα you are going before the magistrate Lk 12:58; cp. Ac 16:19. ἤγαγον αὐτὸν ἐ. τὸν Πιλᾶτον Lk 23:1. ἐ. τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς Ac 9:21. ἐ. Καίσαρα πορεύεσθαι come before the emperor 25:12. ἐ. τὰς συναγωγάς Lk 12:11. ἐ. τὸ βῆμα Ac 18:12. Cp. 3 above. Here the focus is on transfer to the judiciary.
    marker of purpose, goal, result, to, for, w. acc. (Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 2, 3 Jac. ἐ. κατοικίαν) ἐ. τὸ βάπτισμα for baptism=to have themselves baptized Mt 3:7 (cp. Just., A I, 61, 10 ἐ. τὸ λουτρόν; D. 56, 1 ἐ. τὴν … κρίσιν πεμφθεῖσι). ἐ. τὴν θεωρίαν ταύτην for (i.e. to see) this sight Lk 23:48 (sim. Hom. et al.; POxy 294, 18 [22 A.D.]; LXX; Tat. 23, 2 ἐ. τὴν θέαν). ἐ. τὸ συμφέρον to (our) advantage Hb 12:10 (cp. Tat. 6, 1; 34, 2 οὐκ ἐ. τι χρήσιμον ‘to no purpose’). ἐ. σφαγήν Ac 8:32 (Is 53:7); cp. Mt 22:5; ἐ. τ. τελειότητα Hb 6:1. ἐ. τοῦτο for this (X., An. 2, 5, 22; Jos., Ant. 12, 23) Lk 4:43. ἐφʼ ὅ; for what (reason)? Mt 26:50 v.l. (s. ὅς 1bα and 1iβ). Cp. 16.
    marker of hostile opposition, against
    w. dat. (Hom. et al.; 2 Macc 13:19; Sir 28:23 v.l.; fig. Ath. 22, 7 τοὺς ἐπʼ αὐτοῖς λόγους ‘counter-evidence’) Lk 12:52f (s. use of acc. b below); Ac 11:19. Cp. J 8:7 v.l. (1bβ above).
    w. acc. (Hdt. 1, 71; X., Hell. 3, 4, 20 al.; Jos., Ant. 13, 331; LXX; En; TestJud 3:1 al.; JosAs 19:2; Just., D. 103, 7; Tat. 36, 2) ὥρμησαν ἐ. αὐτόν Ac 7:57. ἔρχεσθαι Lk 14:31. ἐπαναστήσονται τέκνα ἐ. γονεῖς Mt 10:21; Mk 13:12; cp. ἔθνος ἐ. ἔθνος Mt 24:7; Mk 13:8. ἐφʼ ἑαυτόν divided against himself Mt 12:26; Mk 3:24f, 26; Lk 11:17f; cp. J 13:18 (s. Ps 40:10); Ac 4:27; 13:50 al.—Lk 12:53 (4 times; the first and third occurrences w. the acc. are prob. influenced by usage in Mic 7:6; the use of the dat. Lk 12:52f [s. a above] w. a verb expressing a circumstance is in accord with older Gk. [Il. et al.], which prefers the acc. with verbs of motion in ref. to hostility). Cp. 15.
    marker of number or measure, w. acc. (Hdt. et. al.; LXX; GrBar 3:6) ἐ. τρίς (CIG 1122, 9; PHolm α18) three times Ac 10:16; 11:10. So also ἐ. πολύ more than once Hm 4, 1, 8. ἐ. πολύ (also written ἐπιπολύ) in a different sense to a great extent, carefully (Hdt., Thu. et al.; Lucian, D. Deor. 6, 2; 25, 2; 3 Macc 5:17; Jos., Ant. 17, 107) B 4:1. ἐ. πλεῖον to a greater extent, further (Hdt., Thu. et al.; Diod S 11, 60, 5 al.; prob. 2 Macc 12:36; TestGad 7:2; Ar. 4, 3; Ath. 7, 1 ἐ. το πλεῖστον) 2 Ti 3:9; 1 Cl 18:3 (Ps 50:4). ἐ. τὸ χεῖρον 2 Ti 3:13. ἐφʼ ὅσον to the degree that, in so far as (Diod S 1, 93, 2; Maximus Tyr. 11, 3c ἐφʼ ὅσον δύναται; Hierocles 14 p. 451) Mt 25:40, 45; B 4:11; 17:1; Ro 11:13.
    marker indicating the one to whom, for whom, or about whom someth. is done, to, on, about
    w. dat. πράσσειν τι ἐ. τινι do someth. to someone Ac 5:35 (thus Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 15 §51; cp. δρᾶν τι ἐ. τινι Hdt. 3, 14; Aelian, NA 11, 11); about γεγραμμένα ἐπʼ αὐτῷ J 12:16 (cp. Hdt. 1, 66). προφητεύειν ἐ. τινι Rv 10:11. μαρτυρεῖν bear witness about Hb 11:4; Rv 22:16. ἐ. σοὶ … φανερώσει κύριος τὸ λύτρον the Lord will reveal the salvation to you GJs 7:2.
    w. acc.
    α. ὁ ἄνθρωπος ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν γεγόνει τὸ σημεῖον the man on whom the miracle had been performed Ac 4:22 (cp. Just., D. 128, 1 κρίσεως γεγενημένης ἐ. Σόδομα). ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν λέγεται ταῦτα the one about whom this was said Hb 7:13 (cp. ἐ. πόρρω οὖσαν [γενεὰν] ἐγὼ λαλῶ En 1:2). γέγραπται ἐπʼ αὐτόν Mk 9:12f; cp. Ro 4:9; 1 Ti 1:18; βάλλειν κλῆρον ἐ. τι for someth. Mk 15:24; J 19:24 (Ps 21:19). ἀνέβη ὁ κλῆρος ἐ. Συμεών the lot came up in favor of Simeon GJs 24:4.
    β. of powers, conditions, etc., which come upon someone or under whose influence someone is: on, upon, to, over ἐγένετο ῥῆμα θεοῦ ἐ. Ἰωάννην the word of God came to John Lk 3:2 (cp. Jer 1:1). Of divine blessings (cp. En 1:8; ParJer 5:28) Mt 10:13; 12:28; Lk 10:6; 11:20; cp. 10:9; Ac 10:10. ἵνα ἐπισκηνώσῃ ἐπʼ ἐμὲ ἡ δύναμις τ. Χριστοῦ that the power of Christ may rest upon me 2 Cor 12:9. χάρις θεοῦ ἦν ἐπʼ αὐτό Lk 2:40. Various verbs are used in ref. to the Holy Spirit, either in pass. or act. role, in connection w. ἐ. τινα: ἐκχεῖν Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f); cp. 10:45; Tit 3:6. ἀποστέλλειν (ἐξαποστέλλειν v.l.) Lk 24:49. ἐπέρχεσθαι 1:35; Ac 1:8 (Just., D. 87, 3; cp. ἔρχεσθαι A I, 33, 6; D. 49, 7 ἀπὸ τοῦ Ἠλίου ἐ. τὸν Ἰωάννην ἐλθεῖν). ἐπιπίπτειν 10:44. καταβαίνειν Lk 3:22; J 1:33. τίθεσθαι Mt 12:18 (cp. Is 42:1). Also εἶναι Lk 2:25. μένειν J 1:32f. ἀναπαύεσθαι 1 Pt 4:14. Of unpleasant or startling experiences Lk 1:12, 65; 4:36; Ac 13:11; 19:17; Rv 11:11.—Lk 19:43; 21:35, cp. vs. 34; J 18:4; Eph 5:6; cp. Rv 3:3.—Ro 2:2, 9; 15:3 (Ps 68:10). Of the blood of the righteous, that comes over or upon the murderers Mt 23:35; 27:25; Ac 5:28. Of care, which one casts on someone else 1 Pt 5:7 (Ps 54:23).
    marker of feelings directed toward someone, in, on, for, toward, w. acc., after words that express belief, trust, hope: πιστεύειν ἐ. τινα, w. acc. (Wsd 12:2; Just., D. 16:4 al.) Ac 9:42; 11:17; 16:31; 22:19; Ro 4:24. πίστις Hb 6:1. πεποιθέναι (Is 58:14) Mt 27:43; 2 Th 3:4; 2 Cor 2:3. ἐλπίζειν (1 Ch 5:20; 2 Ch 13:18 al.; PsSol 9:10; 17:3; Just., D. 16:4 al.) 1 Pt 1:13; 1 Ti 5:5. After words that characterize an emotion or its expression: for κόπτεσθαι (Zech 12:10) Rv 1:7; 18:9. κλαίειν Lk 23:28; Rv 18:9 (cp. JosAs 15:9 χαρήσεται ἐ. σέ). σπλαγχνίζεσθαι Mt 15:32; Mk 8:2; 9:22; Hm 4, 3, 5; Hs 9, 24, 2. χρηστός toward Lk 6:35. χρηστότης Ro 11:22; Eph 2:7; cp. Ro 9:23. Esp. also if the feelings or their expressions are of a hostile nature: toward, against (cp. λοιδορεῖν Just., D. 137, 2) ἀποτομία Ro 11:22. μαρτύριον Lk 9:5. μάρτυς ἐ. τ. ἐμὴν ψυχήν a witness against my soul (cp. Dssm., LO 258; 355 [LAE 304; 417]) 2 Cor 1:23. ἀσχημονεῖν 1 Cor 7:36. μοιχᾶσθαι Mk 10:11. τολμᾶν 2 Cor 10:2 (En 7:4). βρύχειν τ. ὀδόντας Ac 7:54. Cp. 12.
    marker of object or purpose, with dat. in ref. to someth. (Hom., Thu. et al.; SIG 888, 5 ἐ. τῇ τῶν ἀνθρ. σωτηρίᾳ; PTebt 44, 6 [114 B.C.] ὄντος μου ἐ. θεραπείᾳ ἐν τῷ Ἰσιείω; LXX; TestJob 3:5 ὁ ἐ. τῇ σωτηρίᾳ τῆς ἐμῆς ψυχῆς ἐλθών; Jos., Ant. 5, 101; Just., A I, 29, 1 ἐ. παίδων ἀναστροφῇ; D. 91, 4 ἐ. σωτηρίᾳ τῶν πιστευόντων) καλείν τινα ἐ. τινι call someone for someth. Gal 5:13 (on ἐπʼ ἐλευθερίᾳ cp. Demosth. 23, 124; [59], 32); ἐ. ἀκαθαρσίᾳ for impurity, i.e. so that we should be impure 1 Th 4:7. κτισθέντες ἐ. ἔργοις ἀγαθοῖς for good deeds Eph 2:10. λογομαχεῖν ἐ. καταστροφῇ τῶν ἀκουόντων for the ruin of those who hear 2 Ti 2:14 (cp. Eur., Hipp. 511; X., Mem. 2, 3, 19 ἐ. βλάβη; Hdt. 1, 68 ἐ. κακῷ ἀνθρώπου; Polyb. 27, 7, 13 and PGM 4, 2440 ἐπʼ ἀγαθῷ=‘for good’). Cp. 11.
    marker in idiom of authorization, w. dat.: the formula ἐ. τῷ ὀνοματί τινος, in the name of someone, used w. many verbs (Just., D. 39, 6 w. γίνεσθαι, otherw. ἐ. ὀνόματος, e.g. A I, 61, 13; w. διὰ τοῦ ὀ. and in oaths κατὰ τοῦ ὀ. A II, 6, 6, D. 30, 3; 85, 2.—Ath. 23, 1 ἐ. ὀνόματι εἰδώλων.—ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι LXX; JosAs 9:1), focuses on the authorizing function of the one named in the gen. (cp. WHeitmüller [‘Im Namen Jesu’ 1903, 13ff], ‘in connection with, or by the use of, i.e. naming, or calling out, or calling upon the name’ [88]): βαπτίζειν Ac 2:38. δέχεσθαί τινα Mt 18:5; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48. διδάσκειν Ac 4:18; 5:28. δύναμιν ποιεῖν Mk 9:39. ἐκβάλλειν δαιμόνια Lk 9:49 v.l. ἔρχεσθαι Mt 24:5; Mk 13:6; Lk 21:8. κηρύσσειν 24:47. λαλεῖν Ac 4:17; 5:40. Semantically divergent from the preceding, but formulaically analogous, is καλεῖν τινα ἐ. τῷ ὀν. τινος name someone after someone (2 Esdr 17:63) Lk 1:59.—ὄνομα 1dγג.—M-M.
    marker of temporal associations, in the time of, at, on, for
    w. gen., time within which an event or condition takes place (Hom.+) in the time of, under (kings or other rulers): in the time of Elisha Lk 4:27 (cp. Just., D. 46, 6 ἐ. Ἠλίου). ἐ. τῆς μετοικεσίας at the time of the exile Mt 1:11. Under=during the rule or administration of (Hes., Op. 111; Hdt. 6, 98 al.; OGI 90, 15; PAmh 43, 2 [173 B.C.]; UPZ 162 V, 5 [117 B.C.]; 1 Esdr 2:12; 1 Macc 13:42; 2 Macc 15:22; Jos., Ant. 12, 156 ἐ. ἀρχιερέως Ὀ.) ἐ. Ἀβιαθὰρ ἀρχιερέως under, in the time of, Abiathar the high priest Mk 2:26. ἐ. ἀρχιερέως Ἅννα καὶ Καιάφα Lk 3:2. ἐ. Κλαυδίου Ac 11:28 (Just., A I, 26, 2). ἐ. τῶν πατέρων in the time of the fathers 1 Cl 23:3. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτων τῶν ἡμερῶν in the last days (Gen 49:1; Num 24:14; Mi 4:1; Jer 37:24; Da 10:14) 2 Pt 3:3; Hs 9, 12, 3; cp. Hb 1:2. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτου τοῦ χρόνου in the last time Jd 18. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτου τῶν χρόνων at the end of the times/ages 1 Pt 1:20. ἐ. τῶν προσευχῶν μου when I pray, in my prayers (cp. PTebt 58, 31 [111 B.C.] ἐ. τ. διαλόγου, ‘in the discussion’; 4 Macc 15:19 ἐ. τ. βασάνων ‘during the tortures’; Sir 37:29; 3 Macc 5:40; Demetr.: 722, Fgm. 1, 14 Jac. ἐ. τοῦ ἀρίστου; Synes., Ep. 121 p. 258c ἐ. τῶν κοινῶν ἱερῶν) Ro 1:10; Eph 1:16; 1 Th 1:2; Phlm 4.
    w. dat., time at or during which (Hom. et al.; PTebt 5, 66 [118 B.C.]; PAmh 157; LXX; Just., A I, 13, 3 ἐ. χρόνοις Τίερίου) at, in, at the time of, during: ἐ. τοῖς νῦν χρόνοις in these present times 2 Cl 19:4. ἐ. τῇ πρώτῃ διαθήκῃ at the time of the first covenant Hb 9:15. ἐ. συντελείᾳ τ. αἰώνων at the close of the age 9:26 (Tat. 13, 1 ἐ. ς. τοῦ κόσμου; cp. Sir 22:10 and PLond III, 954, 18 p. 154 [260 A.D.] ἐ. τέλει τ. χρόνου; POxy 275, 20 [66 A.D.] ἐ. συνκλεισμῷ τ. χρόνου; En 27:3 ἐπʼ ἐσχάτοις αἰώσιν). ἐ. τῇ θυσίᾳ at the time of, together with, the sacrifice Phil 2:17. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ μνείᾳ ὑμῶν at every remembrance of you Phil 1:3. ἐ. παροργισμῷ ὑμῶν during your wrath, i.e. while you are angry Eph 4:26. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ ἀνάγκῃ in all (our) distress 1 Th 3:7b. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ θλίψει 2 Cor 1:4. ἐ. τούτῳ in the meanwhile J 4:27 (Lucian, Dial. Deor. 17, 2, cp. Philops. 14 p. 41; Syntipas p. 76, 2 ἐφʼ ἡμέραις ἑπτα; 74, 6).
    w. acc.
    α. answering the question ‘when?’ on: ἐ. τὴν αὔριον (Sb 6011, 14 [I B.C.]; PRyl 441 ἐ. τὴν ἐπαύριον) (on) the next day Lk 10:35; Ac 4:5. ἐ. τὴν ὥραν τ. προσευχῆς at the hour of prayer 3:1 (Polyaenus 8, 17 ἐ. ὥραν ὡρισμένην).
    β. answering the qu. ‘how long?’ for, over a period of (Hom. et al.; Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 170, 8=BGU 1058, 9 [13 B.C.]; POxy 275, 9; 15 ἐ. τὸν ὅλον χρόνον; PTebt 381, 19 ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν χρόνον περίεστιν ἡ μήτηρ; LXX; En 106:15; TestJob 30:2 ἐ. ὥρας τρεῖς; TestJud 3:4; TestGad 5:11; Jos., Ant. 11, 2; Just., D. 142, 1 ἐ. ποσόν ‘for awhile’) ἐ. ἔτη τρία for three years (Phlegon: 257 Fgm. 36, 2, 1 Jac.) Lk 4:25. ἐ. τρεῖς ἡμέρας for three days (Diod S 13, 19, 2; Arrian, Anab. 4, 9, 4; GDI 4706, 119 [Thera] ἐπʼ ἀμέρας τρεῖς) GPt 8:30 al. ἐ. ἡμέρας πλείους over a period of many days (Jos., Ant. 4, 277) Ac 13:31.—16:18 (ἐ. πολλὰς ἡμέρας as Appian, Liby. 29 §124; cp. Diod S 3, 16, 4); 17:2; 19:8, 10, 34; 27:20; Hb 11:30. ἐ. χρόνον for a while (cp. Il. 2, 299; Hdt. 9, 22, 1; Apollon. Rhod. 4, 1257; Jos., Vi. 2) Lk 18:4. ἐ. πλείονα χρόνον (Diod S 3, 16, 6; Hero Alex. I p. 344, 17) Ac 18:20. ἐφʼ ὅσον χρόνον as long as Ro 7:1; 1 Cor 7:39; Gal 4:1. Also ἐφʼ ὅσον as long as Mt 9:15; 2 Pt 1:13 (for other mngs. of ἐφʼ ὅσον s. above under 13). ἐφʼ ἱκανόν (sc. χρόνον) for a considerable time (EpArist 109) Ac 20:11. ἐ. χρόνον ἱκανόν Qua. ἐ. πολύ for a long time, throughout a long period of time (Thu. 1, 7; 1, 18, 1; 2, 16, 1 al.; Appian, Liby. 5 §21; Arrian, Cyneg. 23, 1; Lucian, Toxar. 20; Wsd 18:20; Sir 49:13; JosAs 19:3; Jos., Vi. 66: Just., A I, 65, 3) Ac 28:6. ἐ. πλεῖον the same (schol. on Pind., N. 7, 56b; PLille 3, 16 [III B.C.]; Jdth 13:1; Sir prol. l. 7; Jos., Ant. 18, 150) Ac 20:9; any longer (Lucian, D. Deor. 5, 3; Appian, Hann. 54 §227; 3 Macc 5:8; Wsd 8:12; Ath. 12, 3) Ac 24:4; 1 Cl 55:1.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐπί

  • 17 cuenta

    1 count.
    echar cuentas to reckon up
    llevar/perder la cuenta de to keep/lose count of
    cuenta atrás countdown
    2 sum.
    3 account (finance, Com & Inform).
    abonar/cargar algo en cuenta a alguien to credit/debit something to somebody's account
    abrir una cuenta to open an account
    llevar las cuentas to keep the books
    pagar mil euros a cuenta to pay a thousand euros down
    cuenta bancaria bank account
    cuenta comercial business account
    cuenta conjunta joint account
    cuenta de crédito current account with an overdraft facility
    cuenta de depósito deposit account
    cuenta deudora overdrawn account
    cuenta de explotación operating statement
    cuenta de inversión investment account
    cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias profit and loss account
    cuenta a plazo fijo deposit account
    4 bill (factura).
    domiciliar una cuenta to pay an account by direct debit
    pasar la cuenta to send the bill
    cuenta por cobrar/pagar account receivable/payable
    cuenta de gastos expense account
    5 responsibility.
    déjalo de mi cuenta leave it to me
    trabajar por cuenta propia/ajena to be self-employed/an employee
    6 bead.
    7 calculation.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: contar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: contar.
    * * *
    1 (bancaria) account
    2 (factura) bill
    3 (cálculo) count, counting
    caer en la cuenta to realize
    y entonces caí en la cuenta de que... and then I realized that..., and then it dawned on me that...
    cargar algo en cuenta de alguien to charge something to somebody's account
    dar a cuenta to give on account
    dar cuenta de algo (comunicar) to report something 2 (acabar) to polish something off
    habida cuenta de taking into account
    hacer cuentas to do sums
    la cuenta de la vieja familiar counting on one's fingers
    más de la cuenta too much, too many
    pasar la cuenta to send the bill
    pedir cuentas to ask for an explanation
    por cuenta de la casa on the house
    por la cuenta que le trae in one's own interest
    sacar cuentas to work out
    tener en cuenta to take into account
    trabajar por cuenta propia to be self-employed
    traer cuenta to be worthwhile
    cuenta al descubierto overdrawn account
    cuenta atrás countdown
    cuenta corriente current account
    cuenta bancaria bank account
    * * *
    noun f.
    2) bill, check
    * * *
    1) (Mat) (=operación) calculation, sum

    echar o hacer cuentas, vamos a hacer cuentas de lo que ha costado la fiesta — let's work out how much the party cost

    no paraba de echar cuentas con los dedosshe kept doing sums o adding things up on her fingers

    la cuenta de la vieja —

    su hijo tiene 35, así que por la cuenta de la vieja ella debe de tener 60 — her son's 35, so I guess she must be 60

    claro 1., 2), c)
    2) (=cálculo) count

    llevar la cuenta (de algo) — to keep count (of sth)

    perder la cuenta (de algo) — to lose count (of sth)

    salir a cuenta, sale más a cuenta — it works out cheaper

    más de la cuenta —

    salirle las cuentas a algn —

    3) (=factura) bill; [de restaurante] bill, check (EEUU)

    ¿nos puede traer la cuenta? — could we have o could you bring us the bill, please?

    pasar la cuenta a algn — to send sb the bill

    pedir la cuenta — to ask for the bill

    vivir a cuenta de algn — to live at sb's expense

    4) (Econ) [en banco] account

    "únicamente en cuenta del beneficiario" — "payee only"

    a cuenta — on account

    abonar una cantidad en cuenta a algn — to credit a sum to sb's account

    abrir una cuenta — to open an account

    liquidar una cuenta — to settle an account

    cuenta corriente — current account, checking account (EEUU)

    cuenta de ahorro(s) — deposit account, savings account

    cuenta de crédito — credit account, loan account

    cuenta pendiente — unpaid bill, outstanding account

    5) (Internet) account
    6) [en disputa]

    ajustar cuentas con algn — to settle one's scores with sb

    arreglar las cuentas a algn — Méx * to punish sb

    tener cuentas pendientes con algn — to have unfinished business with sb

    no querer cuentas con algn — to want nothing to do with sb

    7) (=explicación)

    dar cuenta de algo — (=informar) to recount sth, report sth; (=acabar) to finish sth off

    exigir o pedir cuentas a algn — to call sb to account, bring sb to book

    rendir cuentas a algn — to report to sb

    en resumidas cuentas — in short, in a nutshell

    8) (=consideración)

    caer en la cuenta (de algo) — to catch on (to sth), see the point (of sth)

    por fin cayó en la cuenta — he finally caught on, the penny finally dropped

    darse cuenta — (=enterarse) to realize; (=ver) to notice

    perdona, no me había dado cuenta de que eras vegetariano — sorry, I didn't realize (that) you were a vegetarian

    ¿te has dado cuenta de que han cortado el árbol? — did you notice (that) they've cut down the tree?

    hay que darse cuenta de que... — one must not forget that...

    ¡date cuenta! ¿tú crees que es posible tener tanta cara? — just look at that, can you believe that anyone could have such a cheek!

    ¿te das cuenta? — Arg can you believe it!

    habida cuenta de eso — bearing that in mind

    haz cuenta de que no voy — esp LAm just imagine I'm not going

    tener en cuenta — to take into account, bear in mind

    también hay que tener en cuenta su edad — you must also take her age into account, you must also bear in mind her age

    imponen sus ideas sin tener en cuenta la opinión de la gente de la calle — they impose their ideas without taking ordinary people's opinions into consideration

    tomar algo en cuenta a algn — to hold sth against sb

    está borracho y no sabe lo que dice, no se lo tomes en cuenta — he's drunk and doesn't know what he's saying, don't take any notice of him o don't hold it against him

    traer cuenta, no me trae cuenta ir — it's not worth my while going

    lo harán por la cuenta que les trae o tiene — they'll do it if they know what's good for them

    9) (=responsabilidad)

    por mi cuenta(=solo) on my own

    trabajar por cuenta ajenato be an employee

    trabajar por cuenta propia — to work for o.s., be self-employed

    por cuenta y riesgo de algn — at one's own risk

    lo hizo por su cuenta y riesgo, sin consultar a nadie — she did it off her own bat, without consulting anyone

    apañar 2.
    10) [en embarazo]

    está fuera de cuentas, ha salido de cuentas — she's due

    11) [de rosario, collar] bead
    * * *
    a) (operación, cálculo) calculation, sum

    saca la cuenta — add it up, work it out

    voy a tener que hacer or sacar or echar cuentas — I'm going to have to do some calculations o sums

    luego hacemos cuentaswe'll sort it out o work it out later

    a or al fin de cuentas — after all; at the end of the day

    las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso — (hum) short reckonings make long friends

    las cuentas claras conservan la amistad — (CS) short reckonings make long friends

    b) cuentas femenino plural ( contabilidad)

    encárgate tú de organizarlo, yo me ocupo de las cuentas — you take care of the organization, and I'll handle the money side (of things) (colloq)

    a) ( cómputo) count

    llevar/perder la cuenta — to keep/lose count

    por la cuenta que me/te/le trae — (Esp) I'd/you'd/he'd better! (colloq)

    salir de cuenta(s) — (Esp fam) to be due (colloq)

    salir más a or (RPl) en cuenta — to work out cheaper

    traer cuenta — (Esp)

    b) ( en béisbol) count
    a) ( factura) bill

    ¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor? — could we have the check (AmE) o (BrE) bill, please?

    la cuenta del gas/teléfono — the gas/phone bill


    entregó $2.000 a cuenta — she gave me/him/them $2,000 on account

    a) (Com, Fin) (en un banco, un comercio) account

    abrir/cerrar una cuenta — to open/close an account

    b) ( negocio) account
    5) cuentas femenino plural (explicaciones, razones)

    ajustarle las cuentas a alguiento give somebody a piece of one's mind

    dar cuenta de algo — (de noticias, sucesos) to give an account of something; de alimentos) to polish something off (colloq)

    6) (cargo, responsabilidad)

    por/de cuenta de alguien: corre por cuenta de la empresa it's covered o paid o met by the company; la cena corre por mi cuenta dinner's on me (colloq); los deterioros serán de cuenta del inquilino the tenant will be liable for any damage; decidí editarlo por mi cuenta I decided to publish it at my own expense; se instaló por su cuenta she set up (in business) on her own; trabaja por cuenta propia she works freelance, she's self-employed; los trabajadores por cuenta ajena those who work as employees; decidí lo hice por mi propia cuenta y riesgo — I took it upon myself to do it

    ni se dio cuenta de que... — he didn't even notice (that)...

    eso me contestó! ¿tú te das cuenta? — that's what he said! can you believe it?

    ten en cuenta que es jovenbear in mind o remember that he's young

    no se lo tomes en cuenta no lo hace con mala idea don't take it seriously, she doesn't do it on purpose; ¿a cuenta de qué...? (AmL fam) why...?; a cuenta de que... just because...; caer en la cuenta de algo to realize something; no caí en la cuenta... I didn't realize...; habida cuenta de (frml) in view of; hacer cuenta que: haz (de) cuenta que lo has perdido you may as well give it up for lost; tú haz (de) cuenta (de) que yo no estoy aquí — pretend I'm not here

    8) (de un collar, rosario) bead
    cuentas, etc see contar
    * * *
    = bead, bill, tally [tallies, pl.], account, count, check.
    Ex. The abacus, with its beads strung on parallel wires, led the Arabs to positional numeration and the concept of zero many centuries before the rest of the world.
    Ex. At the end of the month a machine can readily be made to read these and to print an ordinary bill.
    Ex. As the various parts of the record are entered, the document summary indicates the additions by the tallies opposite the record parts.
    Ex. This enables people to draw cash by means of a debit card (as opposed to a credit card, to help distinguish between money that is in one's account and money being borrowed from the credit-card organization).
    Ex. Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.
    Ex. What is the protocol these days when it comes to paying the check on a first date (dinner, movie, coffee, etc.)?.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a final de cuentas = after all is said and done.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * ajustar cuentas = settle + a score, settle + things, get + even.
    * ajuste de cuentas = grudge fight, grudge match, settling of scores.
    * al final de cuentas = when all is said and done.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * balance de cuentas = financial statement.
    * bomba de relojería + empezar la cuenta atrás = time bomb + tick away.
    * borrón y cuenta nueva = a fresh start, clean slate, new leaf.
    * cada cual por su cuenta = every man for himself.
    * caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).
    * caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].
    * calcular la cuenta = tot up, tote up.
    * correr de la cuenta de Alguien = be on + Pronombre.
    * cuenta atrás = count down, countdown.
    * cuenta bancaria = bank account.
    * cuenta complementaria = satellite account.
    * cuenta corriente = current account, checking account, deposit account.
    * cuenta de ahorro(s) = deposit account, savings account.
    * cuenta de correo electrónico = email account.
    * cuenta espermática = sperm count.
    * cuentas = statistics.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * decidir por cuenta propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * empezar a darse cuenta de = grow on/upon + Pronombre.
    * en resumidas cuentas = after all, in short, in a nutshell, in sum, to sum up, to sum it up, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, in essence, to make a long story short, all in all, all in all, the short story + be.
    * estado de cuentas = financial statement.
    * estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.
    * extracto de cuentas = bank statement.
    * fichero de cuentas = accounting file.
    * gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.
    * gastos + correr a cuenta de = bear + the cost(s).
    * hablar más de la cuenta = shoot + Posesivo + mouth off.
    * hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.
    * hacer borrón y cuenta nueva = start with + a clean slate, cut + Posesivo + losses, turn over + a new leaf.
    * hacer cuadrar las cuentas = reconcile + receipts.
    * hacer el balance de cuentas = balance + the cash drawer.
    * hacer la cuenta = tot up, tote up.
    * libro de cuentas = account book.
    * llevar la cuenta = tally.
    * llevar la cuenta de = keep + track of.
    * mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.
    * más de la cuenta = one too many.
    * necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, skip, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * organizar Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.
    * pedirle cuentas a Alguien = bring + Nombre + to book.
    * perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).
    * ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.
    * por cuenta ajena = vicariously.
    * por cuenta de uno = privately.
    * por cuenta propia = freelance, self-employed, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por cuenta y riesgo de Uno = at + Posesivo + peril.
    * por + Posesivo + cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Reflexivo + cuenta = for + Reflexivo.
    * por su cuenta y riesgo = at + Posesivo + own risk.
    * que no tienen que rendir cuentas a nadie = unaccountable.
    * rendición de cuentas = accountability.
    * rendir cuentas = render + an account of, bring + Nombre + to book.
    * rendir cuentas a = report to.
    * saber hacer cuentas = be numerate.
    * saldar una cuenta = settle + an account.
    * saldo de cuenta bancaria = bank balance.
    * saldo del libro de cuentas = account book balance.
    * sentir que no tienen en cuenta a Alguien = feel + left out.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly.
    * sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.
    * tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = contemplate + view.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint.
    * tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.
    * tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.
    * téngase en cuenta = witness.
    * téngase en cuenta que = Note that....
    * teniendo en cuenta = on the basis of.
    * teniendo en cuenta que = providing (that).
    * titular de cuenta bancaria = bank account holder.
    * titular de la cuenta = account holder.
    * trabajador por cuenta propia = freelancer [free-lancer].
    * trabajo por cuenta propia = self-employment.
    * trabajo por + Posesivo + cuenta = freelance [free-lance].
    * vender a cuenta = trade for + credit.
    * viajero por su cuenta = independent traveller.
    * y antes de que + Pronombre + dar + cuenta = the next thing + Pronombre + know.
    * * *
    a) (operación, cálculo) calculation, sum

    saca la cuenta — add it up, work it out

    voy a tener que hacer or sacar or echar cuentas — I'm going to have to do some calculations o sums

    luego hacemos cuentaswe'll sort it out o work it out later

    a or al fin de cuentas — after all; at the end of the day

    las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso — (hum) short reckonings make long friends

    las cuentas claras conservan la amistad — (CS) short reckonings make long friends

    b) cuentas femenino plural ( contabilidad)

    encárgate tú de organizarlo, yo me ocupo de las cuentas — you take care of the organization, and I'll handle the money side (of things) (colloq)

    a) ( cómputo) count

    llevar/perder la cuenta — to keep/lose count

    por la cuenta que me/te/le trae — (Esp) I'd/you'd/he'd better! (colloq)

    salir de cuenta(s) — (Esp fam) to be due (colloq)

    salir más a or (RPl) en cuenta — to work out cheaper

    traer cuenta — (Esp)

    b) ( en béisbol) count
    a) ( factura) bill

    ¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor? — could we have the check (AmE) o (BrE) bill, please?

    la cuenta del gas/teléfono — the gas/phone bill


    entregó $2.000 a cuenta — she gave me/him/them $2,000 on account

    a) (Com, Fin) (en un banco, un comercio) account

    abrir/cerrar una cuenta — to open/close an account

    b) ( negocio) account
    5) cuentas femenino plural (explicaciones, razones)

    ajustarle las cuentas a alguiento give somebody a piece of one's mind

    dar cuenta de algo — (de noticias, sucesos) to give an account of something; de alimentos) to polish something off (colloq)

    6) (cargo, responsabilidad)

    por/de cuenta de alguien: corre por cuenta de la empresa it's covered o paid o met by the company; la cena corre por mi cuenta dinner's on me (colloq); los deterioros serán de cuenta del inquilino the tenant will be liable for any damage; decidí editarlo por mi cuenta I decided to publish it at my own expense; se instaló por su cuenta she set up (in business) on her own; trabaja por cuenta propia she works freelance, she's self-employed; los trabajadores por cuenta ajena those who work as employees; decidí lo hice por mi propia cuenta y riesgo — I took it upon myself to do it

    ni se dio cuenta de que... — he didn't even notice (that)...

    eso me contestó! ¿tú te das cuenta? — that's what he said! can you believe it?

    ten en cuenta que es jovenbear in mind o remember that he's young

    no se lo tomes en cuenta no lo hace con mala idea don't take it seriously, she doesn't do it on purpose; ¿a cuenta de qué...? (AmL fam) why...?; a cuenta de que... just because...; caer en la cuenta de algo to realize something; no caí en la cuenta... I didn't realize...; habida cuenta de (frml) in view of; hacer cuenta que: haz (de) cuenta que lo has perdido you may as well give it up for lost; tú haz (de) cuenta (de) que yo no estoy aquí — pretend I'm not here

    8) (de un collar, rosario) bead
    cuentas, etc see contar
    * * *
    = bead, bill, tally [tallies, pl.], account, count, check.

    Ex: The abacus, with its beads strung on parallel wires, led the Arabs to positional numeration and the concept of zero many centuries before the rest of the world.

    Ex: At the end of the month a machine can readily be made to read these and to print an ordinary bill.
    Ex: As the various parts of the record are entered, the document summary indicates the additions by the tallies opposite the record parts.
    Ex: This enables people to draw cash by means of a debit card (as opposed to a credit card, to help distinguish between money that is in one's account and money being borrowed from the credit-card organization).
    Ex: Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.
    Ex: What is the protocol these days when it comes to paying the check on a first date (dinner, movie, coffee, etc.)?.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a final de cuentas = after all is said and done.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * ajustar cuentas = settle + a score, settle + things, get + even.
    * ajuste de cuentas = grudge fight, grudge match, settling of scores.
    * al final de cuentas = when all is said and done.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * balance de cuentas = financial statement.
    * bomba de relojería + empezar la cuenta atrás = time bomb + tick away.
    * borrón y cuenta nueva = a fresh start, clean slate, new leaf.
    * cada cual por su cuenta = every man for himself.
    * caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).
    * caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].
    * calcular la cuenta = tot up, tote up.
    * correr de la cuenta de Alguien = be on + Pronombre.
    * cuenta atrás = count down, countdown.
    * cuenta bancaria = bank account.
    * cuenta complementaria = satellite account.
    * cuenta corriente = current account, checking account, deposit account.
    * cuenta de ahorro(s) = deposit account, savings account.
    * cuenta de correo electrónico = email account.
    * cuenta espermática = sperm count.
    * cuentas = statistics.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * decidir por cuenta propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * empezar a darse cuenta de = grow on/upon + Pronombre.
    * en resumidas cuentas = after all, in short, in a nutshell, in sum, to sum up, to sum it up, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, in essence, to make a long story short, all in all, all in all, the short story + be.
    * estado de cuentas = financial statement.
    * estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.
    * extracto de cuentas = bank statement.
    * fichero de cuentas = accounting file.
    * gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.
    * gastos + correr a cuenta de = bear + the cost(s).
    * hablar más de la cuenta = shoot + Posesivo + mouth off.
    * hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.
    * hacer borrón y cuenta nueva = start with + a clean slate, cut + Posesivo + losses, turn over + a new leaf.
    * hacer cuadrar las cuentas = reconcile + receipts.
    * hacer el balance de cuentas = balance + the cash drawer.
    * hacer la cuenta = tot up, tote up.
    * libro de cuentas = account book.
    * llevar la cuenta = tally.
    * llevar la cuenta de = keep + track of.
    * mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.
    * más de la cuenta = one too many.
    * necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, skip, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * organizar Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.
    * pedirle cuentas a Alguien = bring + Nombre + to book.
    * perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).
    * ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.
    * por cuenta ajena = vicariously.
    * por cuenta de uno = privately.
    * por cuenta propia = freelance, self-employed, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por cuenta y riesgo de Uno = at + Posesivo + peril.
    * por + Posesivo + cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Reflexivo + cuenta = for + Reflexivo.
    * por su cuenta y riesgo = at + Posesivo + own risk.
    * que no tienen que rendir cuentas a nadie = unaccountable.
    * rendición de cuentas = accountability.
    * rendir cuentas = render + an account of, bring + Nombre + to book.
    * rendir cuentas a = report to.
    * saber hacer cuentas = be numerate.
    * saldar una cuenta = settle + an account.
    * saldo de cuenta bancaria = bank balance.
    * saldo del libro de cuentas = account book balance.
    * sentir que no tienen en cuenta a Alguien = feel + left out.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly.
    * sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.
    * tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = contemplate + view.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint.
    * tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.
    * tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.
    * téngase en cuenta = witness.
    * téngase en cuenta que = Note that....
    * teniendo en cuenta = on the basis of.
    * teniendo en cuenta que = providing (that).
    * titular de cuenta bancaria = bank account holder.
    * titular de la cuenta = account holder.
    * trabajador por cuenta propia = freelancer [free-lancer].
    * trabajo por cuenta propia = self-employment.
    * trabajo por + Posesivo + cuenta = freelance [free-lance].
    * vender a cuenta = trade for + credit.
    * viajero por su cuenta = independent traveller.
    * y antes de que + Pronombre + dar + cuenta = the next thing + Pronombre + know.

    * * *
    1 (operación, cálculo) calculation, sum
    hacer una cuenta to do a calculation o sum
    saca la cuenta add it up, work it out
    voy a tener que hacer or sacar or echar cuentas I'm going to have to do some calculations o sums
    luego hacemos cuentas we'll sort it out o work it out later
    las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso ( hum); short reckonings make long friends
    las cuentas claras conservan la amistad (CS); short reckonings make long friends
    (contabilidad): encárgate tú de organizarlo, yo me ocupo de las cuentas you take care of the organization, and I'll handle the money side (of things) ( colloq)
    ella lleva las cuentas de la casa she pays all the bills and looks after the money
    1 (cómputo) count
    ya he perdido la cuenta de las veces que ha llamado I've lost count of the number of times he's called
    ¿estás llevando la cuenta? are you keeping count?
    he comido/bebido más de la cuenta I've eaten too much/had too much to drink
    siempre tienes que hablar más de la cuenta why do you always have to talk too much?
    he gastado más de la cuenta I've spent too much o more than I should have
    por la cuenta que me/te/le trae: ¿tú crees que vendrá Pedro? — por la cuenta que le trae do you think Pedro will come? — he'd better! o he will if he knows what's good for him! ( colloq)
    salir de cuenta(s) ( Esp fam); to be due ( colloq)
    salir más a or ( RPl) en cuenta to work out cheaper
    traer cuenta: no me trae cuenta venderlo it's not worth my while selling o to sell it
    realmente trae cuenta comprar al por mayor it's really well worth buying wholesale
    ya ha empezado la cuenta atrás de las elecciones the countdown to the elections has begun
    standing count
    sperm count
    1 (factura) bill
    ¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor? could we have the check ( AmE) o ( BrE) bill, please?
    la cuenta del gas/teléfono the gas/phone bill
    no ha mandado/no nos ha pasado la cuenta he hasn't sent us the bill
    es de las que te hace un favor y luego te pasa la cuenta she's one of those people who do you a favor and then expect something in return
    tengo varias cuentas pendientes (de pago) I've got several bills to pay o bills outstanding
    yo no tengo cuentas pendientes con nadie I don't owe anybody anything
    tiene cuentas con todo el mundo he owes everybody money
    a cuenta on account
    entregó $2.000 a cuenta she gave me/him/them $2,000 on account
    toma este dinero a cuenta de lo que te debo here's some money toward(s) what I owe you
    1 ( Com, Fin) (en un banco, un comercio) account
    abrir/cerrar una cuenta to open/close an account
    depositó or ( Esp) ingresó un cheque en su cuenta she paid a check into her account
    incluimos las siguientes partidas con cargo a su cuenta ( Corresp) the following items have been charged to your account
    cárguelo a mi cuenta charge it to o put it on my account
    tiene cuenta en ese restaurante he has an account at that restaurant
    2 (negocio) account
    consiguieron la cuenta de Vigarsa they got the Vigarsa account
    sight deposit account
    time deposit ( AmE), fixed term deposit ( BrE)
    ( Méx); dollar account
    joint account
    checking account ( AmE); current account ( BrE)
    savings account
    charge account, credit account ( BrE)
    interactive user-guide
    ( Méx); main account ( in pesos)
    budget account
    profit and loss account
    (explicaciones, razones): no tengo por qué darle cuentas a ella de lo que hago I don't have to explain o justify to her the things I do, I don't have to answer o account to her for the things I do
    vas a tener que rendir cuentas or cuenta del tiempo que has perdido you're going to have to account for all the time you've wasted
    hacer lo que uno quiere sin tener que rendirle cuentas a nadie to do as you please without having to answer to anybody
    ajustarle las cuentas a algn to give sb a piece of one's mind
    dar cuenta de algo (de noticias, sucesos) to give an account of sth; (de alimentos) to polish sth off ( colloq)
    se reunió con los periodistas para dar cuenta de la situación she met the journalists to explain o to tell them about the situation
    el despacho da cuenta del accidente aéreo the press release gives details of the plane crash
    … en resumidas cuentas: que casarse sería una locura … in short o all in all, it would be madness for them to get married
    en resumidas cuentas, que hay que seguir esperando in short o in a nutshell, we'll just have to keep waiting
    (cargo, responsabilidad): por/de cuenta de algn: la Seguridad Social corre por cuenta de la empresa Social Security contributions are covered o paid o met by the company
    los deterioros serán de cuenta del inquilino the tenant will be liable for any damage
    decidí editarlo por mi cuenta I decided to publish it at my own expense
    trabajó con un famoso modisto francés y luego se instaló por su cuenta she worked for a famous French fashion designer and then she set up (in business) on her own
    ahora trabaja por cuenta propia she works freelance now, she's self-employed now
    los trabajadores por cuenta ajena workers with employment contracts/workers with employee status
    la cena corre por mi cuenta the dinner's on me ( colloq)
    Cuando la frase darse cuenta va seguida de una oración subordinada introducida por de que, en el español latinoamericano existe cierta tendencia a omitir la preposición de en el lenguaje coloquial - se dio cuenta que no iba a convencerla = he realized (that) he wasn't going to convince her
    darse cuenta de algo to realize sth
    lo hizo/dijo sin darse cuenta he did/said it without realizing
    ni se dio cuenta de que me había cortado el pelo he didn't even notice I'd had my hair cut
    date cuenta de que es imposible you must see o realize that it's impossible
    ella se da cuenta de todo she's aware of everything that's going on (around her)
    ¡eso me contestó! ¿tú te das cuenta? that's what he said! can you believe it o can you imagine?
    tener algo en cuenta: ten en cuenta que lleva poco tiempo en este país bear in mind o remember that he's only been in the country a short time
    sin tener en cuenta los gastos without taking the expenses into account, not including the expenses
    teniendo en cuenta su situación la eximieron del pago they exempted her from payment because of her circumstances
    ése es otro factor a tener en cuenta that's another factor to be taken into account o taken into consideration o borne in mind
    tomar algo en cuenta: no se lo tomes en cuenta, no sabe lo que dice don't take any notice of him o don't pay any attention to him o just ignore him, he doesn't know what he's talking about
    tomaron en cuenta mis conocimientos de francés/mi experiencia my knowledge of French/my experience was taken into consideration
    ¿a cuenta de qué …? ( AmL fam); why …?
    a cuenta de que … just because …
    entonces caí en la cuenta de por qué lo había hecho that was when I realized o saw o ( colloq) when it clicked why he had done it
    no caí en la cuenta de que me había mentido hasta que … I didn't grasp the fact that o realize that he'd lied to me until …
    habida cuenta de ( frml); in view of
    hacer cuenta que: haz (de) cuenta que lo has perdido, porque no creo que te lo devuelvan you may as well give it up for lost, because I don't think you'll get it back
    tú haz (de) cuenta (de) que yo no estoy aquí pretend I'm not here o carry on as if I wasn't here
    H (de un collar, rosario) bead
    cuenta2, cuentas, etc
    * * *


    Del verbo contar: ( conjugate contar)

    cuenta es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    contar ( conjugate contar) verbo transitivo
    1dinero/votos/días to count;

    y eso sin cuenta las horas extras and that's without including overtime;
    lo cuento entre mis amigos I consider him (to be) one of my friends
    2cuento/chiste/secreto to tell;

    es muy largo de cuenta it's a long story;
    ¿qué cuentas (de nuevo)? (fam) how're things? (colloq)
    verbo intransitivo
    1 ( en general) to count;

    ¿este trabajo cuenta para la nota final? does this piece of work count toward(s) the final grade?;
    ella no cuenta para nada what she says (o thinks etc) doesn't count for anything

    a)persona/ayuda/discreción to count on, rely on;

    cuento contigo para la fiesta I'm counting o relying on you being at the party;

    sin cuenta con que … without taking into account that …

    c) (frml) ( tener) to have;

    contarse verbo pronominal
    a) (frml) ( estar incluido):

    su novela se cuenta entre las mejores his novel is among the best

    ¿qué te cuentas? how's it going? (colloq)

    cta. (
    cuenta) a/c

    cuenta sustantivo femeninoNota:
    Cuando la frase darse cuenta va seguida de una oración subordinada introducida por de que, en el español latinoamericano existe cierta tendencia a omitir la preposición de en el lenguaje coloquial: se dio cuenta que no iba a convencerla = he realized (that) he wasn't going to convince her
    a) (operación, cálculo) calculation, sum;

    hacer una cuenta to do a calculation o sum;

    saca la cuenta add it up, work it out;
    hacer or sacar cuentas to do some calculations;
    a fin de cuentas after all

    cuentas sustantivo femenino plural ( contabilidad) accounts: yo llevo las cuentas del negocio I do the accounts for the business, I handle the money side of the business (colloq);

    ella se ocupa de las cuentas de la casa she pays all the bills and looks after the money

    llevar/perder la cuenta to keep/lose count;

    cuenta atrás countdown;
    más de la cuenta too much
    a) ( factura) bill;

    ¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor? could we have the check (AmE) o (BrE) bill, please?;

    la cuenta del gas the gas bill;
    a cuenta on account;
    entregó $2.000 a cuenta she gave me/him/them $2,000 on account;
    este dinero es a cuenta de lo que te debo this money is to go toward(s) what I owe you
    b) (Com, Fin) (en banco, comercio) account;

    abrir/cerrar/liquidar una cuenta to open/close/to settle an account;

    cuenta corriente/de ahorro(s) current/savings account
    cuentas sustantivo femenino plural ( explicaciones): no tengo por qué darte cuentas I don't have to explain o justify myself to you;

    dar or rendir cuentas de algo to account for sth;
    en resumidas cuentas in short
    4 (cargo, responsabilidad):
    los gastos corren por cuenta de la empresa the expenses are covered o paid by the company;

    se instaló por su cuenta she set up (in business) on her own;
    trabaja por cuenta propia she's self-employed

    ( notar) to notice (sth);

    date cuenta de que es imposible you must realize (that) it's impossible;
    tener algo en cuenta to bear sth in mind;
    ten en cuenta que es joven bear in mind that he's young;
    sin tener en cuenta los gastos without taking the expenses into account;
    tomar algo en cuenta to take sth into consideration
    6 (de collar, rosario) bead
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (un suceso, una historia) to tell
    2 (numerar) to count
    II verbo intransitivo to count
    ♦ Locuciones: contar con, (confiar en) to count on
    (constar de) to have
    cuenta sustantivo femenino
    1 (recibo) bill
    2 (cálculo) count
    hacer cuentas, to do sums
    perder la cuenta, to lose count
    cuenta atrás, countdown
    3 (de collar) bead
    4 Fin (de banco) account
    cuenta corriente, current account, US checking account
    cuenta de ahorros, savings account
    ♦ Locuciones: ajustar cuentas, to settle up
    caer en la cuenta o darse cuenta, to realize
    dar cuenta, to report
    pedir cuentas, to ask for an explanation
    salir de cuentas, to be due (to give birth)
    tener en cuenta, to take into account
    trabajar por cuenta propia, to be self-employed
    traer cuenta, to be worthwhile
    a cuenta, on account
    en resumidas cuentas, in short
    más sillas de la cuenta, too many chairs
    ' cuenta' also found in these entries:
    - abonar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abrir
    - advertir
    - ajustar
    - anda
    - bloquear
    - borrón
    - cancelar
    - cargar
    - cero
    - cerrar
    - conforme
    - contarse
    - contingente
    - contraponer
    - corriente
    - cta.
    - dejar
    - desbloquear
    - descongelar
    - embargar
    - engordar
    - engrosar
    - escopetazo
    - extracto
    - fantasía
    - finiquitar
    - hallar
    - intervenir
    - movimiento
    - nota
    - notar
    - número
    - pancha
    - pancho
    - reparar
    - revisión
    - saldar
    - saldo
    - saneada
    - saneado
    - sumar
    - temblar
    - titular1
    - ubicarse
    - abono
    - adición
    - allow for
    - allowance
    - alone
    - ambit
    - amenities
    - angry
    - appreciate
    - aware
    - balance
    - bank
    - bank account
    - bank statement
    - bead
    - bill
    - branch out
    - catch on
    - charge
    - charge account
    - check
    - clean
    - click
    - consider
    - consideration
    - considering
    - count
    - count in
    - countdown
    - credit
    - credit account
    - current account
    - dawn
    - debit
    - deposit
    - deposit account
    - ecological
    - expense
    - feel
    - foot
    - give
    - gross
    - holder
    - irrespective
    - joint account
    - motion
    - notice
    - overdraw
    - overspend
    - pass by
    - pay
    * * *
    1. [acción de contar cifras] count;
    [cálculo] sum;
    el niño está aprendiendo a hacer cuentas the child is learning to do sums;
    voy a hacer cuentas de los gastos I'm going to tot up o work out what we've spent;
    vamos a echar cuentas de cuánto te debo let's work out how much I owe you;
    espera un momento, que saco la cuenta wait a minute, I'll tot it up for you;
    ¿está llevando alguien la cuenta? is anyone keeping count?;
    he perdido la cuenta, tendré que empezar de nuevo I've lost count, I'll have to start again;
    salir a cuenta to work out cheaper;
    hacer las cuentas de la lechera to count one's chickens before they are hatched;
    hacer las cuentas del Gran Capitán to be overoptimistic in one's calculations;
    hacer la cuenta de la vieja to count on one's fingers;
    salir de cuentas, estar fuera de cuentas to be due (to give birth)
    cuenta atrás countdown
    2. [depósito de dinero] account;
    abrir/cerrar una cuenta to open/close an account;
    abónelo/cárguelo en mi cuenta, por favor please credit/debit o charge it to my account;
    me han abonado el sueldo en cuenta they've paid my wages into my account;
    he cargado el recibo en tu cuenta I've charged the bill to your account;
    ingresó el cheque en su cuenta she paid the cheque into her account;
    póngalo en mi cuenta put it on my account
    cuenta abierta active account;
    cuenta acreedora credit account;
    Esp cuenta de ahorros savings account; Esp cuenta de ahorro vivienda = tax-exempt savings account used for paying deposit on a house;
    cuenta bancaria bank account;
    cuenta de caja cash account;
    cuenta comercial business account;
    cuenta conjunta joint account;
    cuenta corriente Br current account, US checking account;
    cuenta de crédito = current account with an overdraft facility;
    cuenta de depósito deposit account;
    cuenta deudora overdrawn account;
    cuenta de explotación operating statement;
    cuenta de giros giro account;
    cuenta indistinta joint account;
    cuenta de inversiones investment account;
    cuenta a plazo fijo deposit account;
    cuenta transitoria suspense account;
    cuenta a la vista instant access account;
    Esp cuenta vivienda = tax-exempt savings account used for paying deposit on a house
    3. Cont
    cuentas [ingresos y gastos] accounts;
    las cuentas de esta empresa no son nada transparentes this company's books o accounts are not very transparent;
    él se encarga de las cuentas de la casa he deals with the financial side of things in their household;
    llevar las cuentas to keep the books;
    cuentas por cobrar/pagar accounts receivable/payable;
    ajustar o [m5]arreglar cuentas: [m5]¡ya le ajustaré o [m5] arreglaré las cuentas cuando le vea! I'll get my own back on him next time I see him!
    cuenta de gastos expenditure account;
    cuenta pendiente outstanding account;
    tengo unas cuentas pendientes con él I've a few scores to settle with him;
    cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias profit and loss account;
    cuenta de resultados Br profit and loss account,US income account
    4. [factura] bill;
    [en restaurante] Br bill, US check;
    la cuenta del supermercado/teléfono the shopping/phone bill;
    ¡la cuenta, por favor! could I have the Br bill o US check, please?;
    le pedí la cuenta al camarero I asked the waiter for the Br bill o US check;
    pagar 10 euros a cuenta to pay 10 euros down;
    pasar la cuenta to send the bill;
    tarde o temprano te pasará la cuenta de los favores que te ha hecho sooner or later she'll want something in return for o she'll call in the favours she's done for you
    5. Com [cliente, negocio] account;
    se encarga de las grandes cuentas de la empresa she looks after the company's most important accounts
    6. Informát account
    cuenta de correo (electrónico) e-mail account
    7. [obligación, cuidado] responsibility;
    esa tarea es cuenta mía that task is my responsibility;
    el vino corre de mi cuenta the wine's on me;
    déjalo de mi cuenta leave it to me;
    por mi/tu/ etc [m5]cuenta: investigaré esto por mi cuenta, no me fío de la policía I'll look into this matter myself, I don't trust the police;
    lo tendrás que hacer por tu cuenta, nadie te va ayudar you'll have to do it yourself o on your own, no one's going to help you;
    cualquier daño al vehículo corre por cuenta del conductor the driver is liable for any damage to the vehicle;
    tomas esa decisión por tu cuenta y riesgo, yo no te apoyo on your head be it, I don't agree with your decision;
    por su cuenta y riesgo decidió aprobar la operación he decided to approve the operation without consulting anyone;
    trabajar por cuenta propia/ajena to be self-employed/an employee;
    ha crecido el número de trabajadores por cuenta propia the number of self-employed has risen;
    por la cuenta que le trae, más vale que llegue pronto if he's got any sense at all, he'll arrive early;
    lo haré bien, por la cuenta que me trae I'm going to have to do it well, there's a lot riding on it
    8. [explicación, justificación]
    dar cuenta de algo to give a report on sth;
    no tengo por qué dar cuentas de mis acciones a nadie I don't have to explain myself o answer to anybody;
    el jefe nos convocó para darnos cuentas de la situación the boss called us in to explain the situation to us;
    pedir cuentas a alguien to call sb to account;
    rendir cuentas de algo ante alguien to give an account of sth to sb;
    no tengo por qué rendirle cuentas de mi vida privada I don't have to explain to her what I do in my private life;
    en resumidas cuentas, el futuro es prometedor in short, the future looks good;
    ¿a cuenta de qué? why on earth?, for what earthly reason?
    9. [cálculos, planes]
    no entra en mis cuentas cambiarme de casa I'm not planning to move house;
    ese gasto no entraba en nuestras cuentas we hadn't reckoned with that expense
    10. [consideración]
    tener en cuenta algo to bear sth in mind;
    ten paciencia, ten en cuenta que es nuevo en el trabajo be patient, you have to remember that o bear in mind that he's new to the job;
    eso, sin tener en cuenta el dinero que hemos perdido ya without, of course, taking into account o counting the money we've lost so far;
    un factor a tener en cuenta es la reacción del público one factor that has to be taken into account o borne in mind is the public's reaction;
    tomar en cuenta to take into account;
    habida cuenta de considering;
    habida cuenta de todo esto… bearing all this in mind…;
    habida cuenta de que… bearing in mind that…
    11. [de collar, rosario] bead
    12. Comp
    a fin de cuentas: no te preocupes, a fin de cuentas es mi problema don't you worry about it, after all, it's my problem;
    caer en la cuenta: ¡ahora caigo en la cuenta! now I see o understand!;
    no cayó en la cuenta de su error hasta una semana después she didn't realize her mistake until a week later;
    caí en la cuenta de que había que hacer algo I realized that something had to be done;
    dar cuenta de: en menos de cinco minutos dio cuenta de todos los pasteles it took him less than five minutes to account for o polish off all the cakes;
    dieron cuenta del rival con gran facilidad they easily disposed of the opposition;
    darse cuenta de algo to realize sth;
    lo hice sin darme cuenta I did it without realizing;
    ¿te das cuenta?, ya te dije que no era ella you see, I told you it wasn't her;
    no se dio cuenta de que necesitaba ayuda she didn't realize that she needed help;
    no sé si te habrás dado cuenta, pero parece muy nervioso I don't know if you've noticed, but he seems very nervous;
    es muy insensible, no se da cuenta de nada he's very insensitive, he never notices o picks up what's going on;
    ¿te das cuenta? no me ha dado las gracias can you believe it? he didn't even say thank you;
    más de la cuenta: bebí más de la cuenta I had one too many, I had too much to drink;
    siempre habla más de la cuenta he always talks too much, he always has to open his mouth
    * * *
    1 ( cálculo) sum;
    echar cuentas de algo work sth out;
    perder la cuenta lose count
    2 de restaurante check, Br
    pasar la cuenta a alguien send s.o. the bill;
    no me gusta pedirle favores porque siempre te pasa la cuenta fig I don’t like asking him for favors because he always wants something in return;
    tener una cuenta pendiente con alguien fam have unfinished business with s.o.
    3 COM account;
    a cuenta on account;
    póngamelo en la cuenta put it on the slate
    dar cuenta de give an account of;
    pedir cuentas a alguien ask s.o. for an explanation
    corre por mi/su cuenta I’ll/he’ll pay for it;
    por su propia cuenta off one’s own bat;
    trabajar por cuenta ajena/propia be employed/self-employed
    darse cuenta de algo realize sth;
    tomar en cuenta take into account;
    dar buena cuenta de finish off, polish off fam ;
    a fin de cuentas after all
    * * *
    cuenta, etc. contar
    cuenta nf
    1) : calculation, count
    2) : account
    3) : check, bill
    darse cuenta : to realize
    tener en cuenta : to bear in mind
    * * *
    1. (de dinero) account
    2. (factura) bill
    ¿sabes hacer cuentas? can you do sums?
    4. (rosario) bead
    perder la cuenta to lose count [pt. & pp. lost]
    tener / tomar en cuenta to take into account [pt. took; pp. taken]

    Spanish-English dictionary > cuenta

  • 18 AF

    * * *
    prep. w. dat.
    I. Of place:
    1) off, from;
    G. hljóp af hesti sínum, G. jumped off his horse;
    ganga af mótinu, to go away from the meeting;
    Flosi kastaði af sér skikkjunni, threw off his cloak;
    Gizzur gekk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from the south-west;
    hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he had taken off his shoes;
    Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off;
    tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms;
    bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus;
    hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession;
    vil ek þú vinnir af þér skuldina, work off the debt;
    muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand;
    rísa af dauða, to rise from the dead;
    vakna af draumi, to awaken from a dream;
    lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse;
    vindr stóð af landi, the wind blew from the land;
    2) out of;
    verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world;
    gruflar hón af læknum, she scrambles out of the brook;
    Otradalr var mjök af vegi, far out of the way.
    Connected with út; föstudaginn fór út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town.
    II. Of time; past, beyond:
    af ómagaaldri, able to support oneself, of age;
    ek em nú af léttasta skeiði, no longer in the prime of life;
    þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, when seven weeks of summer are past;
    var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past.
    III. In various other relations:
    1) þiggja lið af e-m, to receive help from one;
    hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy;
    vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of one;
    féll þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s men fell there;
    þá eru þeir útlagir ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their goðorð;
    þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim;
    ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to give up;
    2) off, of;
    höggva fót, hönd, af e-m, to cut off one’s foot, hand;
    vil ek, at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, whatever you like of the stores;
    þar lá forkr einn ok brotit af endanum, with the point broken off;
    absol., beit hann höndina af, bit the hand off;
    fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off;
    3) of, among;
    hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum, the most promising of the young men;
    4) with;
    hláða, (ferma) skip af e-u, to load (freight) a ship with;
    fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring;
    5) of (= ór which is more frequent);
    húsit var gert af timbr stokkum, was built of trunks of trees;
    6) fig., eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him;
    hvat hefir þú gert af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar?;
    7) denoting parentage, descent, origin;
    ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, are descended from them;
    kominn af Trójumönnum, descended from the Trojans;
    8) by, of (after passive);
    ek em sendr hingat af Starkaði, sent hither by;
    ástsæll af landsmónnum, beloved of;
    9) on account of, by reason of, by;
    úbygðr at frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold;
    ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds;
    af ástæld hans, by his popularity;
    af því, therefore;
    af hví, wherefor why;
    af því at, because;
    10) by means of, by;
    framfœra e-n af verkum sínum, by means of his own labour;
    af sínu fé, by one’s own means;
    absol., hann fekk af hina mestu sœmd, derived great honour from it;
    11) with adjectives, in regard to;
    mildr af fé, liberal of money;
    góðr af griðum, merciful;
    12) used absol. with a verb, off away;
    hann bað hann þá róa af fjörðinn, to row the firth off;
    ok er þeir höfðu af fjörðung, when they had covered one forth of the way;
    sofa af nóttina, to sleep the night away.
    * * *
    prep. often used elliptically by dropping the case, or even merely adverbially, [Ulf. af; A. S. and Engl. of, off; Hel. ab; Germ. ab; Gr. άπό; Lat. a, ab.] With dat. denoting a motion a loco; one of the three prepp. af, ór, frá, corresponding to those in locoá, í, við, and ad locumá, í, at. It in general corresponds to the prepp. in locoá, or in locum til, whilst ór answers more to í; but it also frequently corresponds to yfir, um or í. It ranges between ór and frá, generally denoting the idea from the surface of, while ór means from the inner part, and frá from the outer part or border. The motion from a hill, plain, open place is thus denoted by af; by ór that from an enclosed space, depth, cavity, thus af fjalli, but ór of a valley, dale; af Englandi, but ór Danmörk, as mörk implies the notion of a deep wood, forest. The wind blows af landi, but a ship sets sail frá landi; frá landi also means a distance from: af hendi, of a glove, ring; ór hendi, of whatever has been kept in the hand (correl. to á hendi and í hendi). On the other hand af is more general, whilst frá and ór are of a more special character; frá denoting a departure, ór an impulse or force; a member goes home af þingi, whereas ór may denote an inmate of a district, or convey the notion of secession or exclusion from, Eb. 105 new Ed.; the traveller goes af landi, the exile ór landi: taka e-t af e-m is to take a thing out of one’s hand, that of taka frá e-m to remove out of one’s sight, etc. In general af answers to Engl. of, off, ór to out of, and frá to from: the Lat. prepp. ab, de, and ex do not exactly correspond to the Icelandic, yet as a rule ór may answer to ex, af sometimes to ab, sometimes to de. Of, off, from among; with, by; on account of by means of, because of concerning, in respect of.
    A. Loc.
    I. With motion, off, from:
    1. prop. corresp. to á,
    α. konungr dró gullhring af hendi sér (but á hendi), Ld. 32; Höskuldr lætr bera farm af skipi, unload the ship (but bera farm á skip), id.; var tekit af hestum þeirra, they were unsaddled, Nj. 4; Gunnarr hafði farit heiman af bæ sínum, he was away from home, 82; Gunnarr hljóp af hesti sínum, jumped off his horse (but hl. á hest), 83; hlaupa, stökkva af baki, id., 112, 264 ; Gunnarr skýtr til hans af boganum, from the bow, where af has a slight notion of instrumentality, 96; flýja af fundinum, to fly from off the battle-field, 102; ríða af Þríhyrningshálsum, 206; út af Langaholti, Eg. 744 ; sunnan ór Danmörk ok af Saxlandi, 560; ganga af mótinu, to go from the meeting, Fms. vii. 130; af þeirra fundi reis María upp ok fór, 625. 85 ; Flosi kastaði af ser skikkjunni, threw his cloak off him (but kasta á sik),Nj. 176; taka Hrungnis fót af honum, of a load, burden, Edda 58; land þat er hann fiskði af, from which he set off to fish, Grág. i. 151, is irregular, frá would suit better; slíta af baki e-s, from off one’s back, ii. 9 ; bera af borði, to clear the table, Nj. 75.
    β. where it more nearly answers to í; þeir koma af hafi, of sailors coming in (but leggja í haf), Nj. 128 ; fara til Noregs af Orkneyjum (but í or til O.), 131; þeim Agli fórst vel ok komu af hafi i Borgarfjörð, Eg. 392 ; hann var útlagi ( outlawed) af Noregi, where ór would be more regular, 344; af Islandi, of a traveller, Fms. x. 3; búa her af báðum ríkjunum, to take a levy from, 51; hinir beztu bændr ór Norðlendingafjórðungi ok af Sunnlendingafjórðungi, the most eminent Southerners and Northerners, 113; Gizzurr gékk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from south-west, Sturl. ii. 219; prestar af hvárutveggja biskupsdæmi, from either diocess, Dipl. ii. 11; verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world, 623. 21; gruflar hon af læknum, scrambles out of the brook, Ísl. ii. 340; Egill kneyfði af horninu í einum drykk, drained off the horn at one draught, literally squeezed every drop out of it, Eg. 557; brottuaf herbúðunurn, Fms. x. 343.
    γ. of things more or less surrounding the subject, corresp. to yfir or um; láta þeir þegar af sér tjöldin, break off, take down the tents in preparing for battle, Eg. 261; kyrtillinn rifnaði af honum, his coat burst, caused by the swollen body, 602; hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he untied his shoes (but binda á sik), 716; Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off, of one clinging to one’s body, 747; tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms, Fms. vii. 39. Of putting off clothes; fara af kápu, Nj. 143; far þú eigi af brynjunni, Bs. i. 541; þá ætlaði Sigurðr at fara af brynjunni, id.; þá var Skarphéðinn flettr af klæðunum, Nj. 209: now more usually fara or klæðum, fötum, exuere, to undress.
    δ. connected with út; föstudaginn for út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town, Nj. 274; ganga út af kirkjunni, to go out of the church, now út úr, Fms. vii. 107: drekki hann af þeirri jörðunni, of something impregnated with the earth, Laekn. 402.
    ε. more closely corresponding to frá, being in such cases a Latinism (now frá); bréf af páfa, a pope’s bull, Fms. x. 6; rit af hánum, letter from him, 623. 52; bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus, Bs. i. 712; farið þér á brautu af mér í eilífan eld, Hom. 143; brott af drottins augliti, Stj. 43.
    ζ. denoting an uninterrupted continuity, in such phrases as land aflandi, from land to land, Eg. 343, Fas. ii. 539; skip af skipl. from ship to ship, Fms. v. 10; brann hvat af öðru, one after another, of an increasing fire, destroying everything, i. 128; brandr af brandi brenn, funi kveykist af funa, one from another, Hm. 56; hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession, also hverr at öðrum, Eb. 272, 280 (where at in both passages).
    2. metaph., at ganga af e-m dauðum, to go from, leave one dead on the spot, of two combatants; en hann segiz bani hins ef hann gekk af dauðum manni, Grág. ii. 88, Hkr. 1. 327; undr þykir mér er bróðir þinn vildi eigi taka af þér starf þetta, would not take this toil from thee, Nj. 77; þegnar hans glöddust af honum, were fain of him, Fms. x. 380; at koma þeim manni af sér er settr var á fé hans, to get rid of, Ld. 52; vil ek þú vinriir af þér skuldina, work off the debt, Njarð. 366; reka af sér, to repel, Sturl. ii. 219; hann á þá sonu er aldri munu af oss ganga, who will never leave us, whom we shall never get rid of, Fas. i. 280; leysa e-n af e-u, to relieve, 64; taka e-n af lífi, to kill, Eg. 48, 416, Nj. 126; af lífdögum, Fms. vii. 204; ek mun ná lögum af því máli, get the benefit of the law in this case, Eg. 468; muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand, 414; rísa af dauða, to rise from death, Fms. ii. 142; guð bætti honum þó af þessi sótt, healed him of this sickness, ix. 390; vakna af sýn, draumi, svefni, to awaken from a vision, dream, sleep, 655 xxxii. I, Gísl. 24, Eb. 192, Fas. i. 41. Rather with the notion out of, in the phrase af sér etc., e. g. sýna e-t af scr, to shew, exhibit a disposition for or against, Ld. 18; gera mikit af sér, to shew great prowess, Ísl. ii. 368; éf þú gerir eigi meira af þér um aðra leika, unless you make more of thyself, Edda 32; Svipdagr hafði mikit af sér gert, fought bravely, Fas. i. 41; góðr (illr) af sér, good ( bad) of oneself, by nature; mikill af sjálfum sér, proud, bold, stout, Nj. 15; ágætastr maðr af sjálfum sér, the greatest hero, Bret.: góðr af ser, excellent, Hrafn. 7; but, on the contrary, af sér kominn, ruinous, in decay; this phrase is used of old houses or buildings, as in Bs. i. 488 = Sturl. l. c.; af sér kominn af mæði can also be said of a man fallen off from what he used to be; kominn af fotum fram, off his legs from age, Sturl. i. 223, Korm. 154 (in a verse).
    1. denoting direction from, but at the same time continuous connection with an object from which an act or thing proceeds, from; tengja skip hvárt fram af stafni annars, to tie the ships in a line, stem to stern, Fms. i. 157, xi. 111; svá at þeir tóku út af borðum, jutted out of the boards, of rafters or poles, iv. 49; stjarna ok af sem skaft, of a comet, ix. 482; lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse, Grág. ii. 264; hon svarar af sínu sæti sem álpt af baru, Fás. i. 186; þar er sjá mátti utau af firði, af þjóðleið, that might be seen from the fareway on the sea when sailing in the firth, Hkr. ii. 64; þá mun hringt af (better at) Burakirkju, of bells rung at the church, Fms. xi. 160; gengr þar af Meðalfellsströnd, projects from, juts out, of a promontory, Ld. 10.
    2. denoting direction alone; upp af víkinni stóð borg mikil, a burg inland from the inlet, Eg. 161; lokrekkja innar af seti, a shut bed inward from the benches in the hall, Ísl. ii. 262; kapella upp af konungs herbergjum, upwards from, Fms. x. 153; vindr stóð af landi, the wind stood off the land, Bárð. 166.
    β. metaph., stauda af e-u, vide VI. 4.
    γ. ellipt., hallaði af norðr, of the channel, north of a spot, Boll. 348; also, austr af, suðr af, vestr af, etc.
    3. denoting absence; þingheyendr skulu eigi vera um nótt af þingi ( away from the meeting), eðr lengr, þá eru þeir af þingi ( away from (be meeting) ef þeir eru or ( out of) þingmarki, Grág. i. 25; vera um nótt af várþingi, 115; meðan hann er af landi héðan, abroad, 150.
    β. metaph., gud hvíldi af öllum verkum sínum á sjaunda degi, rested from his labours, Ver. 3.
    4. denoting distance; þat er komit af þjóðleið, out of the high road, remote, Eg. 369; af þjóðbraut, Grág. ii. 264, i. 15; Otradalr (a farm) var mjök af vegi, far out of the way, Háv. 53.
    B. TEMP, past, from, out of, beyond:
    1. of a person’s age, in the sense of having past a period of life; af ómaga aldri, of age, able to support oneself, Grág. i. 243; af aeskualdri, stricken in years, having past the prime of life, Eg. 202; lítið af barnsaldri, still a child, Ld. 74; ek em nú af léttasia skeiði, no longer in the prime of life, Háv. 40.
    2. of a part or period of time, past; eigi síðar en nótt er af þingi, a night of the session past, Grág. i. 101; þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, seven weeks past of the summer, 182; tíu vikur af sumri, Íb. 10; var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past, Háv. 41; mikið af vetri, much of the winter was past, Fas. ii. 186; þriðjungr af nótt, a third of the night past, Fms. x. 160; stund af degi, etc.; tveir mánoðr af sumri, Gþl. 103.
    3. in adverbial phrases such as, af stundu, soon; af bragði, at once; af tómi, at leisure, at ease; af nýju, again; af skyndingu, speedily; af bráðungu, in a hurry, etc.
    C. In various other relations:
    I. denoting the passage or transition of an object, concrete or abstract, of, from.
    1. where a thing is received, derived from, conferred by a person or object; þiggja lið af e-m, to derive help from, Edda 26; taka traust af e-m, to receive support, comfort from, Fms. xi. 243; taka mála af e-m, to be in one’s pay, of a soldier, Eg. 266; halda land af e-m, to hold land of any one, 282; verða viss af e-m, to get information from, 57, Nj. 130; taka við sök af manni (a law term), to undertake a case, suit, Grág. i. 142; hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy, ii. 374; vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of, Vd. 88 (old Ed., the new reads frá), Fs. 45; afla matar af eyjum, to derive supplies from, Eb. 12.
    2. where an object is taken by force:
    α. prop. out of a person’s hand; þú skalt hnykkja smíðit af honum, wrest it out of his hand, Nj. 32; cp. taka, þrífa, svipta e-u (e-t) af e-m, to wrest from.
    β. metaph. of a person’s deprival of anything in general; hann tók af þér konuna, carried thy wife off, Nj. 33; tók Gunnarr af þér sáðland þitt, robbed thee of seedland, 103; taka af honum tignina, to depose, degrade him, Eg. 271; vinna e-t af e-m, to carry off by force of arms, conquer, Fms. iii. 29; drepa menn af e-m, for one, slay one’s man, Eg. 417; fell þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s people fell there, 261.
    γ. in such phrases as, hyggja af e-u (v. afhuga), hugsa af e-u, to forget; hyggja af harmi; sjá af e-u, to lose, miss; var svá ástúðigt með þeim, at livargi þóttist mega af öðrum sjá, neither of them could take his eyes off the other, Sturl. i. 194; svá er mörg við ver sinn vær, at varla um sér hon af hoiuun nær, Skálda 163.
    3. denoting forfeiture; þá eru þeir útlagir, ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their priesthood, Grág. i. 24; telja hann af ráðunum fjár síns alls, to oust one, on account of idiocy or madness, 176; verða af kaupi, to be off the bargain, Edda 26; þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim, Nj. 15; ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to forfeit, a case of divorce, id.; ella er hann af rettarfari um hana, has forfeited the suit, Grág. i. 381.
    β. ellipt., af ferr eindagi ef, is forfeited, Grág. i. 140.
    II. denoting relation of a part to a whole, off, of, Lat. de; höggva hönd, höfuð, fót af e-um, to cut one’s hand, head, foot off, Nj. 97, 92, Bs. i. 674; höggva spjót af skapti, to sever the blade from the shaft, 264; hann lét þá ekki hafa af föðurarfi sínum, nothing of their patrimony, Eg. 25; vil ek at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, take what you like of the stores, Nj. 4; at þú eignist slíkt af fé okkru sem þú vili, 94.
    β. ellipt., en nú höfum vér kjörit, en þat er af krossinum, a slice of, Fms. vii. 89; Þórðr gaf Skólm frænda sínum af landnámi sínu, a part of, Landn. 211; hafði hann þat af hans eigu er hann vildi, Sturl. ii. 169; þar lá forkr einn ok brotið af endanum, the point broken off, Háv. 24, Sturl. i. 169.
    γ. absol. off; beit hann höndina af, þar sem nú heitir úlfliðr, bit the hand off, Edda 17; fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off, Nj. 97; jafnt er sem þér synist, af er fótrinn, the foot is off, id.; af bæði eyru, both ears off, Vm. 29.
    2. with the notion ofamong; mestr skörungr af konum á Norðrlöndum, the greatest heroine in the North, Fms. i. 116; hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum í Austfjörðum, the most hopeful of youths in the Eastfirths, Njarð. 364; af ( among) öllurn hirðmönnuni virði konungr mest skáld sín, Eg. 27; ef hann vildi nokkura kaupa af þessum konum, Ld. 30; ör liggr þar útiá vegginum, ok er sú af þeirra örum, one of their own arrows, Nj. 115.
    β. from, among, belonging to; guð kaus hana af ollum konum sér til móður, of the Virgin Mary, Mar. A. i. 27.
    γ. metaph., kunna mikit (lítið) af e-u, to know much, little of, Bragi kann mest af skáldskap, is more cunning of poetry than any one else, Edda 17.
    δ. absol. out of, before, in preference to all others; Gunnarr bauð þér góð boð, en þú vildir eingi af taka, you would choose none of them, Nj. 77; ráða e-t af, to decide; þó mun faðir minn mestu af ráða, all depends upon him, Ld. 22; konungr kveðst því mundu heldr af trúa, preferred believing that of the two, Eg. 55; var honum ekki vildara af ván, he could expect nothing better, 364.
    3. with the additional sense of instrumentality, with; ferma skip af e-u, to freight a ship with, Eg. 364; hlaða mörg skip af korni, load many ships with corn, Fms. xi. 8; klyfja tvá hesta af mat, Nj. 74; var vágrinn skipaðr af herskipum, the bay was covered with war ships, 124; fylla ker af glóðum, fill it with embers, Stj. 319; fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring, Ver. 3.
    III. denoting the substance of which a thing is made, of; used indifferently with ór, though ór be more frequent; þeir gerðu af honum jörðina, af blóði hans sæinn ok vötnin, of the creation of the world from the corpse of the giant Ymir; the poem Gm. 40, 41, constantly uses ór in this sense, just as in modern Icelandic, Edda 5; svá skildu þeir, at allir hlutir væri smíðaðir af nokkru efni, 147 (pref.); húsit var gert af timbrstokkum, built of trunks of timber, Eg. 233; hjöhin vóru af gulli, of gold, golden, Fms. i. 17; af osti, of cheese, but in the verse 1. c. ór osti, Fms. vi. 253; línklæði af lérepti, linen, Sks. 287.
    2. metaph. in the phrases, göra e-t af e-n ( to dispose of), verða af ( become of), hvat hefir þú gört af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar? Njarð. 376; hvat af motrinuni er orðit, what has become of it? of a lost thing, Ld. 208; hverfr Óspakr á burt, svá eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him? Band. 5.
    IV. denoting parentage, descent, origin, domicile, abode:
    1. parentage, of, from, used indifferently with frá; ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, descend from them, but a little below—frá honum eru konmir Sturlungar, Eb. 338, cp. afkvæmi; af ætt Hörðakára, Fms. i. 287; kominn af Trojumönnum, xi. 416; af Ása-ætt (Kb. wrongly at), Edda I.
    β. metaph., vera af Guði (theol.), of God, = righteous, 686 B. 9; illr ávöxtr af íllri rót, Fms. ii. 48; Asia er kölluð af nafni nokkurar konu, derives her name from, Stj. 67; af honum er bragr kallaðr skáldskapr, called after his name, Edda 17.
    2. of domicile; af danskri tungu, of Danish or Scandinavian origin, speaking the Danish tongue, Grág. ii. 73; hvaðan af löndum, whence, native of what country? Ísl.
    β. especially denoting a man’s abode, and answering to á and í, the name of the farm (or country) being added to proper names, (as in Scotland,) to distinguish persons of the same name; Hallr af Síðu, Nj. 189; Erlingr af Straumey, 273; Ástríðr af Djúpárbakka, 39; Gunnarr af Hlíðarenda (more usual frá); þorir haklangr konungr af Ögðum, king of Agdir, Eg. 35, etc.; cp. ór and frá.
    V. denoting a person with whom an act, feeling, etc. originates, for the most part with a periphrastic passive:
    1. by, the Old Engl. of; as, ek em sendr hingað af Starkaði ok sonum hans, sent hither by, Nj. 94; inna e-t af hendi, to perform, 257; þó at alþýða væri skírð af kennimönnum, baptized of, Fms. ii. 158; meira virðr af mönnum, higher esteemed, Ld. 158; ástsæll af landsmönnum, beloved, íb. 16; vinsæll af mönnum, Nj. 102; í allgóðu yfirlæti af þeim feðgum, hospitably treated by them, Eg. 170; var þá nokkut drukkið af alþjóð, there was somewhat hard drinking of the people, Sturl. iii. 229; mun þat ekki upp tekið af þeim sükudólgum mínum, they will not clutch at that, Nj. 257; ef svá væri í hendr þér búit af mér, if í had so made everything ready to thy hands, Ld. 130; þá varð fárætt um af föður hans, his father said little about it, Fms. ii. 154.
    2. it is now also sometimes used as a periphrase of a nom., e. g. ritað, þýtt af e-m, written, translated, edited by, but such phrases scarcely occur in old writers.
    VI. denoting cause, ground, reason:
    1. originating from, on account of, by reason of; af frændsemis sökum, for kinship’s sake, Grág. ii. 72; ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds, 27; af manna völdum, by violence, not by natural accident, of a crime, Nj. 76; af fortölum Halls, through his pleading, 255; af ástsæld hans ok af tölum þeirra Sæmundar, by his popularity and the eloquence of S., Íb. 16; af ráðum Haralds konungs, by his contriving, Landn. 157; úbygðr af frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold, Hkr. i. 5.
    β. adverbially, af því, therefore, Nj. 78; af hví, why? 686 B. 9; þá verðr bóndi heiðinn af barni sínu, viz. if he does not cause his child to be christened, K. Þ. K. 20.
    2. denoting instrumentality, by means of; af sinu fé, by one’s own means, Grág. i. 293; framfæra e-n af verkum sinum, by means of one’s own labour, K. Þ. K. 142; draga saman auð af sökum, ok vælum ok kaupum, make money by, 623. I; af sínum kostnaði, at hi s own expense, Hkr. i. 217.
    β. absol., hún fellir á mik dropa svá heita at ek brenn af öll, Ld. 328; hann fékk af hina mestu sæmd, derived great honotur from it, Nj. 88; elli sótti á hendr honum svá at hann lagðist í rekkju af, he grew bedridden from age, Ld. 54; komast undan af hlaupi, escape by running, Fms. viii. 58; spinna garn af rokki, spin off a wheel (now, spinna á rokk), from a notion of instrumentality, or because of the thread being spun out (?), Eb. 92.
    3. denoting proceeding, originating from; lýsti af höndum hennar, her hands spread beams of light, Edda 22; allir heimar lýstust ( were illuminated) af henni, id.; en er lýsti af degi, when the day broke forth, Fms. ii. 16; lítt var lýst af degi, the day was just beginning to break, Ld. 46; þá tók at myrkja af nótt, the ‘mirk-time’ of night began to set in, Eg. 230; tók þá brátt at myrkva af nótt, the night grew dark, Hkr. ii. 230.
    4. metaph., standa, leiða, hljótast af, to be caused by, result from; opt hlýtst íllt af kvenna hjali, great mischief is wrought by women’s gossip (a proverb), Gísl. 15, 98; at af þeim mundi mikit mein ok úhapp standa, be caused by, Edda 18; kenna kulda af ráðum e-s, to feel sore from, Eb. 42; þó mun her hljótast af margs manns bani, Nj, 90.
    5. in adverbial phrases, denoting state of mind; af mikilli æði, in fury, Nj. 116; af móð, in great emotion, Fms. xi. 221; af áhyggju, with concern, i. 186; af létta, frankly, iii. 91; af viti, collectedly, Grág. ii. 27; af heilu, sincerely, Eg. 46; áf fári, in rage; af æðru, timidly, Nj. (in a verse); af setning, composedly, in tune, Fms. iii. 187; af mikilli frægð, gallantly, Fas. i. 261; af öllu afli, with all might, Grág. ii. 41; af riki, violently, Fbr. (in a verse); af trúnaði, confidently, Grág. i. 400.
    VII. denoting regard to, of, concerning, in respect of, as regards:
    1. with verbs, denoting to tell of, be informed, inquire about, Lat. de; Dioscorides segir af grasi því, speaks of, 655 xxx. 5; er menn spurðu af landinu, inquired about it, Landn. 30; halda njósn af e-u, Nj. 104; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, Eg. 546, Band. 8.
    β. absol., hann mun spyrja, hvárt þér sé nokkut af kunnigt hversu for með okkr, whether you know anything about, how, Nj. 33; halda skóla af, to hold a school in a science, 656 A. i. 19 (sounds like a Latinism); en ek gerða þik sera mestan mann af öllu, in respect of all, that you should get all the honour of it, Nj. 78.
    2. with adjectives such as mildr, illr, góðrafe-u, denoting disposition or character in respect to; alira manna mildastr af fo, very liberal, often-banded, Fms. vii. 197; mildr af gulli, i. 33; góðr af griðum, merciful, Al. 33; íllr af mat en mildr af gulli, Fms. i. 53; fastr af drykk, close, stingy in regard to, Sturl. ii. 125; gat þess Hildigunnr at þú mundir góðr af hestinum, that you would be good about the horse, Nj. 90, cp. auðigr at, v. at, which corresponds to the above phrases; cp. also the phrase af sér above, p. 4, col. I, ll. 50 sqq.
    VIII. periphrasis of a genitive (rare); provincialis af öllum Predikaraklaustrum, Fms. x. 76; vera af hinum mesta fjandskap, to breathe deep hatred to, be on bad terms with, ix. 220; af hendi, af hálfu e-s, on one’s behalf, v. those words.
    IX. in adverbial phrases; as, af launungu, secretly; af hljóði, silently; v. those words.
    β. also used absolutely with a verb, almost adverbially, nearly in the signification off, away; hann bað þá róa af fjörðinn, pass the firth swiftly by rowing, row the firth off, Fms. ix. 502; var pá af farit þat seni skerjóttast var, was past, sailed past, Ld. 142; ok er þeir höfðu af fjórðung, past one fourth of the way, Dropl. 10: skína af, to clear up, of the skv, Eb. 152; hence in common language, skína af sér, when the sun breaks forth: sofa af nóttina, to sleep it away, Fms. ii. 98; leið af nóttin, the night past away, Nj. 53; dvelja af stundir, to kill the time, Band. 8; drepa af, to kill; láta af, to slaughter, kill off;
    γ. in exclamations; af tjöldin, off with the awnings, Bs. i. 420, Fins, ix. 49.
    δ. in the phrases, þar af, thence; hér af, hence, Fms. ii. 102; af fram, straight on, Nj. 144; now, á fram, on, advance.
    X. it often refers to a whole sentence or to an adverb, not only like other prepp. to hér, hvar, þar, but also redundantly to hvaðan, héðan, þaðan, whence, hence, thence.
    2. the preposition may sometimes be repeated, once elliptically or adverbially, and once properly, e. g. en er af var borit at borðinu, the cloth was taken off from the table, Nj. 176; Guð þerrir af (off, away) hvert tár af ( from) augum heilagra manna, God wipes off every tear from the eyes of his saints, 655 xx. vii. 17; skal þó fyrst bætr af lúka af fé vegaiula, pay off, from, Gþl. 160, the last af may be omitted—var þá af borið borðinu—and the prep. thus be separated from its case, or it may refer to some of the indecl. relatives er or sem, the prep. hvar, hér, þar being placed behind them without a case, and referring to the preceding relative, e. g. oss er þar mikit af sagt auð þeim, we have been told much about these riches, Band. 24; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, in short, shortly. Eg. 546; þaðan af veit ek, thence í infer, know, Fms. i. 97.
    XI. it is moreover connected with a great many verbs besides those mentioned above, e. g. bera af, to excel, whence afbragð, afbrigði; draga af, to detract, deduct, hence afdráttr; veita ekki af, to be hard with; ganga at, to be left, hence afgangr; standast af um e-t, to stand, how matters stand; sem af tekr, at a furious rate; vita af, to be conscious, know about (vide VII).
    D. As a prefix to compounds distinction is to be made between:
    I. af privativum, denoting diminution, want, deduction, loss, separation, negation of, etc., answering indifferently to Lat. ab-, de-, ex-, dis-, and rarely to re- and se-, v. the following COMPDS, such as segja, dicere, but afsegja, negare; rækja, colere, but afrækja, negligere; aflaga, contra legem; skapligr, normalis, afskapligr, deformis; afvik, recessus; afhús, afhellir, afdalr, etc.
    II. af intensivum, etymologically different, and akin to of, afr-, e. g. afdrykkja = ofdrykkja, inebrietas; afbrýði, jealously; afbendi, tenesmus; afglapi, vir fatuus, etc. etc. Both the privative and the intensive af may be contracted into á, esp. before a labial f, m, v, e. g. á fram = af fram; ábrýði = afbrýði; ávöxtr = afvöxtr; áburðr = afburðr; ávíta = afvíta (?). In some cases dubious. With extenuated and changed vowel; auvirðiligr or övirðiligr, depreciated, = afv- etc., v. those words.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AF

  • 19 ab

    ăb, ā, abs, prep. with abl. This IndoEuropean particle (Sanscr. apa or ava, Etr. av, Gr. upo, Goth. af, Old Germ. aba, New Germ. ab, Engl. of, off) has in Latin the following forms: ap, af, ab (av), au-, a, a; aps, abs, as-. The existence of the oldest form, ap, is proved by the oldest and best MSS. analogous to the prep. apud, the Sanscr. api, and Gr. epi, and by the weakened form af, which, by the rule of historical grammar and the nature of the Latin letter f, can be derived only from ap, not from ab. The form af, weakened from ap, also very soon became obsolete. There are but five examples of it in inscriptions, at the end of the sixth and in the course of the seventh century B. C., viz.:


    Inscr. Orell. 3114;

    AF MVRO,

    ib. 6601;


    ib. 3308;

    AF SOLO,

    ib. 589;

    AF LYCO,

    ib. 3036 ( afuolunt =avolant, Paul. ex Fest. p. 26 Mull., is only a conjecture). In the time of Cicero this form was regarded as archaic, and only here and there used in account-books; v. Cic. Or. 47, 158 (where the correct reading is af, not abs or ab), and cf. Ritschl, Monum. Epigr. p. 7 sq.—The second form of this preposition, changed from ap, was ab, which has become the principal form and the one most generally used through all periods—and indeed the only oue used before all vowels and h; here and there also before some consonants, particularly l, n, r, and s; rarely before c, j, d, t; and almost never before the labials p, b, f, v, or before m, such examples as ab Massiliensibus, Caes. B. C. 1, 35, being of the most rare occurrence.—By changing the b of ab through v into u, the form au originated, which was in use only in the two compounds aufero and aufugio for abfero, ab-fugio; aufuisse for afuisse, in Cod. Medic. of Tac. A. 12, 17, is altogether unusual. Finally, by dropping the b of ab, and lengthening the a, ab was changed into a, which form, together with ab, predominated through all periods of the Latin language, and took its place before all consonants in the later years of Cicero, and after him almoet exclusively.—By dropping the b without lengthening the a, ab occurs in the form a- in the two compounds a-bio and a-perio, q. v.—On the other hand, instead of reducing ap to a and a, a strengthened collateral form, aps, was made by adding to ap the letter s (also used in particles, as in ex, mox, vix). From the first, aps was used only before the letters c, q, t, and was very soon changed into abs (as ap into ab):

    abs chorago,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 79 (159 Ritschl):

    abs quivis,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 3, 1:

    abs terra,

    Cato, R. R. 51;

    and in compounds: aps-cessero,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 24 (625 R.); id. ib. 3, 2, 84 (710 R): abs-condo, abs-que, abs-tineo, etc. The use of abs was confined almost exclusively to the combination abs te during the whole ante-classic period, and with Cicero till about the year 700 A. U. C. (=B. C. 54). After that time Cicero evidently hesitates between abs te and a te, but during the last five or six years of his life a te became predominant in all his writings, even in his letters; consequently abs te appears but rarely in later authors, as in Liv. 10, 19, 8; 26, 15, 12;

    and who, perhaps, also used abs conscendentibus,

    id. 28, 37, 2; v. Drakenb. ad. h. l. (Weissenb. ab).—Finally abs, in consequence of the following p, lost its b, and became ds- in the three compounds aspello, as-porto, and as-pernor (for asspernor); v. these words.—The late Lat. verb abbrevio may stand for adbrevio, the d of ad being assimilated to the following b.The fundamental signification of ab is departure from some fixed point (opp. to ad. which denotes motion to a point).
    In space, and,
    Fig., in time and other relations, in which the idea of departure from some point, as from source and origin, is included; Engl. from, away from, out of; down from; since, after; by, at, in, on, etc.
    Lit., in space: ab classe ad urbem tendunt, Att. ap. Non. 495, 22 (Trag. Rel. p. 177 Rib.):

    Caesar maturat ab urbe proficisci,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    fuga ab urbe turpissima,

    Cic. Att. 7, 21:

    ducite ab urbe domum, ducite Daphnim,

    Verg. E. 8, 68. Cicero himself gives the difference between ab and ex thus: si qui mihi praesto fuerit cum armatis hominibus extra meum fundum et me introire prohibuerit, non ex eo, sed ab ( from, away from) eo loco me dejecerit....Unde dejecti Galli? A Capitolio. Unde, qui cum Graccho fucrunt? Ex Capitolio, etc., Cic. Caecin. 30, 87; cf. Diom. p. 408 P., and a similar distinction between ad and in under ad.—Ellipt.: Diogenes Alexandro roganti, ut diceret, si quid opus esset: Nunc quidem paululum, inquit, a sole, a little out of the sun, Cic. Tusc. 5, 32, 92. —Often joined with usque:

    illam (mulierem) usque a mari supero Romam proficisci,

    all the way from, Cic. Clu. 68, 192; v. usque, I.—And with ad, to denote the space passed over: siderum genus ab ortu ad occasum commeant, from... to, Cic. N. D. 2, 19 init.; cf. ab... in:

    venti a laevo latere in dextrum, ut sol, ambiunt,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128.
    Sometimes with names of cities and small islands, or with domus (instead of the usual abl.), partie., in militnry and nautieal language, to denote the marching of soldiers, the setting out of a flcet, or the departure of the inhabitants from some place:

    oppidum ab Aenea fugiente a Troja conditum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 33:

    quemadmodum (Caesar) a Gergovia discederet,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 43 fin.; so id. ib. 7, 80 fin.; Sall. J. 61; 82; 91; Liv. 2, 33, 6 al.; cf.:

    ab Arimino M. Antonium cum cohortibus quinque Arretium mittit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 11 fin.; and:

    protinus a Corfinio in Siciliam miserat,

    id. ib. 1, 25, 2:

    profecti a domo,

    Liv. 40, 33, 2;

    of setting sail: cum exercitus vestri numquam a Brundisio nisi hieme summa transmiserint,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 32; so id. Fam. 15, 3, 2; Caes. B. C. 3, 23; 3, 24 fin.:

    classe qua advecti ab domo fuerant,

    Liv. 8, 22, 6;

    of citizens: interim ab Roma legatos venisse nuntiatum est,

    Liv. 21, 9, 3; cf.:

    legati ab Orico ad M. Valerium praetorem venerunt,

    id. 24, 40, 2.
    Sometimes with names of persons or with pronouns: pestem abige a me, Enn. ap. Cic. Ac. 2, 28, 89 (Trag. v. 50 Vahl.):

    Quasi ad adulescentem a patre ex Seleucia veniat,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 3, 41; cf.:

    libertus a Fuflis cum litteris ad Hermippum venit,

    Cic. Fl. 20, 47:

    Nigidium a Domitio Capuam venisse,

    id. Att. 7, 24:

    cum a vobis discessero,

    id. Sen. 22:

    multa merces tibi defluat ab Jove Neptunoque,

    Hor. C. 1, 28, 29 al. So often of a person instead of his house, lodging, etc.: videat forte hic te a patre aliquis exiens, from the father, i. e. from his house, Ter. Heaut. 2, 2, 6:

    so a fratre,

    id. Phorm. 5, 1, 5:

    a Pontio,

    Cic. Att. 5, 3 fin.:

    ab ea,

    Ter. And. 1, 3, 21; and so often: a me, a nobis, a se, etc., from my, our, his house, etc., Plaut. Stich. 5, 1, 7; Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 50; Cic. Att. 4, 9, 1 al.
    Transf., without the idea of motion. To designate separation or distance, with the verbs abesse, distare, etc., and with the particles longe, procul, prope, etc.
    Of separation:

    ego te afuisse tam diu a nobis dolui,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 1, 2:

    abesse a domo paulisper maluit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 18, § 39:

    tum Brutus ab Roma aberat,

    Sall. C. 40, 5:

    absint lacerti ab stabulis,

    Verg. G. 4, 14.—
    Of distance:

    quot milia fundus suus abesset ab urbe,

    Cic. Caecin. 10, 28; cf.:

    nos in castra properabamus, quae aberant bidui,

    id. Att. 5, 16 fin.; and:

    hic locus aequo fere spatio ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43, 1:

    terrae ab hujusce terrae, quam nos incolimus, continuatione distantes,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 66, 164:

    non amplius pedum milibus duobus ab castris castra distabant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 82, 3; cf. id. lb. 1, 3, 103.—With adverbs: annos multos longinque ab domo bellum gerentes, Enn. ap. Non. 402, 3 (Trag. v. 103 Vahl.):

    cum domus patris a foro longe abesset,

    Cic. Cael. 7, 18 fin.; cf.:

    qui fontes a quibusdam praesidiis aberant longius,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 49, 5:

    quae procul erant a conspectu imperii,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 32, 87; cf.:

    procul a castris hostes in collibus constiterunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 17, 1; and:

    tu procul a patria Alpinas nives vides,

    Verg. E. 10, 46 (procul often also with simple abl.;

    v. procul): cum esset in Italia bellum tam prope a Sicilia, tamen in Sicilia non fuit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 2, § 6; cf.:

    tu apud socrum tuam prope a meis aedibus sedebas,

    id. Pis. 11, 26; and:

    tam prope ab domo detineri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 3, § 6.—So in Caesar and Livy, with numerals to designate the measure of the distance:

    onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco ab milibus passuum octo vento tenebatur,

    eight miles distant, Caes. B. G. 4, 22, 4; and without mentioning the terminus a quo: ad castra contenderunt, et ab milibus passunm minus duobus castra posuerunt, less than two miles off or distant, id. ib. 2, 7, 3; so id. ib. 2, 5, 32; 6, 7, 3; id. B. C. 1, 65; Liv. 38, 20, 2 (for which:

    duo milia fere et quingentos passus ab hoste posuerunt castra,

    id. 37, 38, 5). —
    To denote the side or direction from which an object is viewed in its local relations,=a parte, at, on, in: utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus? Enn. ap. Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (Trag. v. 38 Vahl.); cf.:

    picus et cornix ab laeva, corvos, parra ab dextera consuadent,

    Plaut. As. 2, 1, 12: clamore ab ea parte audito. on this side, Caes. B. G. 3, 26, 4: Gallia Celtica attingit ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum, on the side of the Sequani, i. e. their country, id. ib. 1, 1, 5:

    pleraque Alpium ab Italia sicut breviora ita arrectiora sunt,

    on the Italian side, Liv. 21, 35, 11:

    non eadem diligentia ab decumuna porta castra munita,

    at the main entrance, Caes. B. G. 3, 25 fin.:

    erat a septentrionibus collis,

    on the north, id. ib. 7, 83, 2; so, ab oriente, a meridie, ab occasu; a fronte, a latere, a tergo, etc. (v. these words).
    In time.
    From a [p. 3] point of time, without reference to the period subsequently elapsed. After:

    Exul ab octava Marius bibit,

    Juv. 1,40:

    mulieres jam ab re divin[adot ] adparebunt domi,

    immediately after the sucrifice, Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 4:

    Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    ab hac contione legati missi sunt,

    immediately after, Liv. 24, 22, 6; cf. id. 28, 33, 1; 40, 47, 8; 40, 49, 1 al.:

    ab eo magistratu,

    after this office, Sall. J. 63, 5:

    a summa spe novissima exspectabat,

    after the greatest hope, Tac. A. 6, 50 fin. —Strengthened by the adverbs primum, confestim, statim, protinus, or the adj. recens, immediately after, soon after:

    ut primum a tuo digressu Romam veni,

    Cic. Att. 1, 5, 4; so Suet. Tib. 68:

    confestim a proelio expugnatis hostium castris,

    Liv. 30, 36, 1:

    statim a funere,

    Suet. Caes. 85;

    and followed by statim: ab itinere statim,

    id. ib. 60:

    protinus ab adoptione,

    Vell. 2, 104, 3:

    Homerus qui recens ab illorum actate fuit,

    soon after their time, Cic. N. D. 3, 5; so Varr. R. R. 2, 8, 2; Verg. A. 6, 450 al. (v. also primum, confestim, etc.).—

    Sometimes with the name of a person or place, instead of an action: ibi mihi tuae litterae binae redditae sunt tertio abs te die,

    i. e. after their departure from you, Cic. Att. 5, 3, 1: in Italiam perventum est quinto mense a Carthagine Nov[adot ], i. e. after leaving (=postquam a Carthagine profecti sunt), Liv. 21, 38, 1:

    secundo Punico (bello) Scipionis classis XL. die a securi navigavit,

    i. e. after its having been built, Plin. 16, 39, 74, § 192. —Hence the poct. expression: ab his, after this (cf. ek toutôn), i. e. after these words, hereupon, Ov. M. 3, 273; 4, 329; 8, 612; 9, 764.
    With reference to a subsequent period. From, since, after:

    ab hora tertia bibebatur,

    from the third hour, Cic. Phil. 2, 41:

    infinito ex tempore, non ut antea, ab Sulla et Pompeio consulibus,

    since the consulship of, id. Agr. 2, 21, 56:

    vixit ab omni aeternitate,

    from all eternity, id. Div. 1, 51, 115:

    cum quo a condiscipulatu vivebat conjunctissime,

    Nep. Att. 5, 3:

    in Lycia semper a terrae motu XL. dies serenos esse,

    after an earthquake, Plin. 2, 96, 98, § 211 al.:

    centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii,

    since the death of, Cic. Mil. 35, 98; cf.:

    cujus a morte quintus hic et tricesimus annus est,

    id. Sen. 6, 19; and:

    ab incenso Capitolio illum esse vigesumiun annum,

    since, Sall. C. 47, 2:

    diebus triginta, a qua die materia caesa est,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 36.—Sometimes joined with usque and inde:

    quod augures omnes usque ab Romulo decreverunt,

    since the time of, Cic. Vat. 8, 20:

    jam inde ab infelici pugna ceciderant animi,

    from the very beginning of, Liv. 2, 65 fin. —Hence the adverbial expressions ab initio, a principio, a primo, at, in, or from the beginning, at first; v. initium, principium, primus. Likewise ab integro, anew, afresh; v. integer.—Ab... ad, from (a time)... to:

    ab hora octava ad vesperum secreto collocuti sumus,

    Cic. Att. 7, 8, 4; cf.:

    cum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 26, 2; and:

    a quo tempore ad vos consules anni sunt septingenti octoginta unus,

    Vell. 1, 8, 4; and so in Plautus strengthened by usque:

    pugnata pugnast usque a mane ad vesperum,

    from morning to evening, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 97; id. Most. 3, 1, 3; 3, 2, 80.—Rarely ab... in: Romani ab sole orto in multum diei stetere in acie, from... till late in the day, Liv. 27, 2, 9; so Col. 2, 10, 17; Plin. 2, 31, 31, § 99; 2, 103, 106, § 229; 4, 12, 26, § 89.
    Particularly with nouns denoting a time of life:

    qui homo cum animo inde ab ineunte aetate depugnat suo,

    from an early age, from early youth, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 24; so Cic. Off. 2, 13, 44 al.:

    mihi magna cum co jam inde a pueritia fuit semper famillaritas,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 9; so,

    a pueritia,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 11, 27 fin.; id. Fam. 5, 8, 4:

    jam inde ab adulescentia,

    Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 16:

    ab adulescentia,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 1:

    jam a prima adulescentia,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 23:

    ab ineunte adulescentia,

    id. ib. 13, 21, 1; cf.

    followed by ad: usque ad hanc aetatem ab incunte adulescentia,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 20:

    a primis temporibus aetatis,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 3, 3:

    a teneris unguiculis,

    from childhood, id. ib. 1, 6, 2:

    usque a toga pura,

    id. Att. 7, 8, 5:

    jam inde ab incunabulis,

    Liv. 4, 36, 5:

    a prima lanugine,

    Suet. Oth. 12:

    viridi ab aevo,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 10, 17 al.;

    rarely of animals: ab infantia,

    Plin. 10, 63, 83, § 182.—Instead of the nom. abstr. very often (like the Greek ek paioôn, etc.) with concrete substantives: a pucro, ab adulescente, a parvis, etc., from childhood, etc.:

    qui olim a puero parvulo mihi paedagogus fuerat,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 90; so,

    a pausillo puero,

    id. Stich. 1, 3, 21:

    a puero,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 36, 115; id. Fam. 13, 16, 4 (twice) al.:

    a pueris,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 57; id. de Or. 1, 1, 2 al.:

    ab adulescente,

    id. Quint. 3, 12:

    ab infante,

    Col. 1, 8, 2:

    a parva virgine,

    Cat. 66, 26 al. —Likewise and in the same sense with adject.: a parvo, from a little child, or childhood, Liv. 1, 39, 6 fin.; cf.:

    a parvis,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 7; Cic. Leg. 2, 4, 9:

    a parvulo,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 8; id. Ad. 1, 1, 23; cf.:

    ab parvulis,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 21, 3:

    ab tenero,

    Col. 5, 6, 20;

    and rarely of animals: (vacca) a bima aut trima fructum ferre incipit,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 13.
    In other relations in which the idea of going forth, proceeding, from something is included.
    In gen. to denote departure, separation, deterring, avoiding, intermitting, etc., or distance, difference, etc., of inanimate or abstract things. From: jus atque aecum se a malis spernit procul, Enn. ap. Non. 399, 10 (Trag. v. 224 Vahl.):

    suspitionem et culpam ut ab se segregent,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 42:

    qui discessum animi a corpore putent esse mortem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 18:

    hic ab artificio suo non recessit,

    id. ib. 1, 10, 20 al.:

    quod si exquiratur usque ab stirpe auctoritas,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 180:

    condicionem quam ab te peto,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 87; cf.:

    mercedem gloriae flagitas ab iis, quorum, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 15, 34:

    si quid ab illo acceperis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 90:

    quae (i. e. antiquitas) quo propius aberat ab ortu et divina progenie,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 26:

    ab defensione desistere,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 12, 4:

    ne quod tempus ab opere intermitteretur,

    id. B. G. 7, 24, 2:

    ut homines adulescentis a dicendi studio deterream,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 25, 117, etc.—Of distance (in order, rank, mind, or feeling):

    qui quartus ab Arcesila fuit,

    the fourth in succession from, Cic. Ac. 1, 12, 46:

    tu nunc eris alter ab illo,

    next after him, Verg. E. 5, 49; cf.:

    Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus,

    next in rank to, Hor. S. 2, 3, 193:

    quid hoc ab illo differt,

    from, Cic. Caecin. 14, 39; cf.:

    hominum vita tantum distat a victu et cultu bestiarum,

    id. Off. 2, 4, 15; and:

    discrepare ab aequitate sapientiam,

    id. Rep. 3, 9 fin. (v. the verbs differo, disto, discrepo, dissideo, dissentio, etc.):

    quae non aliena esse ducerem a dignitate,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7:

    alieno a te animo fuit,

    id. Deiot. 9, 24 (v. alienus). —So the expression ab re (qs. aside from the matter, profit; cf. the opposite, in rem), contrary to one's profit, to a loss, disadvantageous (so in the affirmative very rare and only ante-class.):

    subdole ab re consulit,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 1, 12; cf. id. Capt. 2, 2, 88; more frequently and class. (but not with Cicero) in the negative, non, haud, ab re, not without advantage or profit, not useless or unprofitable, adcantageous:

    haut est ab re aucupis,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 71:

    non ab re esse Quinctii visum est,

    Liv. 35, 32, 6; so Plin. 27, 8, 35; 31, 3, 26; Suet. Aug. 94; id. Dom. 11; Gell. 18, 14 fin.; App. Dogm. Plat. 3, p. 31, 22 al. (but in Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 44, ab re means with respect to the money matter).
    In partic.
    To denote an agent from whom an action proceeds, or by whom a thing is done or takes place. By, and in archaic and solemn style, of. So most frequently with pass. or intrans. verbs with pass. signif., when the active object is or is considered as a living being: Laudari me abs te, a laudato viro, Naev. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 31, 67: injuria abs te afficior, Enn. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 24, 38:

    a patre deductus ad Scaevolam,

    Cic. Lael. 1, 1:

    ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur,

    id. ib. 1, 3:

    disputata ab eo,

    id. ib. 1, 4 al.:

    illa (i. e. numerorum ac vocum vis) maxime a Graecia vetere celebrata,

    id. de Or. 3, 51, 197:

    ita generati a natura sumus,

    id. Off. 1, 29, 103; cf.:

    pars mundi damnata a rerum natura,

    Plin. 4, 12, 26, § 88:

    niagna adhibita cura est a providentia deorum,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 51 al. —With intrans. verbs:

    quae (i. e. anima) calescit ab eo spiritu,

    is warmed by this breath, Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 138; cf. Ov. M. 1, 417: (mare) qua a sole collucet, Cic. Ac. 2, 105:

    salvebis a meo Cicerone,

    i. e. young Cicero sends his compliments to you, id. Att. 6, 2 fin.:

    a quibus (Atheniensibus) erat profectus,

    i. e. by whose command, Nep. Milt. 2, 3:

    ne vir ab hoste cadat,

    Ov. H. 9, 36 al. —A substantive or adjective often takes the place of the verb (so with de, q. v.):

    levior est plaga ab amico quam a debitore,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 16, 7; cf.:

    a bestiis ictus, morsus, impetus,

    id. Off. 2, 6, 19:

    si calor est a sole,

    id. N. D. 2, 52:

    ex iis a te verbis (for a te scriptis),

    id. Att. 16, 7, 5:

    metu poenae a Romanis,

    Liv. 32, 23, 9:

    bellum ingens a Volscis et Aequis,

    id. 3, 22, 2:

    ad exsolvendam fldem a consule,

    id. 27, 5, 6.—With an adj.:

    lassus ab equo indomito,

    Hor. S. 2, 2, 10:

    Murus ab ingenic notior ille tuo,

    Prop. 5, 1, 126:

    tempus a nostris triste malis,

    time made sad by our misfortunes, Ov. Tr. 4, 3, 36.—Different from per:

    vulgo occidebantur: per quos et a quibus?

    by whom and upon whose orders? Cic. Rosc. Am. 29, 80 (cf. id. ib. 34, 97: cujus consilio occisus sit, invenio; cujus manu sit percussus, non laboro); so,

    ab hoc destitutus per Thrasybulum (i. e. Thrasybulo auctore),

    Nep. Alc. 5, 4.—Ambiguity sometimes arises from the fact that the verb in the pass. would require ab if used in the active:

    si postulatur a populo,

    if the people demand it, Cic. Off. 2, 17, 58, might also mean, if it is required of the people; on the contrary: quod ab eo (Lucullo) laus imperatoria non admodum exspectabatur, not since he did not expect military renown, but since they did not expect military renown from him, Cic. Ac. 2, 1, 2, and so often; cf. Rudd. II. p. 213. (The use of the active dative, or dative of the agent, instead of ab with the pass., is well known, Zumpt, § 419. It is very seldom found in prose writers of the golden age of Roman liter.; with Cic. sometimes joined with the participles auditus, cognitus, constitutus, perspectus, provisus, susceptus; cf. Halm ad Cic. Imp. Pomp. 24, 71, and ad ejusdem, Cat. 1, 7 fin.; but freq. at a later period; e. g. in Pliny, in Books 2-4 of H. N., more than twenty times; and likewise in Tacitus seventeen times. Vid. the passages in Nipperd. ad Tac. A. 2, 49.) Far more unusual is the simple abl. in the designation of persons:

    deseror conjuge,

    Ov. H. 12, 161; so id. ib. 5, 75; id. M. 1, 747; Verg. A. 1, 274; Hor. C. 2, 4, 9; 1, 6, 2;

    and in prose,

    Quint. 3, 4, 2; Sen. Contr. 2, 1; Curt. 6, 7, 8; cf. Rudd. II. p. 212; Zumpt ad Quint. V. p. 122 Spalding.—Hence the adverbial phrase a se=uph heautou, sua sponte, of one's own uccord, spontaneously:

    ipsum a se oritur et sua sponte nascitur,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 24, 78:

    (urna) ab se cantat quoja sit,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 21 (al. eapse; cf. id. Men. 1, 2, 66); so Col. 11, 1, 5; Liv. 44, 33, 6.
    With names of towns to denote origin, extraction, instead of gentile adjectives. From, of:

    pastores a Pergamide,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 1:

    Turnus ab Aricia,

    Liv. 1, 50, 3 (for which Aricinus, id. 1, 51, 1):

    obsides dant trecentos principum a Cora atque Pometia liberos,

    Liv. 2, 22, 2; and poet.: O longa mundi servator ab Alba, Auguste, thou who art descended from the old Alban race of kings (=oriundus, or ortus regibus Albanis), Prop. 5, 6, 37.
    In giving the etymology of a name: eam rem (sc. legem, Gr. nomon) illi Graeco putant nomine a suum cuique tribuendo appellatam, ego nostro a legendo, Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 19: annum intervallum regni fuit: id ab re... interregnum appellatum, Liv. 1, 17, 6:

    (sinus maris) ab nomine propinquae urbis Ambracius appellatus,

    id. 38, 4, 3; and so Varro in his Ling. Lat., and Pliny, in Books 1-5 of H. N., on almost every page. (Cf. also the arts. ex and de.)
    With verbs of beginning and repeating: a summo bibere, in Plaut. to drink in succession from the one at the head of the table:

    da, puere, ab summo,

    Plaut. As. 5, 2, 41; so,

    da ab Delphio cantharum circum, id Most. 1, 4, 33: ab eo nobis causa ordienda est potissimum,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 7, 21:

    coepere a fame mala,

    Liv. 4, 12, 7:

    cornicem a cauda de ovo exire,

    tail-foremost, Plin. 10, 16, 18:

    a capite repetis, quod quaerimus,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 18 al.
    With verbs of freeing from, defending, or protecting against any thing:

    a foliis et stercore purgato,

    Cato, R. R. 65 (66), 1:

    tantumne ab re tuast oti tibi?

    Ter. Heaut. 1, [p. 4] 1, 23; cf.:

    Saguntini ut a proeliis quietem habuerant,

    Liv. 21, 11, 5:

    expiandum forum ab illis nefarii sceleris vestigiis,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 4, 11:

    haec provincia non modo a calamitate, sed etiam a metu calamitatis est defendenda,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 6, 14 (v. defendo):

    ab incendio urbem vigiliis munitam intellegebat,

    Sall. C. 32:

    ut neque sustinere se a lapsu possent,

    Liv. 21, 35, 12:

    ut meam domum metueret atque a me ipso caveret,

    Cic. Sest. 64, 133.
    With verbs of expecting, fearing, hoping, and the like, ab =a parte, as, Cic. Att. 9, 7, 4: cum eadem metuam ab hac parte, since I fear the same from this side; hence, timere, metuere ab aliquo, not, to be afraid of any one, but, to fear something (proceeding from) from him:

    el metul a Chryside,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 79; cf.:

    ab Hannibale metuens,

    Liv. 23, 36; and:

    metus a praetore,

    id. 23, 15, 7;

    v. Weissenb. ad h. l.: a quo quidem genere, judices, ego numquam timui,

    Cic. Sull. 20, 59:

    postquam nec ab Romanis robis ulla est spes,

    you can expect nothing from the Romans, Liv. 21, 13, 4.
    With verbs of fastening and holding:

    funiculus a puppi religatus,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 51, 154:

    cum sinistra capillum ejus a vertice teneret,

    Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 3.
    Ulcisci se ab aliquo, to take vengeance on one:

    a ferro sanguis humanus se ulciscitur,

    Plin. 34, 14, 41 fin.
    Cognoscere ab aliqua re to knoio or learn by means of something (different from ab aliquo, to learn from some one):

    id se a Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 22.
    Dolere, laborare, valere ab, instead of the simple abl.:

    doleo ab animo, doleo ab oculis, doleo ab aegritudine,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 62:

    a morbo valui, ab animo aeger fui,

    id. Ep. 1, 2, 26; cf. id. Aul. 2, 2, 9:

    a frigore et aestu ne quid laborent,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 17; so,

    a frigore laborantibus,

    Plin. 32, 10, 46, § 133; cf.:

    laborare ab re frumentaria,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 10, 1; id. B. C. 3, 9; v. laboro.
    Where verbs and adjectives are joined with ab, instead of the simple abl., ab defines more exactly the respect in which that which is expressed by the verb or adj. is to be understood, in relation to, with regard to, in respect to, on the part of:

    ab ingenio improbus,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 59:

    a me pudica'st,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 51:

    orba ab optimatibus contio,

    Cic. Fl. 23, 54; ro Ov. H. 6,156: securos vos ab hac parte reddemus, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 24 fin. (v. securus):

    locus copiosus a frumento,

    Cic. Att. 5, 18, 2; cf.:

    sumus imparati cum a militibas tum a pecunia,

    id. ib. 7, 15 fin.:

    ille Graecus ab omni laude felicior,

    id. Brut. 16, 63:

    ab una parte haud satis prosperuin,

    Liv. 1, 32, 2 al.;

    so often in poets ab arte=arte,

    artfully, Tib. 1, 5, 4; 1, 9, 66; Ov. Am. 2, 4, 30.
    In the statement of the motive instead of ex, propter, or the simple abl. causae, from, out of, on account of, in consequence of: ab singulari amore scribo, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 7, B fin.:

    linguam ab irrisu exserentem,

    thrusting out the tongue in derision, Liv. 7, 10, 5:

    ab honore,

    id. 1, 8; so, ab ira, a spe, ab odio, v. Drak. ad Liv. 24, 30, 1: 26, 1, 3; cf. also Kritz and Fabri ad Sall. J. 31, 3, and Fabri ad Liv. 21, 36, 7.
    Especially in the poets instead of the gen.:

    ab illo injuria,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 129:

    fulgor ab auro,

    Lucr. 2, 5:

    dulces a fontibus undae,

    Verg. G. 2, 243.
    In indicating a part of the whole, for the more usual ex, of, out of:

    scuto ab novissimis uni militi detracto,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    nonnuill ab novissimis,

    id. ib.; Cic. Sest. 65, 137; cf. id. ib. 59 fin.: a quibus (captivis) ad Senatum missus (Regulus).
    In marking that from which any thing proceeds, and to which it belongs:

    qui sunt ab ea disciplina,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 3, 7:

    ab eo qui sunt,

    id. Fin. 4, 3, 7:

    nostri illi a Platone et Aristotele aiunt,

    id. Mur. 30, 63 (in imitation of oi upo tinos).
    To designate an office or dignity (with or without servus; so not freq. till after the Aug. period;

    in Cic. only once): Pollex, servus a pedibus meus,

    one of my couriers, Cic. Att. 8, 5, 1; so,

    a manu servus,

    a secretary, Suet. Caes. 74: Narcissum ab eplstulis ( secretary) et Pallantem a rationibus ( accountant), id. Claud. 28; and so, ab actis, ab admissione, ab aegris, ab apotheca, ab argento, a balneis, a bibliotheca, a codicillis, a jumentis, a potione, etc. (v. these words and Inscr. Orell. vol. 3, Ind. xi. p. 181 sq.).
    The use of ab before adverbs is for the most part peculiar to later Latinity:

    a peregre,

    Vitr. 5, 7 (6), 8:

    a foris,

    Plin. 17, 24, 37; Vulg. Gen, 7, 16; ib. Matt. 23, 27:

    ab intus,

    ib. ib. 7, 15:

    ab invicem,

    App. Herb. 112; Vulg. Matt. 25, 32; Cypr. Ep. 63, 9: Hier. Ep. 18:

    a longe,

    Hyg. Fab. 257; Vulg. Gen. 22, 4; ib. Matt. 26, 58:

    a modo,

    ib. ib. 23, 39;

    Hier. Vit. Hilar.: a nune,

    Vulg. Luc. 1, 48:

    a sursum,

    ib. Marc. 15, 38.
    Ab is not repeated like most other prepositions (v. ad, ex, in, etc.) with pron. interrog. or relat. after subst. and pron. demonstr. with ab:

    Arsinoen, Stratum, Naupactum...fateris ab hostibus esse captas. Quibus autem hostibus? Nempe iis, quos, etc.,

    Cic. Pis. 37, 91:

    a rebus gerendis senectus abstrahit. Quibus? An iis, quae in juventute geruntur et viribus?

    id. Sen. 6:

    a Jove incipiendum putat. Quo Jove?

    id. Rep. 1, 36, 56:

    res publica, quascumque vires habebit, ab iis ipsis, quibus tenetur, de te propediem impetrabit,

    id. Fam. 4, 13, 5.—
    Ab in Plantus is once put after the word which it governs: quo ab, As. 1, 1, 106.—
    It is in various ways separated from the word which it governs:

    a vitae periculo,

    Cic. Brut. 91, 313:

    a nullius umquam me tempore aut commodo,

    id. Arch. 6, 12:

    a minus bono,

    Sall. C. 2, 6:

    a satis miti principio,

    Liv. 1, 6, 4:

    damnis dives ab ipsa suis,

    Ov. H. 9, 96; so id. ib. 12, 18; 13, 116.—
    The poets join a and que, making aque; but in good prose que is annexed to the following abl. (a meque, abs teque, etc.):

    aque Chao,

    Verg. G. 4, 347:

    aque mero,

    Ov. M. 3, 631:

    aque viro,

    id. H. 6, 156:

    aque suis,

    id. Tr. 5, 2, 74 al. But:

    a meque,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 16, 1:

    abs teque,

    id. Att. 3, 15, 4:

    a teque,

    id. ib. 8, 11, §

    7: a primaque adulescentia,

    id. Brut. 91, 315 al. —
    A Greek noun joined with ab stands in the dat.: a parte negotiati, hoc est pragmatikê, removisse, Quint. 3, 7, 1.
    In composition ab,
    Retains its original signif.: abducere, to take or carry away from some place: abstrahere, to draw auay; also, downward: abicere, to throw down; and denoting a departure from the idea of the simple word, it has an effect apparently privative: absimilis, departing from the similar, unlike: abnormis, departing from the rule, unusual (different from dissimilis, enormis); and so also in amens=a mente remotus, alienus ( out of one's senses, without self-control, insane): absurdus, missounding, then incongruous, irrational: abutor (in one of its senses), to misuse: aborior, abortus, to miscarry: abludo; for the privative force the Latin regularly employs in-, v. 2. in.—
    It more rarely designates completeness, as in absorbere, abutor ( to use up). (The designation of the fourth generation in the ascending or descending line by ab belongs here only in appearance; as abavus for quartus pater, great-great-grandfather, although the Greeks introduced upopappos; for the immutability of the syllable ab in abpatrnus and abmatertera, as well as the signif. Of the word abavus, grandfather's grandfather, imitated in abnepos, grandchild's grandchild, seems to point to a derivation from avi avus, as Festus, p. 13 Mull., explains atavus, by atta avi, or, rather, attae avus.)

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ab

  • 20 παρά

    πᾰρά [pron. full] [ρᾰ], [dialect] Ep. and Lyr. also [full] παραί: shortd. [full] πάρ, in Hom., Lyr. (but rarely in Trag., in lyr. passages, A.Supp. 553, S.Tr. 636), and in all dial ects exc. [dialect] Att., GDI5434.8 ([place name] Paros), IG5(2).3.14 (Tegea, iv B. C.), Inscr.Magn.26.28 (Thess.), etc.:—Prep. c. gen., dat., and acc., prop.
    A beside: hence,
    A WITH GEN. prop. denoting motion from the side of, from beside, from:
    I of Place,

    πὰρ νηῶν ἔλθωμεν Il.13.744


    παρὰ ναῦφιν ἐλευσόμεθ' 12.225

    , etc.;

    παρ' Ὠκεανοῖο ῥοάων.. ἐπερχομένη Od.22.197


    πὰρ νηῶν ἀπώσεται Il.8.533

    , etc.;

    δῶρα π. νηὸς ἐνεικέμεν 19.194


    φάσγανον ὀξὺ ἐρυσσάμενος π. μηροῦ 1.190

    , cf. 21.173;

    σπασσάμενος.. ἄορ παχέος π. μηροῦ 16.473

    ; πλευρὰ παρ' ἀσπίδος ἐξεφαάνθη was exposed beside the shield, 4.468, cf. A.Th. 624.
    II commonly of Persons,
    1 with Verbs of going or coming, bringing, etc.,

    ἦλθε.. πὰρ Διός Il.2.787


    παρ' Αἰήταο πλέουσα Od.12.70

    , etc.;

    ἀγγελίη ἥκει π. βασιλέος Hdt.8.140


    ά; αὐτομολήσαντες π. βασιλέως X.An.1.7.13


    ἐξεληλυθὼς παρ' Ἀριστάρχου D.21.117

    ; ὁ π. τινὸς ἥκων his messenger, X.Cyr.4.5.53; so

    οἱ π. τινός Th.7.10

    , Ev.Marc.3.21, etc.;

    ὅστις ἀφικνεῖτο τῶν π. βασιλέως πρὸς αὐτόν X.An.1.1.5

    , etc.; τεύχεα καλὰ φέρουσα παρ' Ἡφαίστοιο from his workshop, Il.18.137, cf. 617, etc.;

    ἀπαγγέλλειν τι π. τινός X.An.2.1.20


    σὺ δὲ οἰμώζειν αὐτοῖς παρ' ἐμοῦ λέγε Luc.DMort.1.2

    2 issuing from a person, γίγνεσθαι π. τινός to be born from, Pl.Smp. 179b; λόγος (sc. ἐστί) π. Ἀθηναίων c. acc. et inf., Hdt.8.55: freq. following a Noun, δόξα ἡ π. τῶν ἀνθρώπων glory from (given by) men, Pl.Phdr. 232a; ἡ π. τινὸς εὔνοια the favour from, i. e. of, any one, X.Mem.2.2.12; τὸ παρ' ἐμοῦ ἀδίκημα done by me, Id.Cyr.5.5.13; τὰ π. τινός all that issues from any one, as commands, commissions, Id.An.2.3.4, etc.; or promises, gifts, presents, Id.Mem.3.11.13; τὰ παρ' ἐμοῦ my opinions, Pl.Smp. 219a; παρ' ἑωυτοῦ διδούς giving from oneself, i. e. from one's own means, Hdt. 2.129, 8.5;

    παρ' ἑαυτοῦ προσετίθει X.HG6.1.3

    ; νόμον θὲς παρ' ἐμοῦ by my advice, Pl.Prt. 322d; αὐτοὶ παρ' αὑτῶν of themselves, Id.Tht. 150d, cf. Phdr. 235c.
    3 with Verbs of receiving, obtaining, and the like ,

    τυχεῖν τινος π. τινός Od.6.290

    , 15.158;

    πὰρ δ' ἄρα μιν Ταφίων πρίατο 14.452


    ἀρέομαι πὰρ μὲν Σαλαμῖνος Ἀθαναίων χάριν Pi.P.1.76


    εὑρέσθαι τι π. τῶν θεῶν Isoc.9.14

    , cf. IG12.40.10; δέχεσθαι, λαμβάνειν, ἁρπάζειν π. τινός, Th.1.20, X.Oec.9.11, Hes.Th. 914; ἀντιάσαι, αἰτήσασθαι π. τινός, S.El. 870 (lyr.), X.HG3.1.4;

    ἀξιοῖ π. τοῦ ἰατροῦ φάρμακον πιὼν ἐξεμέσαι τὸ νόσημα Pl.R. 406d


    κόσμος τοῖς πράξασι γίγνεται π. τῶν ἀκουσάντων Id.Mx. 236e

    : without Verb,

    ὁ καρπὸς ὁ π. τῶν δημάρχων IG12.76.27

    : with Verbs of learning, etc.,

    μεμαθηκέναι π. τινῶν Hdt.2.104

    , etc.
    4 with [voice] Pass. Verbs,

    πὰρ Διὸς.. μῆνις ἐτύχθη Il.15.122


    π. θεῶν ἡ τοιαύτη μανία δίδοται Pl.Phdr. 245c

    , etc.; τὰ π. τῶν θεῶν σημαινόμενα, συμβουλευόμενα, X.Cyr.1.6.2; τὰ π. τινὸς λεγόμενα ib.6.1.42; τὰ π. τῆς τύχης δωρηθέντα the presents of.., Isoc.4.26;

    με π. σοῦ σοφίας πληρωθήσεσθαι Pl.Smp. 175e

    III rarely for παρά c. dat., by, near,

    πὰρ ποδός Pi.P.10.62

    , 3.60; παρὰ δὲ κυανέων πελαγέων dub. l. in S.Ant. 966 (lyr.);

    τὸν Ῥειτὸν τὸν παρὰ τοῦ ἄστεως IG12.81.5

    ; πολλοὶ παρ' ἀμφοτέρων ἔπιπτον, = ἀμφοτέρωθεν, D.S.19.42.
    IV π. τῆς συγχωρήσεώς τινος without his consent, BCH46.337 ([place name] Teos).
    B WITH DAT. denoting rest by the side of any person or thing, answering the question where?
    I of Places, κατ' ἂρ ἕζετ'.. πὰρ πυρί, ἔκειτο π. σηκῷ, Od.7.154, 9.319;

    νέμονται π. πέτρῃ 13.408


    ἑσταότες παρ ὄχεσφιν Il.8.565

    ; πὰρ ποσὶ μαρναμένων ἐκυλίνδετο at their feet, 14.411, etc.; π. θύρῃσι at the door, 7.346;

    π. ῥηγμῖνι θαλάσσης 2.773


    δεῖπνον.. εἵλοντο παρ' ὄχθῃσιν ποταμοῖο Od.6.97

    , cf. Il.4.475, 20.53, etc.;

    κεῖσθαι παρ' Ἅιδῃ S.OT 972

    ; παρ' οἴνῳ over wine, ib. 780, etc.
    2 at one's house or place, with one,

    μένειν π. τισί 9.427


    θητευέμεν ἄλλῳ, ἀνδρὶ παρ' ἀκλήρῳ Od.11.490


    φιλέεσθαι π. τινί Il.13.627

    ; παρ' ἑωυτοῖσι at their own house, Hdt.1.105, cf. 86;

    παιδευθῆναι π. τινί X.Cyr.1.2.15


    καταλύειν π. τινί D.18.82


    παρά τινα καταλῦσαι Th.1.136

    ), etc.: hence οἱ παρ' ἐμοί those of my household, X.Mem.2.7.4, etc.; τὰ παρ' ἐμοί life with me, Id.An. 1.7.4; οἱ παρ' ἡμῖν ἄνθρωποι our people, Pl.Phd. 64b; ἡ παρ' ἡμῖν πολιτεία, ὁ παρ' ὑμῖν δῆμος, D.15.19; ὁ παρ' αὑτῷ βίοτος one's own life, S.OT 612;

    τὸ παρ' ἡμῖν πῦρ Pl.Phlb. 29f


    ὅσος παρ' ὑμῖν ὁ φθόνος φυλάσσεται S.OT 382


    τὸ παρ' ἡμῖν σῶμα Pl.Phlb. 29f

    ; also, in one's hands,

    τὰ π. τοῖς Ἑλληνοταμίαις ὄντα IG12.91.6


    ἔχειν παρ' ἑωυτῷ Hdt. 1.130

    , etc.; οὔπω παρ' ἐμοὶ τότ' ἦν λέγειν I had no right to speak then, Men.Epit.98.
    3 before, in the presence of,

    ἤειδε π. μνηστῆρσιν Od. 1.154

    ; before a judge,

    δίκας γίγνεσθαι π. τῷ πολεμάρχῳ IG12.16.9


    π. Δαρείῳ κριτῇ Hdt.3.160


    π. τῷ βασιλέϊ Id.4.65


    παρὰ δικασταῖς Th. 1.73


    εἰς κρίσιν καθιστάναι τινὰ π. τισί D.18.13

    : hence παρ' ἐμοί in my judgement, Hdt.1.32, cf. S.Tr. 589, E.Heracl. 881, 1 Ep.Cor.3.19; π. τούτῳ μέγα δυνήσεται with him, Pl.Grg. 510e.
    4 in quoting authors, παρ' Ἐφόρῳ, παρ' Αἰσχίνῃ, π. Θουκυδίδῃ, in Ephorus, etc., Plb. 9.2.4, D.H.Comp.9,18.
    III Arc., = π. c. gen., from,

    καθὰ εἶχον τὰς ἰντολὰς π. τᾷ ἰδίᾳ πόλι SIG559.9

    (Megalop., iii B. C.), cf. 558.10 (Ithaca, iii B. C.).
    C WITH ACCUS. in three main senses,
    I beside, near, by,
    II along,
    III past, beyond.
    I beside, near, by:
    1 with Verbs of coming, going, etc., to the side of, to,

    ἴτην π. νῆας Il.1.347

    , cf. 8.220, etc.;

    βῆ.. π. θῖνα 1.34

    , cf. 327, etc.; τρέψας πὰρ ποταμόν to the side of.., 21.603, cf. 3.187: more freq. of persons, εἶμι παρ' Ἥφαιστον to the chamber of H., 18.143, cf. Od.1.285, etc.;

    ἐσιόντες π. τοὺς φίλους Th.2.51

    , etc.;

    φοιτᾶν π. τὸν Σωκράτη Pl.Phd. 59d

    ; πέμπειν ἀγγέλους, πρέσβεις π. τινά, Hdt. 1.141, Th.1.58, etc.;

    ἄγειν π. τινά Hdt.1.86


    καταφυγὴ π. φίλων τινάς Th.2.17

    2 with Verbs of rest, beside, near, by, sts. with ref. to past motion (expressed in such phrases as

    ἧσο παρ' αὐτὸν ἰοῦσα Il.3.406

    , cf. 11.577),

    ἔς ῥα θρόνους ἕζοντο παρ' Ἀτρεΐδην Μενέλαον Od.4.51

    , cf. 13.372; κεῖται ποταμοῖο παρ' ὄχθας lies stretched beside.., Il.4.487, cf. 12.381; παρ' ἔμ' ἵστασο come and stand by me, 11.314, cf. 592, 20.49, etc.;

    π. πυθμέν' ἐλαίης θῆκαν Od.13.122


    καταθέτω π. τὰ ἴκρια IG12.94.28

    ; κοιμήσαντο π. πρυμνήσια they lay down by.., Od.12.32, cf. 3.460;

    ὁ παρ' ἐμὲ καθήμενος Pl.Euthd. 271b

    , cf. Phd. 89b; ἐκάθητο π. τὴν πύλην, π. τὴν ὁδόν, LXX Ge.19.1, Ev.Marc. 10.46;

    παρ' αὐτὸν τὸν καλέσαντα κατακείμενος δειπνῆσαι Thphr.Char. 21.2

    , cf. Pl.Smp. 175c;

    ἐκαθέζετο π. τὸν Λύσιν Id.Ly. 211a

    , cf. R. 328c;

    στὰς παρ' αὐτόν Id.Phd. 116c


    τέμενος νεμόμεσθα.. παρ' ὄχθας Il.12.313

    , cf. 6.34, IG12.943.45;

    τοῦ Εὐρίπου, παρ' ὃν ᾤκει Aeschin.3.90


    κατελείφθη π. τὸν νηόν Hdt.4.87


    τὴν παρ' ἐμὲ ἐοῦσαν δύναμιν Id.8.140

    .ά (v.l. ἐμοί)

    ; εἶπεν αὐτῷ μένειν παρ' ἑαυτόν X.Cyr.1.4.18

    , cf. An.1.9.31, Ar.Fr. 451, Is.8.16, Alex.248, Demetr.Com. Nov.1.5, IG22.654.23 (iii B. C.), Plb.3.26.1, 11.14.3, 28.14.3;

    ἡ π. θάλασσαν Μακεδονία Th.2.99

    , cf. S.El. 184 (lyr.), Tr. 636 (lyr.);

    Καρβασυανδῆς π. Καῦνον IG12.204.52


    τὸ κουρεῖον τὸ π. τοὺς Ἑρμᾶς Lys.23.3

    , cf. And.1.62, Is.6.20, 8.35, Aeschin. 1.182, 3.88, Lycurg.112;

    τᾶς παστάδος τᾶς παρ' Ἀπόλλωνα IG42

    (1).109 iii 146 (Epid.); παρ' ὄμμα before one's eyes, E.Supp. 484; π. πόδας on the spot, Phld.Ir.p.78 W., Rh.2.2 S.; immediately thereafter, Plb.1.7.5, 1.8.2, al.
    b [dialect] Dor., [dialect] Boeot., and Thess., = supr. B. 11.2, at the house of.., with a person, IG7.3171.7 (Orchom. [dialect] Boeot.), GDI 1717 (Delph.); παρ' ἁμὲ πολυτίματος [ὁ σῖτος] Ar.Ach. 759 (Megar.);

    τοῖς κατοικέντεσσι πὰρ ἀμμέ IG9(2).517.18

    (Larissa, iii B. C.); τοῖ πὰρ ἀμμὲ πολιτεύματος ib.13;

    πεπολιτευκὼρ πὰρ ἁμέ Schwyzer 425.5

    (Elis, iii/ii B. C.): so in [dialect] Att., θέμενος π. γυναῖκας depositing with.., Pl. R. 465c.
    3 with Verbs of striking, wounding, etc.,

    βάλε στῆθος π. μαζόν Il.4.480

    , etc.;

    τὸν δ' ἕτερον.. κληῗδα παρ' ὦμον πλῆξε 5.146


    τύψε κατὰ κληῗδα παρ' αὐχένα 21.117

    , cf. 4.525, 8.325, etc.;

    αἰχμὴ δ' ἐξελύθη παρὰ νείατον ἀνθερεῶνα 5.293

    , cf. 17.310; δησάμενος τελαμῶνι π. σφυρόν ib. 290.
    4 with Verbs of placing, examining, etc., side by side with..,

    ὁ ἔλεγχος π. τὸν ἔλεγχον παραβαλλόμενος Pl.Grg. 475e

    , cf. Hp.Mi. 369c, Smp. 214c, R. 348a;

    ἐξέτασον παρ' ἄλληλα τὰ σοὶ κἀμοὶ βεβιωμένα D.18.265


    ἄλλα παρ' ἄλλατιθέμενα.. τῶν χρωμάτων Arist.Mete. 375a24

    b Geom., παραβάλλειν π. apply an area to (i. e. along) a finite straight line, Euc.1.44, Archim.Aequil.2.1;

    π. τὴν δοθεῖσαν αὐτοῦ γραμμὴν παρατείναντα Pl. Men. 87a

    ; ἡ [εὐθεῖα] παρ' ἣν δύνανται αἱ καταγόμεναι τεταγμένως the line to which are applied the squares of the or dinates, etc., Apollon. Perg.Con.1.11: hence,
    c Arith., παραβάλλειν τι π. τι divide by.. (v.

    παραβάλλω A.

    VII. 2);

    μερίζω τι π. τι Dioph.4.33

    ; ἐπὶ γ π. ί multiply by 3 and divide by 10, PLond.5.1718.2 (vi A. D.).
    5 Geom., parallel to.., Democr.155, Arist. Top. 158b31, Archim.Sph. Cyl.1.12, al.
    6 metaph. in Gramm., like, as a parody of.., π. τὸ Σοφόκλειον, π. τὰ ἐν Τεύκρῳ Σοφοκλέους, Sch.Ar.Av. 1240, Nu. 584.
    b Gramm., of words which differ as compared with other words, π. τὸ τοῦ ἔρωτος ὄνομα σμικρὸν παρηγμένον ἐστίν.. [τὸ ἥρως] Pl.Cra. 398d, cf. 399a, Lg. 654a: hence, derived from.., π. τὸ ἔδαφος, δάπεδον, A.D. Pron.31.16; π. τὸ δρῶ δρᾶμα Sch.A.R.2.624;

    σύγκειται [τὸ αὐθέντης] π. τὸ εἷναι.. καὶ π. τὸ αὐτός Phryn.PSp.24

    7 generally, of Comparison, alongside of, compared with, usu. implying superiority,

    δοκέοντες π. ταῦτα οὐδ' ἂν τοὺς σοφωτάτους ἀνθρώπων Αἰγυπτίους οὐδὲν ἐπεξευρεῖν Hdt.2.160

    , cf. 7.20, 103;

    ἡλίου ἐκλείψεις αἳ πυκνότεραι π. τὰ ἐκ τοῦ πρὶν χρόνου μνημονευόμενα ξυνέβησαν Th.1.23

    , cf. 4.6;

    τῶν ἁπάντων ἀπερίοπτοί εἰσι π. τὸ νικᾶν Id.1.41


    π. τὰ ἄλλα ζῷα ὥσπερ θεοὶ ἄνθρωποι βιοτεύουσι X.Mem.1.4.14


    φαίνεται π. τὸ ἀλγεινὸν ἡδὺ καὶ π. τὸ ἡδὺ ἀλγεινὸν ἡ ἡσυχία Pl.R. 584a

    , cf. Phdr. 236d, La. 183c, al.;

    εὐδαίμων μᾶλλον π. πάντας BCH26.332

    ([place name] Halae);

    προετέρει π. πάντας PSI 4.422.34

    (iii B. C.): sts. implying inferiority or defect, ἠλάττωσας αὐτὸν βραχύ τι παρ' ἀγγέλους a little lower than the angels, LXX Ps. 8.6; μιᾷ ἡμέρᾳ ὑστεροῦσι π. τὸν ἥλιον lag one day behind the sun, Gem.8.19; so perh. παρ' αὐτόν, ὑπὲρ αὐτόν (has passed the ball?) short of him, beyond him, Antiph.234; μέγα τοι ἡμέρα παρ' ἡμέραν γιγνομένη γνώμην ἐξ ὀργῆς μεταστῆσαι one day compared with another is important.., a day's delay makes a difference, Antipho 5.72; τί γὰρ παρ' ἦμαρ ἡμέρα τέρπειν ἔχει προσθεῖσα κἀναθεῖσα τοῦ γε κατθανεῖν; what joy has one day compared with another to offer, since it only brings us nearer to, or farther from, death (which is neither good nor evil)? S.Aj. 475; ὃς μὲν κρίνει (prefers) ἡμέραν παρ' ἡμέραν, ὃς δὲ κρίνει (approves)

    πᾶσαν ἡμέραν Ep.Rom.14.5

    8 with Verbs of estimating, to set at so and so much, hence π. = equivalent to.., ταρβῶ μὴ.. θῆται παρ' οὐδὲν τὰς ἐμὰς ἐπιστολάς set at nought, E.IT 732, cf. A. Ag. 229 (lyr.);

    παρ' οὐδὲν ἄγειν S.Ant.35

    ; π. μικρὸν ἡγεῖσθαι or ποιεῖσθαί τι hold of small account, Isoc.5.79, D.61.51;

    παρ' ὀλίγον ποιεῖσθαί τινα X.An.6.6.11

    ; so with εἶναι, etc., παρ' οὐδέν ἐστι are as nothing, S.OT 983, cf. Ant. 466;

    παρ' οὐδὲν αὐταῖς ἦν ἂν ὀλλύναι πόσεις E.Or. 569


    οὐ π. μέγα ἔσεσθαι τὸ πταῖσμα Arr.An.1.18.6

    ; so perh. π. σμικρὰ κεχώρηκε have turned out of little account, have amounted to little, Hdt.1.120.
    b in Accountancy, without a verb, π. τὴν καταλλαγήν on account of κ., PHib.1.100.4 (iii B. C.).
    9 of correspondence, ὀφείλειν στατῆρα π. στατῆρα stater for stater (one to each of two creditors), BCH50.214 (Thasos, v B. C.);

    πληγὴν π. πληγὴν ἑκάτερον Ar.Ra. 643

    ; συνεῖναι ἑκατέρῳ ἡμέραν παρ' ἡμέραν stayed day for day with each, D.59.46; hence of alternation, ποιεῖσθαι ἁγνείας καὶ θυσίας δύο π. δύο, of four priests acting two and two alternately, BGU1198.12 (i B. C.); τοῦ καθημερινοῦ ἢ μίαν π. μίαν (sc. ἡμέραν) [πυρετοῦ] quotidian or tertian fever, ib.956.3 (iii A. D.): sts. without doubling of the Noun, παρ' ἡμέρην, opp. καθ' ἡμέρην, tertian, opp. quotidian, Hp.Aph.1.12; καθ' ἡμέραν, παρ' ἡμέραν, π. δύο, π. τρεῖς every day, every second day, every third (fourth) day, Arr.Epict.2.18.13; π. μίαν every second day, Plb.3.110.4; παρ' ἐνιαυτόν every second year, Plu.Cleom.15; παρ' ἔτος year and year about, Arist.GA 757a7; every second year, Paus.8.15.2; π. μέρος by turns (v. μέρος II. 2);

    ὁ ἀνὰ μέρος παρ' ἓξ μῆνας ὑπὲρ γῆν τε καὶ ὑπὸ γῆν γινόμενος Ἄδωνις Corn. ND28

    ; π. μῆνα τρίτον every third month, Arist.HA 582b4, cf. Plu.2.942e; but π. τρία [ἔτεα] prob. every fourth year, IG5(2).422 ([place name] Phigalea), cf. Arr.Epict. l.c.; ἕνα παρ' ἕνα παραλειπτέον every second one, Nicom.Ar.1.18; ἕνα π. δύο ([etym.] τρεῖς) every third (fourth) one, ibid.; παρὰ δ' ἄλλαν ἄλλα μοῖρα διώκει now one now another, E.Heracl. 611.
    10 precisely at the moment of, παρ' αὐτὰ τἀδικήματα flagrante delicto, D.18.13, 21.26;

    ἀποδώσω π. τὸν εὔθυνον τὸ καθῆκον IG12.188.31

    ; π. τοιοῦτον καιρόν, π. τὰς χρείας, D.20.41,46; π. τὰ δεινά in the midst of danger, Plu.Ant.63;

    π. τὴν πρώτην γένεσιν Jul.Or.1.10b

    ; π. τὴν πρώτην (sc. ἐπίθεσιν) at the first attack, Hld.9.2;

    π. γε τὴν πρώτην ὁρμήν Ael.NA14.10

    b distributively, whether of Time, π. τὰ ἑβδομήκοντα ἔτεα in each complete period of seventy years, Hdt.1.32;

    ἐν ταῖς ὁδοιπορίαις π. στάδια διακόσια.. τοῖς ἑκατὸν σταδίοις διήνεγκαν ἀλλήλων X.Oec.20.18

    ; πὰρ Ϝέτος each year, every year, Tab.Heracl. 1.101;

    π. τὸν ἐνιαυτὸν ἕκαστον IG12(7).5.14

    ([place name] Amorgos); παρ' ἆμάρ τε καὶ νύκτα day and night, B.Fr.7; or more generally, πὰρ τὰν ἐλαίαν in respect of each olive plant, Tab.Heracl.1.122; παρ' ἡμέραν αἱ ἀμίαι πολὺ ἐπιδήλως αὐξάνονται from day to day, per day, Arist.HA 571a21;

    τὸ παρ' ἑκάστην βάσιν γινόμενον μικρὸν πολὺ γίνεται π. πολλάς Id.Pr. 881b26


    ἡ παρ' ἡμέραν χάρις D.8.70


    τὸ παρ' ἑκάστην ἡμέραν ἡδύ Pl. Lg. 705a

    c παρ' ἆμαρ on (this) day, to-day, τὸ μὲν πὰρ ἆμαρ, τὸ δέ .. to-day and to-morrow, Pi.P.11.63; but παρ' ἦμαρ to-morrow, S. OC 1455 (lyr.).
    d throughout a period of time,

    π. τὴν ζόην Hdt. 7.46


    π. τὸν βίον ἅπαντα Pl.Lg. 733a


    π. πάντα τὸν χρόνον D.18.10

    ; also more loosely, during, π. τὴν πόσιν while they were drinking, Hdt.2.121.

    δ; π. τὸν πότον Aeschin.2.156


    π. τὴν κύλικα Plu.Ant.24

    ; π. δεῖπνον or π. τὸ δεῖπνον, Id.2.737a,674f.
    II along,

    ὄνος παρ' ἄρουραν ἰών Il.11.558


    βῆ δὲ θέειν π. τεῖχος 12.352


    π. ῥόον Ὠκεανοῖο ᾔομεν Od. 11.21


    ἔπλεον π. τὴν ἤπειρον Hdt.7.193


    π. πᾶσαν τὴν ὁδόν Isoc.4.148

    ; ὀρθὴν παρ' οἶμον.. τύμβον κατόψει straight along the road, E.Alc. 835;

    παρ' ὅλην τὴν φάραγγα Plb.10.30.3

    ; παρ' αὐτὴν τὴν χαράδραν παραπορευομένων ib.9; for παραβάλλειν π., v. supr. c. 1.4b.
    2 strictly according to, without deviating from,

    εἶμι π. στάθμην ὀρθὴν ὁδόν Thgn. 945

    , cf. S.Fr.474.5; ὠμοί τε δούλοις πάντα καὶ π. στάθμην, i.e. too strict, A.Ag. 1045; π. τὸν λόγον ὃν ἀποφέρουσιν.. ἐπιδείξω I will prove to you strictly according to the accounts which they themselves submit, D.27.34.
    III past, beyond,

    παρὰ σκοπιὴν καὶ ἐρινεὸν ἠνεμόεντα.. ἐσσεύοντο Il.22.145

    , cf. Od.3.172, 24.12;

    βῆ δὲ π. Κρουνούς h.Ap. 425

    ; π. τὴν Βαβυλῶνα παριέναι pass by Babylon, X.Cyr.5.2.29; παρ' αὐτὴν τὴν χύτραν ἄκραν ὁρῶντες looking over the edge of.., Ar.Av. 390.
    2 metaph., over and above, in addition to,

    οὐκ ἔστι π. ταῦτ' ἄλλα Id.Nu. 698


    π. ταῦτα πάντα ἕτερόν τι Pl.Phd. 74a

    , cf.R. 337d, D.18.139, X.HG 1.5.5; ἑκὼν ἐπόνει π. τοὺς ἄλλους more than the others, Id.Ages.5.3, cf. Mem.4.4.1, Oec.20.16;

    ἃ τῷ ῥαψῳδῷ προσήκει καὶ σκοπεῖσθαι καὶ διακρίνειν π. τοὺς ἄλλους ἀνθρώπους Pl. Ion 539e

    3 metaph., in excess over, πὰρ δύναμιν beyond one's strength, Il.13.787, cf. Th.1.70, Hyp.Lyc.16, Arist.Rh.Al. 1423b29;

    π. τὴν δ. Id.Po. 1451b38

    4 metaph., in transgression or violation of,

    π. μοῖραν Od.14.509


    π. μοῖραν Δίος Alc.Supp. 14.10

    ; παρ' αἶσαν, παρὰ δίκαν, Pi.P.8.13, O.2.16, etc.;

    π. τὸ δίκαιον Th.5.90

    , etc.; π. τὰς σπονδάς, τὸν νόμον, Id.1.67, X.HG1.7.14;

    π. φύσιν Th.6.17

    , cf. Pl.Lg. 747b; π. τὴν στήλην prob. in IG12.45.20; π. καιρόν out of season, Pi.O.8.24, etc.; π. γνώμαν ib.12.10, cf. A.Supp. 454; π. δόξαν, π. τὸ δοκοῦν ἡμῖν, π. λόγον, Th.3.93, 1.84, Plb.2.38.5; παρ' ἐλπίδα or ἐλπίδας, A.Ag. 899, S.Ant. 392, etc.; πὰρ μέλος out of tune, Pi.N.7.69;

    π. τὴν ἀξίαν Th.7.77

    , etc.; π. τὸ εἰωθός, τὸ καθεστηκός, Id.4.17, 1.98.
    5 π. τοσοῦτον ἦλθε κινδύνου, = παρῆλθε τοσοῦτον κινδύνου, passed over so much ground within the sphere of danger, i.e. incurred such imminent peril, Id.3.49, cf. 7.2; in such phrases the tmesis was forgotten, and the acc. came to be governed by παρά, which thus came to mean 'by such and such a margin', ' with so much to spare', ἐνίκησαν π. πολύ, ἡσσηθέντες π. πολύ, Id.1.29, 2.89, cf. Pl. Ap. 36a; παρὰ δ' ὀλίγον ἀπέφυγες only just, E.IT 870 (lyr.);

    παρ' ὀλίγον ἢ διέφευγον ἢ ἀπώλλυντο Th.7.71

    ; δεινότατον π. πολύ by far, Ar.Pl. 445; παρ' ὅσον quatenus, Luc.Nec.17, etc.; π. δύο ψήφους ἀπέφυγε by two votes, Hyp.Eux.28, cf. D.23.205;

    π. τέτταρας ψήφους μετέσχε τῆς πόλεως Is.3.37

    ; π. τοσοῦτον ἐγένετο αὐτῷ μὴ περιπεσεῖν by so much (= little) he missed falling in with.., Th.8.33; π. πέντε ναῦς πλέον ἀνδρὶ ἑκάστῳ ἢ τρεῖς ὀβολοὶ ὡμολογήθησαν ib.29; οὐ π. μικρὸν ἐποίησαν they made no little difference, Isoc.4.59.
    b in phrases like π. τοσοῦτον ἦλθε κινδύνου, τοσοῦτον was sts. understood of the interval from danger, etc., and παρά came to mean 'by so much short of' (

    τὸ π. μικρὸν ὥσπερ οὐδὲν ἀπέχειν δοκεῖ Arist.Ph. 197a29

    ), within such and such a distance of, so near to, τὴν Ἠϊόνα π. νύκτα ἐγένετο (sc. αὐτῷ) λαβεῖν he was within one night of taking E., Th.4.106; π. μικρὸν ἦλθον ἀποθανεῖν I came within a little of.., Isoc. 19.22, cf. Plb.1.43.7, Plu. Caes. 39; παρ' ἐλάχιστον ἦλθε.. ἀφελέσθαι was within an ace of taking away, Th.8.76; παρ' οὐδὲν μὲν ἦλθον ἀποκτεῖναι (were within a mere nothing, within an ace of killing him),

    ἐξεκήρυξαν δ' ἐκ πόλεως Aeschin. 3.258

    , cf. Plu.Pyrrh. 14, Alex.62; π. τοσοῦτον ἦλθε διαφυγεῖν so near he came to escaping, Luc.Cat.4;

    παρὰ ἓν πάλαισμα ἔδραμε νικᾶν Ὀλυμπιάδα Hdt.9.33


    παρ' οὐδὲν ἐλθόντες τοῦ ἀποβαλεῖν Plb.1.45.14

    , cf. 2.55.4, D.S.17.42: hence without ἐγένετο or ἐλθεῖν, π. μίαν μονάδα (less) by one, i.e. less one, Nicom.Ar.1.8; τεσσαράκοντα π. μίαν, = 39, 2 Ep.Cor.11.24; παρ' ἕνα τοσοῦτοι the same number less one, Plu. Publ.9; σύ μοι παρ' ἕνα ἥκεις ἄγων you have brought me one too few, Luc.Cat.4;

    δύναται π. δύο συλλαβὰς εἶναι τὸ καταληκτόν Heph.4.2

    ; τὰ ὁλοκόττινα ηὑρέθησαν π. ἑπτὰ κεράτια seven carats short, PMasp.70.2 (vi A. D.); πάντες παρ' ἕνα, πάντες παρ' ὀλίγους, all save one (a few), Plu.Cat.Mi.20, Ant.5;

    ἔτη δύο π. ἡμέρας δύο IG5(1).801

    ([place name] Laconia); of one Μάρκος, θηρίον εἶ π. γράμμα you are a bear ([etym.] ἄρκος) all but a letter, AP11.231 (Ammian.); ὡς π. τι καὶ τὰς ὄψεις ἀφανίσαι so that he all but (lit. less something) lost his sight, Vett.Val.228.6; π. τι βυθίζεσθαι v.l. in Ev.Luc.5.7; τὸ π. τοῦτο the figure less that, i.e. the remainder or difference, PTeb.99.10 (ii B. C.), cf. POxy.264.4 (i A. D.), PAmh.2.148.5 (v A. D.); hence of any difference whether of excess or defect, οὐδὲν π. τοῦτο ποιούμενοι τοὺς.. Λευκανούς τε καὶ τοὺς.. Σαυνίτας making no difference between.., Str.6.1.3, cf. 14.5.11, Plu.2.24c.
    6 hence of the margin by which anything increases or decreases, and so of the cause according to which anything comes into existence or varies,

    τὸ εὖ π. μικρὸν διὰ πολλῶν ἀριθμῶν γίνεται Polyclit.2

    (cf. μικρός III. 5 c); διαφέρει π. τὰς τῶν παθημάτων ἐναντιώσεις according to.., Arist.HA 486b5;

    μεταπίπτει π. τὰ κλίματα Gem. 5.29

    , cf. 11.5, al.; π. τὰ πράγματα cj. in Apollod.Car.11.
    7 more generally of the margin by which an event occurs, i.e. of the necessary and sufficient cause or motive (

    τὸ μὴ π. τοῦτο γίνεσθαι τότε λέγομεν, ὅταν ἀναιρεθέντος τούτου μηδὲν ἧττον περαίνηται ὁ συλλογισμός Arist.APr. 65b6

    , cf. 48a24, al.), κεινὰν π. δίαιταν just for the sake of unsatisfying food, Pi.O.2.65; ἕκαστος οὐ π. τὴν ἑαυτοῦ ἀμέλειαν οἴεται βλάψειν each thinks that his own negligence will not suffice to cause injury, Th.1.141, cf. Isoc.3.48; π. τὴν αὑτοῦ ἁμαρτίαν all through his own fault, Antipho 3.4.5, cf. Isoc.6.52, D.4.11, 18.232; πολλὰ.. ἐστιν αἴτια τούτων, καὶ οὐ παρ' ἓν οὐδὲ δύ' εἰς τοῦτο τὰ πράγματ' ἀφῖκται not from one or two causes only, Id.9.2; οὐ π. τοῦτο οὐκ ἔστι it does not follow that it is not.., 1 Ep.Cor.12.15; π. τὸ τὴν ἀρίθμησιν ποιήσασθαι ἐξ ἑτοίμου τοὺς ἐργώνας οὐκ ὀλίγα χρήματα περιεποίησε τῇ πόλει by the simple fact of prompt payment, IPE12.32B35 (Olbia, iii B. C.);

    οὐδὲν ἂν παρ' ἕνα ἄνθρωπον ἐγένετο τούτων Lycurg.63

    , cf. Plb.3.103.2, 18.28.6, al.; οὐδεὶς παρ' ἑαυτόν ἐστι βασιλεύς thanks to himself alone, Aristeas 224;

    παρ' αὑτὸν ἀτυχεῖ Arr.Epict.3.24.2

    , cf. Phld.Rh.2.16 S.;

    παρ' ἡμᾶς ἡ τῶν ἀγαθῶν ἀπόστασις Hierocl. in CA25p.477M.

    ; εἶναι π. τοῦτο σωτηρίαν τε πόλει καὶ τοὐναντίον, i.e. on this depends.., Pl.Lg. 715d, cf. X.Eq.Mag.1.5, D.C.Fr.36.5;

    π. μίαν ἡμέραν καὶ ἓν πρᾶγμα καὶ ἀπόλλυται προκοπὴ καὶ σῴζεται Epict.Ench.51.2

    ; π. τὸ Ἕλληνά με εἶναι just because I am a Greek, UPZ7.13 (ii B. C.);

    π. τὸ ἀγαπᾶν αὐτὸν αὐτήν LXX Ge.29.20

    , cf. Ex.14.11; later more loosely, because of.., Phld.Rh.1.158 S., Gem.6.24, etc.; οὐδὲν π. σὲ γέγονε it is no fault of yours, PRyl.243.6 (ii A. D.), cf. POxy.1420.7 (ii A. D.).
    8 of a limit of possibility,

    εἴπερ ἐνεδέχετο π. τοὺς παρόντας καιρούς D.18.239

    ; πεῖσαι τό γε παρ' αὑτόν to persuade (the judges) so far as in you lies, Arr.Epict.2.2.20; οἴμωζε παρ' ἐμέ as far as I am concerned, for all I care, Ar.Av. 846.
    D POSITION: παρά may follow its Subst. in all three cases, but then becomes by anastrophe πάρα: when the ult. is elided, the practice varies,

    τῇσι παρ' Il.18.400

    ; but Ἡφαίστοιο πάρ' ib. 191.
    E παρά abs., as ADV., near, together, Il.1.611, al., E.IA 201 (lyr.).
    F πάρα (with anastrophe) stands for πάρεστι and πάρεισι, Il.1.174, Hes.Op. 454, A.Pers. 167, Hdt.1.42, al., S.El. 285, Ar.Ach. 862, etc.
    I alongside of, beside, of rest, παράκειμαι, παράλληλοι, παρέζομαι, πάρειμι (εἰμί), παρίστημι; of motion, παραπλέω, πάρειμι ([etym.] εἶμι).
    II to the side of, to, παραδίδωμι, παρέχω.
    III to one side of, by, past, παρέρχομαι, παροίχομαι, παραπέμπω, παρακμάζω, παρατρέχω.
    IV metaph.,
    1 aside or beyond, i.e. amiss, wrong, παραβαίνω, παράγω, παροράω, παρορκέω, παρακούω, παραγιγνώσκω.
    2 of comparison, as in παραβάλλω, παρατίθημι.
    3 of alteration or change, as in παραλλάσσω, παραπείθω, παραπλάσσω, παρατεκταίνω, παραυδάω, παράφημι.
    4 of a side-issue, παραπόλλυμι. (Cogn. with Goth. faúr 'along', Lat. por-.)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > παρά

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  • motion picture, history of the — Introduction       history of the medium from the 19th century to the present. Early years, 1830–1910 Origins       The illusion of motion pictures is based on the optical phenomena known as persistence of vision and the phi phenomenon. The first …   Universalium

  • Time dilation — This article is about a concept in physics. For the concept in sociology, see time displacement. In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an observed difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving… …   Wikipedia

  • Lost in Space (film) — Infobox Film name = Lost in Space image size = caption = Lost in Space Movie Poster director = Stephen Hopkins producer = Mark W. Koch Stephen Hopkins Akiva Goldsman Carla Fry writer = Akiva Goldsman narrator = starring = William Hurt Mimi Rogers …   Wikipedia

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